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Hello!  So I got the next page finished about when I expected to, so I'm gonna post it quick and get back to it, as usual.  This page marks the end of The Rooftop Scene, so next page I can get moving on the next big bend in the road, but I'll wait until those pencils go up to reveal what that is.  For now, though, a quick paragraph on this finished piece.

There's a few effects I wanted to hit which I think came out pretty alright.  In the second row of panels I wanted to capture that uneasy stomach feeling spike up on you, which I represented by using the horizontal lines of the background details to capture the wave effect around Pat.  The Leungs aren't going to be as happy about it when they see what someone did in their vegetable garden, but I'm pleased with the little effect.  The other minor detail I am happy with here is the accumulating snow on top of the Gravekeeper, I tried rendering it slowly accumulating bit by bit through those last horizontal panels to just put a subtle feeling of accumulation on top of them.   Poor Pat!  He finally got what he wanted.

I'm gonna get back to it without much further delay.  This week I want to get the last of Alice's major game animations colored so she can be at parity with Lizzie and I can move on to coloring other things, but I might end up drawing out the next page sooner than usual just because it's the start of a new scene and I'm excited to draw it.  We'll see how the week goes, I've got like... thirteen? Alice animations to color and that comes first.  I'll report back on Friday, but until then, take it easy out there.



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