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We're nearing the end of the year and I'm happy to say, I'll definitely be able to have this next page done before loafing around all night posting "Happy New Year" across a dozen different discord communities, as is my tradition.  You will almost certainly see another one of these posts from me tomorrow with the textless version of the page.  It wasn't planned this way on purpose but it's been nice to have a visually lightweight page to paint land on this month, the restive end-of-the-year month that it is.  I don't feel crunched to pieces, I can get this done tomorrow and I have a day to spare to just enjoy the new year.  Thanks for being patient with me on it.

I'm gonna keep this update short since I'm just coming back here again tomorrow, but for the past few updates on here I'd been alluding to Another Project we've been working on this month, and I'm gonna share it with you as a little sneak peek.  I'm gonna broadcast about it once this new comic page goes up, but here it is:  My gamedev partner Juno and I have been putting together a hub site for our various projects, to collect them all in one place, and you can have a look at it over at https://luckyraven.cc/.  We built it to highlight our three main projects, and list some older stuff of interest at the bottom that you might not know we've worked on.  It has a mobile format, but on phones if you flip sideways and switch to Landscape mode you can see the main site in desktop mode, with the full-paragraph project writeups below the elevator pitches.  This is also a place for us to showcase projects like the Dead Winter arcade game we've been working on for a long time, to take a step closer to presenting it in a real way.  And also, as a fun added utility, you can check Lucky Raven to see when all of our projects have recently updated.  Isn't that cool!

As for the current comic page:  the only remaining difficulty spike is probably painting in the first panel background, which I'll be doing tonight.  I don't think I've drawn the room interior from this angle in a little while so I'll need to archive dive and see what kind of decorations I put up on the wall over there.  It is based on an old room I had in a previous apartment, with the closet shape on the right there, but other than that it's one interior shot and then a bunch of brick wall, snow and extreme lighting.  A gentle way to close out the year.  

I'm gonna get back to grinding.  Thanks again for joining me on this journey throughout 2023, the year to come has a lot waiting for us, a lot we've been building towards for a long time, so I hope to share it with you in the months to come.  I'll check in once more before the year is out, we'll save our year-end well-wishing for then.



Juan Chanco

“I’m only using it for the light, but don’t tempt me.”