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I toooootally forgot to post this, sorry guys! I was sitting here wondering why no one had interacted with this, like do they not care abt my uni work 😳😳😳 and then I checked my drafts 😅.

ANYWAYS, this Semester was uh....something... I focused a lot on too much conceptual work and not enough finished work. Anyways, here are the presentable sketches I did. 

The first one was for a magazine cover about Black Hair. I interviewed a Hairstylist friend of mine and we were gonna use her clientle for surveying. I basically would have mocked up a whole issue of a magazine about protective and cultural hairstyles.... But I didn't fully complete it. 

The second two pieces are about a concept design class!! We were taught about the world of concept art and how fast paced everything is and how so much work gets generated and barely used. It was really eye opening for me. At first I was like yeah concept art!! And then i realised how much work I do and it might not even get used! And then I was like I shouldn't focus too hard on that because, all art takes a while to hit the jackpot. Like that cover I sketched out? Took ages to get it right. 

But yeah, the brief for this character was a Wizard in 1926 New York with a magical brief case. Yes if you're familiar with HP it is the fantastic beasts brief 🤢🤕.... The tutor at the time didn't tell us this because she didn't want us searching up the final design. I didn't anyways, I have no interest in that series. The woman behind it is a demon ! 

But N E WAYS! If not for the subject matter I really enjoyed drawing the character ! As a starting point she made us do silhouettes which I hated btw like look at them 😭 

I literally saw no value in them. But I did use the opprotunity to flesh out the personality of the character through body language and decide on which position to put him in for the character sheet. But now looking back I could've been waaaay more diverse with the silhouettes especially with the body type. I was already influenced with the clothes because I did a teeny bit of research already: 

I didn't do a turnaround but I wish I did, I just didn't get the chance. But yeah I liked the character I drew. Theres 2 versions, one in the 20s and a mixture between 20s and 30s. In my portfolio I said I mixed the two decades to make the wizard stand out - his clothes were ahead of the times - he was ~~~ mysterious ~~~ but in reality I just misrembered 1926 as 1936 💀💀💀

It made me realise how much I actually love doing character sheets, I'm gonna aim and do some rendered ones this year - I don't want the one I did of Luna to go to waste tbh !! I hope that was interesting for yall 😭 !!



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