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Content dump is not ready!! To give a little insight, the April Fools comic ran into some hiccups and won't make it until later this week. I had an original idea in mind, but it proved far too difficult in the time I had. I would have to use a different smaller idea, but even then, it wasn't gonna be possible within the 3-4 days I had left. That said, I haven't been able to churn out the months B-day sketches that are pretty much the icing on the cake for my monthly dumps. 

To remedy this, I will be doing a birthday sketch stream tonight and tomorrow, so anyone at the $5 tiers who haven't redeemed their Birthday Token*, can PM me what they would like. 

If you guys can tough it out til about this coming Friday, I should be all good. 

Another thing to note! Patreon's Inbox system is kinda messy! So many PMs that can fly over my head if I don't address them before a mass content mailing. If you need to redeem a token or request an archive, have sent me a message but have not received a response from me, just ping me "Bump" so I can knock that out. I literally have to dig through 200+ messages every month, so if I saw a message but didn't reply, it's out of my 'unread' box and into hell. A simple "mark as unread" option would be nice..or just...not make mass messaging individual conversations lol

To see draws in real time, I'll be up right now at: https://picarto.tv/0lightsource Anyone redeeming art can whisper me there.

*$5 Tier Patrons get access to Birthday Wishes, a perk that allows you to redeem 1 single character sketch(sfw/nsfw) of any character/oc you'd like within my area of comfortability. Birthday tokens are available after 3 months of time pledged to the Patreon. If you have not redeemed a Birthday Token for an individual year, you can stack it for a colored pinup on your following birthday. 
