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Hello!  It's been a holiday week out here and I've had some other obligations to take care of.  This is a bit of a short progress report for what I did get done before traveling, I didn't get comic progress done so I wanted to open this post up to the non-gamedev supporters as well.  Thanks for your patience this week, I'll be back on comic stuff next Friday.

This week I managed to get Monday's first three-hit combo all the way colored.  There's a second three-hit combo followup still to draw but that's just 13 frames and that will mean all the main attack animations for all four player characters will be done, forever!  That's exciting!  I've been on this task for about a hundred animation frames, it's been a slog but I'll be excited to get to work on something else for a bit.

Here's the complete three-hit combo animation.  Now that it's all colored up I can highlight a specific part of the design I was happy with, the twirling.  Since Monday has two pistols I wanted to make sure it was clear in the silhouette which hand was firing the bullet for each attack, and my solution for this was to just make the gun that isn't shooting twirl.  This way, that gun becomes a spinny circle shape and no longer reads as "gun pointing forward", and so the gun you see the best in each pose is the one the projectile comes out of.  It's a pretty small thing but I think it helps with clarity.

Attack Combo #2 is going to be fun to color, since the first two hits fire two shots each, my plan is to paint them with contrasting highlights to help sell each shot as distinct.  I should be able to get at least the first attack for that started for next week but I want to make more progress on the comic page.  Thanks for sticking with us! Until next time, have a good weekend.



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