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I'd planned to have the textless version of this page up before today, but today hit and I didn't think it made sense to post an in-progress and then the final textless at the same time, so I just waited a bit to combine both posts into one.  There shouldn't be too much dialogue to put on this one so it'll be on the site shortly after this post goes up.

I had some fun with this page.  It ended up being sort of a slow crawl on the updates from the thumbnail to this finished composition, and I kept thinking "I'll get this one done quickly", but c'est la vie.  I don't know if there are any other opportunities for a "wake Lizzie up from a sound sleep" bit between now and the end of the comic, so this might be the last one of those, but I think it's a pretty good one to end the running joke on.  She's always rudely or abruptly woken up, this time she gets to wake up a little more pleasantly.  I think it's cute enough to give it its own page, but that's probably a wrap on that gag.

The next page is gonna be fun, it's something I'd been planning since, uhh, June 22nd 2021, whatever that date means.  With this page wrapped I can get back on more exciting gamedev tasks- we're planning to have something substantial to share, finally, in 2024.  It's been a lot of work over a long time on that project, I'll be real happy to finally be able to share a piece of it with people.  That's a lot of forward-looking, though, right now I gotta letter this page and get it online.  Thanks for sticking with me!  I've got a full week ahead of me after this update so I should have a lot to share next Friday. Until then, take it easy.



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