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We did it! Amazon launch of book two: Rise of the Density God is complete. Whew, honestly can't believe we made the deadline (barely) What an insane non-stop rush the last few days have been.

Most of the art has been re-done or was touched up, some of which you guys got to see early but there's tons more in the book. There are over 5k edits and changes to the final version based on comments, edits, and suggestions here and on RR. No major story changes, but the flow of events is now significantly smoother, there are hopefully very few to no typos, and the humor / character personalities have seen many improvements. All in all, I think its a valiant successor to the first book and we certainly poured our hearts into each and every page.

We are jumping straight into book three, though we did decide to take it a bit slower and aim for two and a half months to finish the editing process instead of the insane cram of a single month. Due to the slower progress, I expect to be capable of picking the story up again and writing some new content! The schedule will not be consistent for a bit, but I'll do my best to get them out as quickly as possible while maintaining the highest level of quality possible.

Big, huge, massive thank you for all the support, comments, and feedback. We spent an inordinate amount of time digging through comments on every chapter to address issues and tighten up character thoughts, interactions, ideas, and responses. So once more, thank you for your contributions in making book two as great as it turned out to be. This community is the best!

For those of you with amazon memberships, we hope you take the time to read through the book again. It's an entirely different beast now, thanks to you and a bit of elbow grease. If that's not your jam, it would mean the world to us if you could drop in and hit the book with a rating. (no need to go as far as writing a review unless you're feeling extra motivated to support the story) Cannot stress enough how important those first 100 ratings are to amazon's evil algorithm overlords. They will hopefully push the book at people for a few days, but after that, it's all up to reader responses... no stress... proceeds to run around the room screaming

That's it for the announcement. Look forward to new chapters coming soon and have a great April!


Aaron Jackson

Loving this series. I am new here and I devoured all 4 books over this past week. Looking forward to your audio books as well. Keep up the great work and I wish you all the success.


Whew just finished rereading and the whole story and got to say... im even more excited for the next chapter! That said i think you should take your time and focus more on editing book 3 so we can have a regular chapters, and the creative process always benefits from a break! Above thank you the truly amazing story, cant wait for more.