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First time I have written a note in one of these!

Usually, my author notes are reserved only for RR...Since that side has an ACTUAL WAY TO POST THEM DANG IT!

...........So this was hard, very hard to write. I am a firm believer that I suck at this kind of writing. Can I picture the scene? I mean sure...But I'm a MALE how the heck would I know how a girl feels like F#cking another one like wtf.

I can maybe IMAGINE how a girl would feel like another, I like girls...I can put that in my character and so its easier...But the anatomy of a girl F#cking silly another may as well be alien to me.

So yeah...

Sorry for rambling when you all want to get to the GEX.

So yeah...Enjoy and all of that.


They landed in the apartment at the MPI, the place was deserted obviously, and nothing should be waiting for them there as they lived alone. Rossie was still hung strung in whatever she had, her eyes seemed to flutter everywhere and she could clearly see the signs of her being high.

Somehow, she should care about it, she should be worried about it. But...she wasn't.

Not really, she didn't mind that, actually, she wanted something of whatever she was having, after all, they were alone in the dark, and the other girl was very alluring in that half-strung state she was.

She [Wanted] her more than ever, something within her was boiling on [Desire], and she [Needed] to do something about it.

But something was stopping her, was it her decency? Her loyalty? Her values? She wasn't sure.

But she needed to deal with them, but how?

She wasn't ready, not really, but she didn't care. She wanted to [Eat] Rossie, what was in the way?

Values? Those one couldn't eat.

But yet...she had to deal with them, she needed a way to fix it, but how?

She was sure that if she turned eighteen she wouldn't have that problem anymore, but she didn't have time magic...But what is age? A number.

What makes it important? We give age importance because it is the value we give to the chronological age of the body. But then, what about the soul?

Rossie's soul was old, she had lived in another world, besides her original life, so technically she should be an old soul, even if her mental age wasn't up to there, probably her body was bringing her mental age down.

So she should be...what one would call [Legal].

Then what about herself as [Elizabeth], she wasn't quite sure how old she was, her [Status] put her age as 1, but her soul as 17, same as her body's age.

But her soul? That was harder to deal with, she was aware of how [Old] Alexanders had been, and even if she didn't have any memories of him, she had parts of him. Her [Soul] was the same as him, so she should be an older soul too...


So the problem boiled down to her [Body], granted, this didn't apply to everyone, since using this reasoning was like saying that every child was of age just because their [Soul] was old.

But since she was aware of her previous life, and Rossie's soul still held the wounds of her previous life, shouldn't they count for this?

How could she deal with this?

"What's the matter Eli-Eli?" Rossie's voice brought her back from her musings.

The girl had a certain undertone in her voice, something...sultry, she had unbuttoned the top of her blouse and was fanning herself, showcasing the [Goods].

"If only we could age faster, just a biological year and I could [Devour] you whole." Elizabeth said, staring, looking, appreciating.

She really [Liked] what she was seeing.

"That is easy enough," Rossie said as she saw her weave a spell she couldn't quite understand, the underlying theory of it was alien to her.

It didn't seem to follow the practical schools of thought they taught at the MPI, nor any of the usual theorems they liked to teach around here, the mandala of it was different too, while the mandalas they used followed a more theoretical and geometrical style.

This one seemed to focus more on esoteric drawings and runes, it almost was as if Rossie was weaving a spell of [Another world].

"[Age Manipulation]" Rossie intoned, but unlike what usually happened when she cast a spell, the [Idea] behind it sounded different, it was almost as if she could hear the voice of an [Older] Rossie behind the spell.

And then the mana wave of the spell hit her, she...didn't quite feel anything different, to be honest, her body didn't seem to change either, she wasn't taller, nor her body was different, her mana wasn't different.

Her [Thoughts] weren't different either, she still was craving a dose of [Rossium] right now, and might overdose on it if allowed.

"And there, we are biologically eighteen-year-olds now," Rossie said with a predatory smile on her face as she unbuttoned her blouse.

It was quite the sight to sore eyes, "Rossie, what are you doing?" Elizabeth asked as the other girl walked towards her, her breasts weren't quite exposed yet, but somehow that made it look more...outrageous.

Rossie liked to use skimpy brassieres, mostly in pastel tones that were kind of cute.

But this one she was using today?

They barely covered anything, actually, she hadn't seen her using those before, where had she got them? They barely covered her and if anything, exposed more skin than anything.

It was quite dangerous, "Rossie? What are you doing?" Elizabeth asked as the other girl started caressing her back, her hands dancing around her body, traversing her back and going down...and down...and down.

Soon enough she felt them at her bottom, Elizabeth couldn't help but give a small yelp as the other girl fondled her. "Hmm.....Rossie?" And then as soon as she had done that. She stopped.



"Do you really want to continue?" Asked Rossie, her eyes had the shining heart motif, bright as the sun and overloading with pink light.

Did she?

She felt the breath of the other girl as she was face to face, she saw how her face had a red tint, how her ears were flushed, and how she was licking her lips here and there, as if she was savoring something.

She was overly conscious about her own state, and sincerely wished she wasn't wearing a blazer over her blouse, that right now there weren't three layers of clothes preventing her from feeling the skin of the other girl.

Besides, she was eighteen right now right? Rossie had said so.

Did she doubt her? No.

Rossie would never lie, did she check her [Status] to confirm? Also no.

If something, Father could probably send a message to her telling her to stop. Or Mother.

They were gods right?

They could do that.

Is no one stopping them?

No messages from the sky?

No sudden notifications?

Then she could do it?

She would do it.


"Yesh ♥" Elizabeth said, sending a command into her [Mana] and so, her body was covered in shadows, they blossomed all over her body, consuming her clothes and promising to take away all that she was wearing.

"No." And yet, a single word from the pink-haired girl stopped her. She didn't want her naked? "Let me do it for you."

Oh, yeah, that could work, romance, right. That was a thing.

Elizabeth relented her control and the shadows returned back, instead, she relinquished herself to the hands of Rossie, and she guided them to the bedroom.

Under the barely illuminated room, Rossie guided her to the bed, so she sat herself on it, "Here." Rossie said as she started unbuttoning her blouse. Slowly. Methodically.

Each button she took away, she would place a kiss on the skin revealed. Each time she would feel a shudder, as if a jolt of electricity traversed her body.

She almost wished for more buttons in her blouse, and wasn't even sure at what point Rossie had discarded her own blouse, but suddenly the other girl was on her belly button, the last button had just been undone.

"I will now move towards the skirt." She said.

But her skirt didn't have that many buttons?

It wasn't till the other girl started fiddling with her button and zipper that she understood, the girl wasn't using her fingers for that, well, she used them for undoing the button, but she was using her mouth to undo the zipper.

And was she skilled at that, she could feel her lips moving through her thigh as the zipper was undone, and she could feel her breath. And was she good with her mouth.

Without knowing how, Elizabeth was suddenly only with her underwear on the bed. And Rossie? Well, it seems that while she was being undressed the other girl hadn't wasted time, for she also was missing a skirt now too.

"Pretty..." And was she taken back, Elizabeth had seen Rossie naked plenty of times already, from when she would barge into the shower while she was using it, to those times she walked around only with a bathrobe.

But this? This felt different, seeing her only with underwear? It made it more...lewd. Was it the setting? The mood? The ambiance?

She didn't know, what she did know was that the other girl wasn't passive, she pushed Elizabeth down onto the bed and started kissing her, did she go for the mouth?


Rossie wouldn't do something so simple, she started in her hand, a small sweet kiss at her hand, then her wrist, her elbow, her should, her neck...Oh god, she was doing things she wasn't even aware could have such an effect, she did a small nibble each time, and her hands...Her god-blessed hands, they caressed, fondled, and toyed, they seemed to want to ravage her whole.

And yet...

They were slow, as if she was dealing with a delicate flower, she could feel the hands of Rossie twitching as if they wanted to speed up, but even while they caressed her breasts they never went too hard or fast, they stayed above her remaining clothes.

They didn't went under, and Elizabeth hated that, she wanted to be ravaged, she wanted to speed up. But also, she was enjoying this pace, her head was a mess, and she wasn't even sure what was what.

"More..." So she whispered to the evil gods that seemed to be the dwelling within the hands of Rossaline Singh, "...give me more♥."

That seemed to stop Rossie for a second, she wasn't sure what was worse, that she stopped, or that she smiled at her.

"Only if you ask it nicely." The other girl said, stopping her hands and sitting atop her, what was that position called? Cowgirl?

"Please...." Elizabeth said, barely a whisper, "I want it."

She wasn't sure what made her move, but her hands suddenly moved towards Rossie, she just smiled as Elizabeth's hands removed her top, letting her breast in the open.

"Oh my, are we getting in the mood are we?" Rossie said as she grabbed her own breast and gave a wink to Elizabeth, "But this is unfair, you can see mine...Now I will need to see yours."

And Rossie did just that, first, she raised Elizabeth's torso so she hugged her, and at the same time, she kissed her, because, of course, she would. Elizabeth could feel her skin touch the other girl, she could feel her warmth, and felt her chest free of the constraint of her brassiere.

Her breast touched and suddenly she wanted to do more, she wanted to experience more, to make sure Rossie would feel as good as she was feeling with all this love and care.

But how?

The other girl seemed to have everything under control, she was but a plaything in her hands, she didn't have the energy to spare and move, and she was being molded into a ball of pleasure that reacted to her movements.

Rossie moved her hand and kneaded her breasts while she kissed the other, as for the other hand? She could barely see her going into the pink-haired panties.

Was she also servicing herself? That wouldn't do, no sir.

So Elizabeth followed after the other girl's example, if Rossie was playing with her breast, then she would do the same, but she was missing something from her view, so with but the smallest flick of her mana she sent a wave of shadows to cut open the last strand of clothing between the two girls.

And so, the remaining underwear was gone, "Oh, I liked that pair." Was all the pink-haired girl said as her lower half was exposed, her hand was barely covering the slit, but she could see it, it was wet.

She wasn't sure if it would be the same for herself, so moving her hand downwards towards her own private parts, she touched herself and found a wet spot down too.

And Rossie seeing that once more licked her lips, "I want to kiss you more than ever now." And she did just that, leaned in for a kiss, her right going straight to knead her breast while the left went down and down, going into her and out.

First touching the exterior only, exploring, and testing, then slowly in and out. First one finger, she couldn't help but let a small yelp of surprise as she felt her, a single finger in, then out... Then two...

They explored, they searched, they pushed her buttons just right, and they moved in circles, they searched every nook, every cranny, and every fold. "Rossie..." The pleasure filled her in every move, every time Rossie moved, every time Rossie kissed her.

And yet, she wanted more, she needed [More], she couldn't help but find the current Rossie irremediable cute, she needed and wanted to treat all those cute spots with sweetness and care.

"...you are so cute..." So she did, she followed suit after the other girl's example.

Just like Rossie had done, she also explored the pink-haired girl's body.

She fondled, kneaded, caressed, and kissed, her body interwound with the other girl atop the bed, she sat atop her and looked down at her, their face flushed red, their eyes full of desire.

"I need to kiss you." Elizabeth said, she had done that already, of course, she had kissed Rossie almost everywhere in her body.

Only this time instead of going for her lips, she got a hold of one of Rossie's legs and moved it to the side, opening the secret spot of the other girl. A small beautiful spot that seemed to call to her.

So she moved her hips closer and closer and felt the contact being made.


"Hmm....♥" Rossie was biting one of her fingers trying to quell her shuddering voice with one hand while the other was busy pinching one of her breasts.

And so she started moving her hips.

Slowly at first then moving the tempo, she was having a hard time breathing, her head started to feel lightheaded, but "Hnng...." The pulses of pleasure moving through her body were enough to keep her going.

At some point she started to feel the call of something from within, a pulse of warmth spreading from her womb. A [Craving], she wanted [More].

"More....more." She felt the [Desire] to completely ravage the body of the pink-haired girl.

Rossie looked like a mess, halfway to turning into a puddle of pleasure and desire, she looked incredible, even with all the panting, and the half-open eyes...

So she kissed her, she kissed her breasts, she kissed her neck, she kissed her ears, her hands, her belly, her most secret spot.

She kissed her all over, did her all over, all day…All night…They didn’t leave that bedroom at all and when their bodies started failing for missing energy?

They just [Shifted] stripped themselves of their mana clothes and started all over again with renewed vigor.



It was pretty good. I approbe of this interlewd


Mmm, that was pretty good. Sure, it’s not super professional and perfect but you’re not *bad* at writing it by any means.


You just need more practice/experience. Not that I’m saying you have to write more interlewds if you don’t want to, but this one was good enough that I wouldn’t object to reading more.