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As the year draws to a close I'm really looking forward to pausing for a bit and just taking a breather, preparing for the start of the new year.  We have a lot of stuff in the pipe for 2024, a lot of "things we've been working on for a very long time that we can finally put in people's hands" kind of stuff- if you're a long-time supporter of this account I sincerely thank you for your kind and patient patronage.  For this weekend coming up, my goal is to rest.  I think we've all earned as much.

I spent most of this week cleaning up some tasks, preparing art assets for my gamedev responsibilities and making sure everyone has everything they need to jump on a new task on the new year.  There's a lot I wish I could share but I can't for non-disclosure reasons, but a bunch of this week's tasks fall into that category, into making sure the pieces are in place to move forward next year.  For myself, for the comic, I decided to just set up the fun part and let myself get to that in the liminal week between Christmas and New Years.  

To prep for the last week of the year I inked and flat-toned the page, so once Christmas has passed I can go through and paint it proper and then put it up before the new year.  I mostly kept to the original pencils, but I decided to zoom in and Dutch Angle the first panel to make it look a bit nicer.  

I'll use this trick often in my comics, rotating a shot to fit the line of Stuff on a diagonal so I can get more of what I want to show in a more efficiently small space.  Lizzie's arm sticking out to pull her shirt on needs to fit somewhere so I can put her hand up in one corner and Alice down in the other and the shot fills more of a smaller rectangle compared to if I leveled the camera out, where it'd need a wider panel to make everything fit, or I'd have to make it smaller to fit in the narrower space.  It's like how they measure TVs by the diagonal line from one corner to another, I will look to that measurement to see if something I want to draw will actually fit in the space.  If it's too wide, just pivot the camera a bit and take advantage of the longer hypotenuse between the sandwich slices of the panel.  Easy peasy.  

I'm hedging my bets that I can knock this out next week.  None of the backgrounds are particularly challenging and there's only about one character per panel so I expect it should be easy to just roll through in the last week of the year.  I do kind of really want to rest this weekend, to just do nothing for a little bit, so I'm gonna do that.  Before I get to that, though, I do have a gamedev report to share with you here, so I'll type that up quick and then it'll be a restful weekend for me.  I wish you a happy holiday of your own, and I'll see you again at the end of the year.



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