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Hello my darlings!! I can’t remember if I had mentioned this, but I just wanted to let you guys know that the next audio SHOULD be out, at the latest, by July 21! It’s a bit more of a wait than I planned, I apologize! 😭 The script is definitely going to be a bit longer than I intended (what else is new 🤡) This week in particular has put me through the wringer, and this upcoming weekend I’ll have zero time to write because I’ll be working on the set of a short film 🗣️ hoping it goes well lol, I’ve never done on-camera work before!

But yes, please stay tuned 🙏🏼 I’m cooking up something good for this one… mini plot spoiler, it’s essentially about a pirate bent on revenge against the man who ruined her life, and she tries to enact that revenge against him via his daughter! I was inspired by Pirates of the Caribbean and The Mask of Zorro for the plot, and it will probably be a series depending on reception to it :)

In other news I’m seeing Longlegs tonight, wish me luck 🫡



Yooo! Forget the script! (...but not really because it does sound like it'll be a good one. especially if there's potential for a multi-part series. love us some continuity) Have fun with your short film thingamajig! If you survive Longlegs, may I request an honest one sentence review?


Oo! How exciting! Congratulations on being apart of a short film 🎥 I hope shooting it has been a great experience thus far! I’m excited for the upcoming audio I just know it’s gonna be worth the wait 😌 But seriously there’s no rush, take as long as you need 🤍 Ooo! And since you mentioned Pirates of the Caribbean I was wondering if the upcoming audio will feature an accent as well?? 👀 No worries if not though ☺️ I have recently took it upon myself to work on my British accent 🤡 and it’s been quite fun! But also really humbling at the same time 😂