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Hello again! It's a short work week this week, with the comic updating on Wednesdayish? And I didn't want to do yet another month of "here's my thumbnail phase of the comic" posts, so I thought I'd do something a bit different this time. Also, I have good news to share as of today: Kitsune Tails has a proper release date now! August 1st! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1325260/Kitsune_Tails/ Put us on your wishlist, or try out the demo for Next Fest! I'm excited that this project is finally coming out, it's been such a long road but we're almost there.

I wanted to do some fun art and I have this little bit of time over the weekend before it's back to the grindstone, so I thought I'd do a little illustration for Pride Month. I realized that across three of my main projects- Dead Winter, Titan Garden and Kitsune Tails- I've been drawing a lot of queer ladies, so I thought it'd be fun to make an illustration combining my different projects and highlighting my favorite kind of guy to draw. I've been very busy lately, so it's nice to celebrate what I've put together.

There's so much work to do all the time that I don't often get time for myself to just make fun little art pieces, but when I do I usually like to experiment with process and try to explore new techniques or styles for myself. For this piece I want to try and explore coloring in my lineart with different break-apart colors, and not leave it all one solid dark. I've tried playing around with this myself here and there in the past but I always see other artists use it to great effect but haven't quite mastered it myself, so I'm gonna give it a shot here. For my interior colors I'm trying something simple, I want to emphasize the spotlight and the cast shadow by giving my figures heavy, sorta glossy highlights, and put a dark, saturated rim along the shadow plane. Lizzie and Amy are my two initial test subjects for this process so you can kinda see what I'm going for. I think I'd like to paint the ground as a kind of stone tile, with lots of nice seams and edges, but I'm not sure yet exactly how I want to render it, I'll get there when I get there. I do plan to have a kind of ground texture that would allow me to paint in my favorite kinds of muted reflection shapes, that always adds the right amount of depth.

Anyways, that's where I'm at for now. I've gotta focus on final tasks for Kitsune Tails but I'll try to get a proper comic page ready for next Saturday as well. August 1st, that's the end of the tunnel, and then my workload should be a fair bit lighter. Until then, thanks for checking in! Happy Pride Month, and have a nice week!




Hadn't realized kitsune tails was one your projects too. I had seen it around on co-host or something and already wishlisted it, but it looks cute. Congrats and I'm sorry on the final stretch of development


I'm now realizing what the "I'm sorry" was for!!