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Hello again!  This week I happened to hit a hot streak and got the whole comic inked and painted just in time for Friday, so since I can't get anything else drawn by tomorrow afternoon this is going to be my work report for the week as well.  I put off working on minis to put my free time into getting this page out as quick as I can and, I'm pleased to report, I did just that.

The third and fourth panels of this page were the most fun for me to actually paint.  Everything else has been mostly standard fare for how I make comics these days but for those two panels I got to go back and revisit shots I drew a long time ago (pages 106 and 380), but paint them in the modern style I've evolved towards.  This meant cleaner painting, sharper lines, more efficient toning and that glow outline to help the figures pop.  I opted to not add any red details to those shots because "it's a flashback so it's in black & white".

I've been thinking about reaching this page for a long time, and now that I'm here I feel somewhat nervous.  I've done the best I can to do it right, so all that's left is to put the words in and put it up on the site.

Thank you for your kind patience with my work.  I'll have a lot more to share next week, but for now I gotta wrap up this page!  Be well and take care.



Juan Chanco

Monday is best relationship counselor.

Alex Krastel

Lizzie's eyes in the seventh and eighth panels do an absolutely incredible job


Black Monday Blues the Empath. Who d ve thunk. That is the most we ve seen him speak since..... when he worked out his issues with Ding

Chiron Auva

This is the strip that convinced me to pay into patreon, up until this I wasn't QUITE sure I wasn't looking at queerbait... It's sweet to see Liz finally acknowledge the writing on the wall


Welcome, and thank you for the kind support! I've thought about this story beat and how to do right by it so I am happy to hear it's been well-received.