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Hello!  Here is the textless version of this page for you!  My next task after writing this little update is writing in the dialogue and putting it up, and then I'm going to be on the hook for page 600.  I'm not entirely sure how to present the process of creating one of my animated pages on Patreon yet, but I'll figure that out then I get there.  For now, though, I'll post a little bit about this page!

Between the last time we saw some of these bedroom setups and now some of the bed sheets are different.  I originally drew Lizzie and Alice's bed with a vertical stripe top sheet, but I also drew that on Lou's bed so I needed to differentiate everyone.  I figure there's a thrift store in town, that's where everyone got their job interview clothes, so they probably got a nice comforter there at some point.  I also changed a few pillowcases from how I had them drawn on Friday, so in the last panel the specific pillows made sense in the combined group shot rather than being a bunch of weird white lumps behind everyone.

When I make a page I know roughly what I want the dialogue to be from the outset and I set up the camera movement and the character acting first, and I kinda thesaurus the words to convey what I want to convey and figure out the specific writing afterwards.  For this page it's very important that I end it on the right note to segue into page 600, but I honestly haven't concretely defined what that writing is yet, that's what I'm going to do immediately after putting this page up.  I know what the next page is so I know where I want to leave off, but I can't just say it here cuz it might spoil the next page.  It might take me a bit of noodling to get it right so I'm gonna get started on that right now.

Keep an eye out for the new page going up on the site soon.  Thanks for reading!  I'll have something new to share on Friday!



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