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Hello!  Last week was a bit of a crunch on work stuff and I didn't have room to make more minis.  I managed to get two-and-a-half done this week, so if I can do three-and-a-half next week then I'll be back up to where I was before, which I think I can manage.  But for now, here's another batch of minis for you to enjoy:

#062: I like to write Tombstone's medical crew as their own little comics, since I think it's a neat little environment.  I generally try to space out themes a little bit so it was about time for another medical adventure.  In writing this one it was honestly a tossup between whether I should use Dr. Parker- the very competent surgeon- or Dr. Pheiffer- the other one.  The joke could take on a different tone if it was the other doctor making the request, but I think the very capable doctor making this very ordinary request hits a bit better.

#063: I'd had this originally written in my notes as Clark replacing Monday with the rest of the group, but I thought it'd be better if it was just Clark and Monday together.  Clark's always written as having a kind of gamerbrain perspective on things, where he'd just assume going outside of Tombstone automatically means getting into fights, but in the bigger picture of developing a community there are other more pressing chores that need to be done that aren't as glamorous.  I also wanted to expand on the idea of there being other Tombstone-like towns in the world, and I'm really proud of the name Knittsburgh as a place whose chief export is blankets and textiles.

That's all for now!  I got one more pencilled that I can ink tonight, and then if I do three more this week that should be a four-page update next week, so let's both shoot for that to happen.  Thank you as always for supporting my work!  Have a great weekend.



Decon Theed

Pendulum does make for good battle music, but *real ones* battle the legions of the damned unrested to the soothing sounds of Missile Chewbacca.

Tom Lee

I like the chainsaw hand nod to evil dead. Best surgical instrument obviously