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Bonjour! It's that Light again...fuckin' up 2021 one month at a time lol I'm deeply sorry for all the consistent delays, this year has been riddled with setbacks ranging from a tablet/pc that's been giving me problems out the ass, to moving preparations that have been taking WAY longer than needed. The latter has just been sucking me dry of off my time energy and funds. It'll all pay off in the end but as things are now, I'm just in a painful limbo lol I just wanna move damnit!! Place is all locked in and everything, it's just going through a lot of remodeling.I hope that by the next content update, I can update you guys from the new pad.

Almost Clean Slate?- As it is now, I only have like 2 things I "owe" people that have stemmed longer than 6 months of time(art trades/impromptu comms/one off favors) and once those are gone I can say I'm just...free. Like free in the sense of being able to take on more time consuming work. B-day sketches and general Patreon work has always pushed back my core obligations, and this is only helped by the fact that those last few people are pretty chill haha But I don't wanna be an asshat, I may be slow to get around to an actual thing, but I always deliver in one way or another. With a clean slate, I can take better steps to knock out my work before they linger, or just opt not to take a ton of work/stuff I don't like.

Schrodinger's Comic- As said earlier in the week, my comic situation this years a bit weird. At this moment I have 2 full comics fully wipped up, it's just a matter of if I can get them out in time. Long time people on the page will know that I absolutely despise the "page by page update" model. I'm of the mind of "if you like a comic, you want the whole product out in one go". Page by page updates also promotes slacking off/inconsistent uploading, so you really have to be on top of it. That said, I wanna say one comic is 75% done and the other is about 20%?  I may need some more time to churn out the first one, the second def being a plan for another time as it's well over 50 pages. All in all, I will update you all ASAP the moment project 1 is complete. I don't want any of these to bleed into May, so lets see what the next couple days bring. 

Not a ton of bullets this month. I'm kinda still on the same energy for Feb, it's just the days have been absolutely blowing by. Hopefully May will free me up to branch into my other art endeavors. Here's the months Dropbox link: 


You can find the password in the PM coming to you at the moment of this post going live.

If you have pledged to me after the making of this post and did not get  the password in the greeting message, PM asap and I can have it sent your way. All content is readily available in the Patreon's Discord Server under #content-update.



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