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Hello again!  This week I spent a bit of time wrapping up a large commission job, but I've hit the halfway mark on painting this page and getting it ready to post.  Sometimes I worry about taking too long to make pages, but I expect to have this finished by the end of the weekend and that would put me well within having two updates within a month, which is actually a good mark for me. Wrapping this page up will put me on the clock for the big 600th animation too, so I've been both in a hurry to finish and also sort of not in a hurry, because it's going to be stressful the minute I put it up online until 600 is done.

I always like to hear from people in the comments when I put up these updates, and this week is a direct result of that. I'd pointed out how everyone is being blasted awake in the final panel and a reader pointed out that Mr. Cuddles was absent, and I had just a perfect patch of space for him.  Thank you for pointing that out because I would have absolutely missed that opportunity on my own!

One of the little things that helps me speed up my painting has been setting minute details for a later pass, and for this page in particular painting the patterns on the bedsheets is exactly one of those kinds of details I can find myself slogging through and getting stuck on.  In the second panel I put a bit of work into making sure Stacy's stack of blankets looks absolutely humongous.  I might go back and revisit Lou's sheet with another layer underneath because it looks kind of thin, but Stacy is meant to be on another level of blanket burrito.  The topmost layer I'd like to try to sell as a knit wool quilt so I want to get that pattern down just right, so I'm saving that for the detail pass

I'm going to get back to work and get this page wrapped up over the weekend, so you'll hear back from me with more to post soon.  I would like to say real quick that for everything that is going on right now, I am glad to be able to continue providing something entertaining for you to read.  Thank you for sticking with me,   This page is going to be real fun when it's all painted, so I'll see you again when it's ready to go!



Juan Chanco

Stacy looks so happy and cozy you'd almost forgive her for taking the best room. Almost.

Emanuele Barone

Always a pleasure if I can contribute something positive. ^^