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About Vol 6 and 7

  • Yes 16
  • No 1
  • 2024-02-23
  • 17 votes
{'title': 'About Vol 6 and 7', 'choices': [{'text': 'Yes', 'votes': 16}, {'text': 'No', 'votes': 1}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 23, 7, 2, 58, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 17}


So let me start with saying this...I have not started writing vol 6 yet (I'm close to starting it tho)

Anyway, commenting on RR an idea struck to me, what if...We (That we being me) write some interludes between Vol 6 and 7 about stuff that has been going with support and side characters?

What does this mean?

It would mean that between Vol 6 and 7 I would write some POV of other people, at the very least the options would include (But not be limited) to:

-Akira & Rena (This would be pre summoning to Aetheria)

-Michael (This would be a few weeks after being summoned to Aetheria)

-Rossie (This would be before Akira ran away and yeeted the other 3 heroes to Zanaam[The current world])

-The Juggernaut (Would be after advent in a meeting with the remaining Twelve)



-Crystal (AKA [The World], dunno timeframe, probs before all went to crap and would be more like a recount of events in fast forward? We will see)

Want an specific POV? vote Yes and leave a comment then 

Want the plot to carry on as normal? Vote No



Echidna, Alexa, and one for [The World] would be my top ones


Akira/Rena, Alexa, Echidna, Jugernaut, Rossie and Crystal from the ones you mentioned sound good. - I’d also love to see Odyssey and Framework (post ascension). - Rena (in the current timeline in a scene where she’s thinking about Eli-Eli). - The teacher who was Elizabeth’s mother’s student (whose name I can’t remember) being suspicious of Eli-Eli’s connection to Odyssey and her missing info - Beato POV! - [The World] pov thinking about Elizabeth post ascension… That’s all the ones I can think of… maybe current Akira too? But then again he’s kinda gross and I don’t really want to read his POV…