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Hello!  I've got the textless version of this page ready for you to see.  Seeing as this is Thursday night I don't think I can get anything meaningful for a Friday update tomorrow, so this is gonna have to be the update for this week.  As far as things to share go, I feel like this one is pretty good, though, so I hope that's alright this time.

I'm really happy with how the atmospheric lighting on this page came out.  I feel like I managed to capture the depth of the scene and the absence of electrical lighting well, using the distribution of multiple candles as a series of light sources illuminating everyone present around the table.  At times I ask myself why I committed to making such a high-effort comic, and I think about how much easier things would be if I'd just shade it in a normal manner, in regular tones, but I think pages like this remind me of why I put the effort in- because I think the atmosphere is important and it wouldn't be the same without it.  Maybe I'm wrong?  I don't know, but I'm too close to the finish line to stop trying now.  

I almost don't want to cover up this nice artwork with text, but I must, so I'm gonna get to doing that now.  I'm glad to share these textless pages with you, since it offers a unique look at the pages without all the words on it, on just the artwork itself, and I think that's neat.  Thanks for checking in on this weird liminal leap day, I'll be back with more work to share next Friday.  Until then, have a nice weekend!



Emanuele Barone

Yes, the atmosphere is really effectively rendered, glad to have the opportunity to see the textless version along with the published one.

Alex Krastel

Pat doesn't know that taking unconditional ownership of the consequences of your actions is truly heroic we do though