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I've had a productive few weeks wrapping up my gamedev tasks in bringing Alice to color parity with Lizzie, but now it's time to get back on the comic horse and ride into the sunset of this month cycle.  I don't have quite enough new stuff to share about Alice's sprites that I didn't show off last week, but here's the capstone little cheer animation for you:

Look at her go!  She's ready to game.

On the comic side of things, Alice is again the central focus of this week's work.  When we left off, Pat had just committed to a big decision and his stress levels had spiked through the roof, and after a page of fretting and scrambling he exited, stage right.  For completely unrelated reasons, the next page opens with an establishing shot of Lizzie, Alice and Stacy's place, a squirrelly little spiral of footprints in the snow in front of it.  The following panel pivots to a shot of the back of the building, looking into Lizzie and Alice's window, from a low-angle perspective, as if the camera were looking up at it.  

Sleep has been a recurring point in the comic, punctuating days, marking points of character growth and generally being landmarks in the road of the story.  This might be the last one in the comic itself, but it's also a bit of a callback to the first sleep cycle scene in Chantelle's apartment.  Two of the recurring themes of those scenes are: a) something innocuous comes knocking, but Alice is nervous about confronting it herself, so she looks to Lizzie to confront it for her, and b) Lizzie has been abruptly and rudely awoken almost every time she's fallen asleep.  This page is a setup for a), implying a rollover into b), which I'll get to draw in the next page, but the whole thing is sort of meant to tie a whole bunch of threads together from different parts of the comic.  Something's tapping at the glass of their second-floor apartment and Alice needs Lizzie to go investigate what that is.  

That's it for tonight!  I'll be focusing on wrapping this comic up in time for Halloween, so I'll have more to post about it next week.  Gamedev stuff will be secondary until the new page goes up.  Thanks for checking in!  I'll be back here again on Friday, so until then, take it easy out there.



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