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This page marks the beginning of a fun adventure, and this post marks the end of the art half of making it! I've still gotta put in the text so I'll be quick with this post, but I wanted to share the textless art with you before the page goes up.  

I'm really pleased with how this page came out. The lighting came out how I wanted it to.  In particular I'm really happy with the last panel- since Lizzie is standing between two spotlights I have her lit up both from the front and the back, making the shadows sandwiched right between a primary strong light source and a subtler secondary light source behind her. I hit a little bit of this in the bottom left panel, but the last one was just such a fun time to paint.

It's been a while since I've actually drawn zombies in my comic, but there's a scant few out there in the last panel.  I plan to have a couple show up to emphasize the fact that we're outside the safety of the bus wall, and sort of tie back to how this comic started in the first place.  I always try to downplay the zombie thing because I think that's the best way I can tell the story I want to tell, but they're there so it'll be fun to draw them again.  The most fun thing about drawing zombies is the contorted poses you can give them, like breaking a doll made of straw.

I'm going to try to get the text in and the page up real quick, but please enjoy these clean panels before I cover them in word balloons.  Thanks for reading!



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