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Whew, rocking fourteen hour days over here getting book two finalized. Its close, so close we can taste it! We learned a ton about little details that improve flow and readability this time around. The last few days have been a slog of digging through each and every paragraph for overused, repetitive words and nuking the shit out of them. I'm stoked to jump back into new content with all these new brain-wrinkles in my arsenal.

Well, enough boring stuff! Onto today's content.

What is density?

What we know so far: 

It exists on Madra but not Earth. Once inside a living vessel, it converts naturally into usable mana. This process is slow unless sped up with knowledge, understanding, and a desire to ‘claim’ the energy. While converting, roughly half the energy is absorbed into the muscles, bones, organs, and tissues to reinforce the body in various ways; this is represented as attribute gains and Growth.

Density/mana is required to see your Status

Once converted into a usable form, it can replicate almost any material, though at a steepening cost depending on the users understanding of said material.

It is sentient to some extent.

There are multiple forms: Challenger density, which appears as a red color and potentially exists in all creatures before it is expelled upon their death (so long as that death was caused be someone significantly weaker). Regular density, that is spread across the planet but in varying degrees of concentration. Chaotic density, that over-saturates clouds, causing them to burst but only at a specific time each year.

There is another form of density that was revealed in book two, though little information was given so it would be nearly impossible to even figure out that it was density.

While not stated at any point, it can be safely assumed density is responsible for Madra maintaining its gargantuan size without, well, killing everyone in a fusion-inferno.

Did I miss any of the hints I’ve given out? Oh, some people have accurately guessed what density is in the RR comments (not sure about Patreon but its likely someone has gotten it correct here as well)

So, what do you think Density is? Looking forward to the comments and enjoy the pics, sorry some of them didn’t come out last time, they are reposted below along with a couple others.

Melons lol. Ami kills me.

Into pic of Olive in book 2.

Below are a few that never made the cut


Jacob Schutzer

Where can I find the rr comment that guesses correctly?


I'm not even sure I understand the question of "what is density". Dark matter? Or maybe it's Madra's "blood", and human beings and monsters basically serve a roll somewhere being bacteria helping digest food or liver/kidneys filtering (the system did use that word, in the second arena room when Jiran had unclaimed density in his stomach) the density and then release it back to Madra (possibly by dying). That might tie in with the EXP requirements, she wants people to fight and die so she gets the "cleaned" energy back. Like I said, not even sure what the question is.


Its a scientific query directed to fantasy element similar to how question about what are rocks lead to the discovery of molecules and eventually atoms. Most fantasy stories with hard margic rules simply have magic using mana as a type of energy wave, but density has mass so is clearly Something Else. My personal theory is quantum nanobots, which makes the diviner entites and Madra networked intelligences but blood is a solid theory too