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Hellooo, my darlings!! I bring for you a preview of the next audio :D

After a long, tiring weekend, I took the first half of today to rest, and woke up to find I was bitten by the bug of writing inspiration 🤩 so I was able to finish writing the vast majority of this script, outside of the nsfw - which meant posting a preview earlier than anticipated!! WOOO!!

I really hope you guys like this one, I have to say I think I’ve cooked with this so far 😎

Also this script is the first time the MC has a name! Or, well, a last name, at the very least - so that’s fun and different!

Without further ado, enjoy!


*Cynical, sarcastic tone* Well. Welcome to the captain’s private quarters, Madam Villefort. Don’t look so suspicious - I’ve been quite lenient on you during your time here, haven’t I? You’re no longer tied up in the brig, free to move about as you please - while under supervision, of course, but beggars can’t be choosers, now, can they?

*heavier sarcasm* Oh, where are my manners? Do sit down, make yourself at home. *sharp* After all, that’s what you’ve been spending your time doing all over the rest of my ship, hasn’t it? Our little hostage certainly is looking awfully hearty for one in her position. Singing sea shanties with the best of them, laughing uproariously with the crew as though you aren’t highborn… A week and a half aboard and you’ve really wrangled this situation by the balls and turned it around in your favor. Being made to swab the deck and assist in the kitchens not doing much to dampen your high spirits, I see. You realize those were supposed to be punishments for your insufferable smart mouth while you were tied up?

But no. No, in fact, you’d never know that the scared yet defiant girl we snatched out of the Chapelle marketplace, constrained in all her prim and proper silken refinery, would turn into turn into this: a boisterous woman with the sea breeze in her windswept hair, who uncannily adjusts to our life as easily as she adjusts to wearing the loose blouse and worn britches she’s been made to wear.

*pause, tone sharpens again* Oh, I’ve heard all about your little sob story from my first mate. Your supposed disdain for your life drenched in privilege, your lifelong fascination with pirates that has made you feel so free among us. How utterly tragic for you, how sympathetic a figure you cut. I’d shed a tear for you if it didn’t all just make me want to spit bile.

*she stands up from her chair and paces around the desk* Stay seated. Keep your eyes forward, facing the desk. My standing up does not permit you to move. *pause* Why? Talking back again, as usual. You really have learned nothing. Why… *leans close, snarls* Because I am the captain, and I am entirely in charge of your fate, no matter what you might have deluded yourself into believing. That’s why. *the harsh anger leaves her voice, but her tone is still somewhat biting* I merely desire a turn about the room. Is that not what you frivolous highborns like to do in your free time?

*pause as she slowly, purposefully walks around the desk* I brought you to my quarters to make a few things crystal clear to you. I do not buy this act of yours for one second, and you are not a part of this crew, however much those softhearted scalawags have warmed up to you. You may have tricked the others with your beauty and your wit, your earnest inclinations to be one of us, but I know what you are, what you can never cease to be. You are your father’s daughter, and if I know anything about Governor Villefort, it is that he is an evil, vile man… and any of his lineage are NOT to be trusted.

*voice hardens* Where. Is. Your father. Almost two weeks ago we issued the first ransom note to the Governor of Chapelle Isle’s estate, demanding that he personally deliver the gold we require in exchange for your life. No one has come for you. A second ransom note delivered directly to his hand by my master of spies, and still my eyes on him report that he goes about his day unbothered, as though ignorant to his only heir’s plight. He was supposed to be here by now, the plan was for him to BE here. Something is amiss, and I suspect you know more than you let on.

So I ask you again - where is he??


Mik Shepard

OKAY i love it 🥰 can’t wait!


Woo indeed! You did it! 🙌 Very excited~ But now I just keep hearing "parley" in my brain lol