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So, last week, or I guess technically the week before last week now since it's Sunday, ended up being even worse for me as far as my sanity went since things just got even worse, but now things have calmed down in real life. Just struggling with getting my motivation back in check.

Speaking of which, there hasn't been EDO for the last two weeks because, at this point, the story is only going to have like two more chapters. We're basically at the end. I could force myself to just pump out a couple of meh chapters just to get it over with, but I want to try and make sure they're actually good, you know? It's the end of the series. I want to make sure the last two chapters are good. So, I haven't been forcing myself to write EDO until I'm confident in how I want the last two chapters to go. Or really, I know how I want the very last one to go, it's just the in-between that I'm not so sure about. I figure there'll be one chapter that sort of wraps up all the stuff in-game, which'll be the next one, and then the chapter afterward would focus on real life. So yeah. I'll see if I can get the next chapter done this upcoming week since I don't want to keep everybody waiting for too long.

Aside from that, not much else to report. Made chicken soup today. Was good.

Here's memes 'nd things:




Weekly Worksheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IgRtTRzlCEPlgDR4VHR6LDE4JkG_0qgA/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=110960644416608383305&rtpof=true&sd=true

Counting the last two weeks, since I failed to do a weekly update last week: 43 hours, 21,284 words. A good amount of those hours were spent editing since I'm finally getting myself to work on that some more.

The True Endgame

A Saya chapter and then a Cassiel chapter. I think the only harem member who really needs a chapter dedicated to her for the first time in a while now is Azalabulia. Eva got a decent amount of attention this volume, I think, so now it's really Aza who needs the attention. She'll definitely be getting some next volume.

Lazy Dragon Queen

It was brought up to me that the non-waifufied future-waifu animals hadn't gotten much attention at all lately, so I wanted to give them some attention this week, hence the tea party. Next chapter is beach vacation time with Drake doing his best to give all the girls fanservice. It'll be like that time they all competed against each other in a fanservice competition, but now it'll be Drake giving them all fanservice instead. That should be fun to write.

In Closing

That's all for now. Don't have much else to say that I didn't already say up above. Still trying to figure out a name for the totally-not-Terraria LitRPG. Honestly, the name is the number one issue right now. I have no fucking idea what to name it. Not even a tiny little idea for a name. The cover should be done soonish, too, so I really need to figure a name out.

But anyways, thank you for your continued support, thanks to the new patrons who have joined up lately, and I hope that you continue looking forward to reading more of my stories! I haven't exactly been the most reliable lately when it comes to getting chapters out in a timely manner, but I'll do my best to get better about it now that stuff in real life is calming down and I'm feeling better.

Thanks once again!


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