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What is a good bar? If you had asked Alexa that a few hours ago, she would have answered that a [Titanium Alloy] bar would be a good one, perhaps a [Tugsten] one? Or if she had access to her former materials when using her [CRAB] form. Then she would default to [Durasteel] or [Tritium Alloy].


[Skye], however, would answer differently.


“We need one with not enough cute girls, but plenty of dumb rich men on them. Not confident men, of course. Probably some innocent people never went to play rich kids who want to prove they are men.” [Skye] had answered as such, “We could do with some new bars too, they like to give free drinks to cute girls just to make themselves look good, you only need to take a few pics and upload them to the World’s network while tagging them, they love the #Drinking, #FeltCute, and I personally use #DrinkAndPlay.”


To the what? World’s Network?


“You mean the [Internet]?” Alexa asked for confirmation that she hadn’t found another network to plug her [Cellphone]. There were some different [Wavelenght] networks, but they all ended up being the same local servers, only using different gateways.


And as far as her prods into their security, the network that [Billy] had suggested had the best defenses and asked the less [Security Handshakes], so she used that.


“Oh the World’s network? That is the original name that the Saintsworths gave it when they took over the internet business with their satellite network.” [Skye] said showing a fancy website on her cellphone.


Weird, she couldn’t find that one using her [Cell phone].


“Why can’t I access that from the [Phone] that [Billy] gave me?” Alexa asked while pulling the phone from the pocket where she had saved it. She had been using a series of tendrils to interface with the thing, so looking at it from a normal perspective was… weird.


“Oh, you are using a Billy’s one, huh? Yeah, no surprises there. The old man hates the new name.” [Skye] nodded while pulling a phone similar to hers. “See? If I try to navigate to this site, I get nothing. The Saintsworths’ phone uses a biometrics and ID system. You upload all your personal data, and they promise that you will never need to log in anywhere again.”


…that seemed like a poor choice to make…


“Don’t look at me like that, here, try to check my photos.” [Skye] said handing her the same phone she had used.


So Alexa did as instructed and navigated the interface to the pictures folder.


“....Huh?” She went through the [Camera] app only to find it empty. Going to the [Social Media] applications netted the same result. She found herself with a menu asking for log-in data. Of course, Alexa didn’t know those credentials, and if what [Skye] had told her was to be believed…neither did the black-haired girl in front of her.


“Neat right?” [Skye] said with a smirk on her face, “So long I don’t give the order before handing the phone, all my data is safe within the warm embrace of our evil CEO Overlords.”


“Don’t you worry that they have your [Data]?” Alexa asked, giving back the phone. She detected a faint [Mana Wave] going through the phone into [Skye] and back, and the screen that asked for log-in gave way to the girl’s profile, showing her photos.


“Heh…it's like, whatever.” [Skye] said while shrugging, “Don’t get me wrong. I saved the work stuff on the phone Billy gave me. Your contact information is saved in the other too, but if you ever buy a Normie phone, I will save you in this one.”


So managing two accounts? That sounded….




Yeah, why go through all that hassle?


“I can see it in your face, but there is a reason to the madness.” [Skye] smiled evily at her, and punching some keys in her [Phone] her smile widened even more as the [Device] vibrated in her hand as it emited Ding sound. “Here, look at this.”


Within the [Screen] of the device was a [Text box], some type of [Chat room], it seemed eerly simmilar to the mental projection she had when speaking with [Main Core].


+Heya, got some spots for two cute girls to drink?

-Skye! Long time no see girl!

-Of course! Come along, just remember to go by the back entry so you can doll up ❤️😚🙈

+K, coming by with a friend new to the city.

+Need to train my girl, so don’t send handsy men our way or I will leave before time’s up ;p

-Got it girl, that will reduce what I can get for you, but since you are starting low we can make it work.


+K, thx bye 😉


“....?” Alexa wasn’t sure what the deal was with this [Conversation].


“He is the owner of a bar I liked to go and blow some stress with drinks and dance, haven’t gone in months but had the number saved since he used to throw rich kids my way and I liked to make them burn money like the bests.” [Skye] said sheepishly shaking her head, “Yeah, let’s don’t speak about that. Anyway, he gave me his number and said I would always be welcome even if I didn’t go that balls deep again.”


[Skye] used balls to go deep? How… did she make balls made of wind to make her access easier? But how would that even…What?


“[Use of words imply a hidden meaning, search within local internet seems to point to sites with dubious definitions for these word ussage, no certified database found, perhaps this use of words detail some hidden cryptic meaning, more data is required.]”


So even [Main Core] was stumped at this, that was a new one.


“Yeah, anyway. Stand with me for a second…yes like that, now wink….close one of your eyes….mimic my face….” [Skye] said a series of instructions as her face and body got shoved into Alexa, [Skye]’s face touching Alexa’s.


Even so, the other girl had asked for her to [Mimic] her face so…


“[Contact stablished…initiating scan….tendril insertion from multiple entry points….Head intrusion….achieved, chest intrusion…achieved, analyzed three different new types of Clothing. Waist intrusion…achieved, analyzed two layers of Clothes….blueprint download…..10%...20%...50%....69%....100%... Initiating shift.]”


Well, that took more time than usual…


Blueprint of Altered Human Acquired:

-Name: Bella Campbell.

-Subtype: Human

-Main Core Type: Elemental

-Subtype Core Type: Wind / Space

No reinforcement to [Human] base detected. Saved base template do database.

For the reproduction of [Core], please extract a sample from [Core] for analysis.


“....Alexa? I didn’t mean for you to actually MIMIC my face, just….make the same gesture as I do…” [Skye] sighed separating her face from her and staring at Alexa’s face (Now morphed into [Skye]) “Girl…gosh I am pretty, did you change something?”


“No? Perhaps the perception is changed since this [Body] has a higher amount of strategically set up [Fat Deposites]?” Alexa said while touching said [Fat Deposites], most of them had gone to her [Chest] and some to her [Bottom], even if her backside had some muscles there too with the extra fat. “Returning to normal shift then…”


And with that, Alexa returned to her normal face. [Skye] seemed reluctant to join her face with Alexa’s though.


“Future contact will change nothing, I can’t get anything else unless I find your [Core] and am able to study, but so far Main Core thinks that is impossible with living target, and since [Hostile] actions against fellow [Minions] are forbidden by default that is not a problem.” Alexa said, trying to [Soothe] the other girl, and before she answered, Alexa added, “And I wouldn’t go about doing that either way. My [Human] side does not wish to [Harm] any member of the [Fairy Team].”


Alexa wasn’t sure why that was, there was no strategic reason to not dispose of one of them if the oportunity came around. The [Core Power] of [Skye] had proved to be more powerful than she had first implied. And [Golem]? That one could probably increase Alexa’s range of collection for materials.


She had been able to stock up on [Biomass] so far, but getting the [Metals], [Minerals], [Liquids] and [Gases] her [CRAB] form required…That would be harder to do, so far she hadn’t been able to [Store] the [Presurised canisters] she had taken from [Skye], even now they were hidden within her [Lungs]. She had needed to artificially increase her [Lung] efficiency by making new ways for her [Skin] to take in the O2.


“Oh gosh Alexa….” [Skye] said while hugging the other girl, “Smile this way and close one of your eyes like this…yes, now say cheese˜ ”


After following the instructions a white flash hit Alexa straight on, she prepared for anything increasing the range of light her eyes could take in so she could recover faster…


“...what’s with the cat's dilated eyes?” [Skye] said looking at her weirdly. “I mean, neat, but…it also looks like you are drugged as hell.”


Nothing was wrong as far as she could see, if anything….[Skye] seemed more relaxed.


“Yeah, you look cute enough, we could work a little more on your seductive wink, this one looks more on the cute-ish innocent blonde daughter. We want a seductive wink, or a teasing wink. Not this cute virgin wink….well, some rich kids are into these things too I guess…” [Skye] mumbled as she started furiously tapping at her [Phone screen], “Not this…not this….this is too sepia….why would I even install the Mexico filter? No..not this….oh cat ears….yeah we can work that I guess….”


The what now?


“What are you doing [Skye]?” Alexa asked walking closer to the other girl so she could take a peek into her [Phone], there she found an [Image] of herself, and sure enough, she did look… cute?


“[Notice, host appareance was designed to increase the good will and lower social threat level, appareance is in turn, matched to evoke primal urges within other Humans to either protect or cater to Host.]”


“So I’m cute as heck, and the other Humans will want to either like me or do my bidding?” Alexa resumed Main Core words in a shorter and easier-to-understand way.






“And done, this is as best as we will get.” [Skye] said showing the picture, it had a few hearts painted in the corner, Alexa had a pair of yellow animal ears at top her head while [Skye] had a similar but in black color. At the bottom of the image there was a [Rawr] weirdly depicted letters. “And send….upload to the Main Island’s network…Uploading to the local network a hyperlink to my main social network….and done, we are viral.”


The what where, and what?


“What?” Alexa said once more, she felt that she was doing this quite often now.


Sigh Fine, might as well explain while we walk to the bar.” [Skye] said pocketing her [Phone], Alexa did the same while setting up a paralel search for that picture within her own [Phone].


“Okay, first. What do these fancy cell phones connect to? Mine and yours.” [Skye] started her questioning.


That was easy, [Billy] had explained it, didn’t he?


“To the [Internet], the local [Digital Network] from which we access different [DataServers] to get the [Data] we need.” Alexa answered as such, based on what she knew and what she had personally seen with the [Data Packages] she could interact with and send using her intermediary in the [Phone].


“Wrong.” [Skye] answered as such while smirking, “Your phone does connect to the local network, but that is just the start. The old guy's internet, the one that we had from before the Mana Cores and Core Users, became a thing.”






“Yeah, you see. The people of old had this fancy Internet, a world wide web of data made by servers set up all around the world. They would connect their devices to it by connecting to high-speed data cables, and so you would fish information from your phone in some random server around the globe.” [Skye] said making flourish and everything to exemplify her point,


“That sounds…around what I expected, yes.” Alexa answered, you couldn’t get more complicated than that after all.


“Well with Core Users becoming a thing we got Tinkers and fancy wasy to do logic jumps and technology leaps, most of those couldn’t be replicated since they depended on a niche core user or something.” [Skye] said afterward. Alexa had heard that, too, that some things couldn’t be replicated.


And that was the main point of power the [Saintsworths] had used to climb to power, the fact that they took in [Core Users] and replicated their power, case in point. The shields that were made either by [Chrysalis] or [SuperForce]’s power.


“The [Saintsworths]...” Alexa said, realizing the point of this.


“Exactly, the bastards took this as an opportunity and searched for a very specific niche of Core Powers to create their own global network. The mighty CEO looked upon the gifts his predecessors left and found them lacking, so he made his own.” [Skye] made a mockery of someone looking down upon others. “He made his own Internet by creating a self-propelled, self-maintained satellite network to relay data to the planet.”


“[Data package found about Satelites, the creation of this other network found.]”


“[Downloading data…..100%]”


The data package included images of devices with small sizes and some devices stuck behind them to create thrust within a [Void], some type of place devoid of any mass or [Atmosphere]. There were also some notes saying that these type of devices wouldn’t live long and that the Saintsworths would need to replace them…


Also, a depiction of the [Planet], with the name of it. [Terra Nova].


“Wouldn’t that mean that the [Devices] orbiting the [Planet] need to land again for maintenance even if they could indeed survive prolonged times up there?” Alexa pointed, even if they were indeed self-maintenance…surely there would be a limit?


“Yeah…I don’t know.” But [Skye] only shrugged at this. What I know is that I have free access to their network so long as I use my credentials and update my information when needed. I am sure they are selling my data or profiting from it. But hey, at least when I order clothes, they will always arrive in my size. Also, I don’t need to worry when ordering food that will send food I don’t like my way.”


….That did sound convenient.


“Anyway, not the point. This new world wide web has a name, one that does not have many uses, but even so, when you log in the first time on a new device, you get to see it.” [Skye] said powering down her [Phone] and giving it to Alexa, “There, power it on.”


Alexa pushed the button at the side and stared a the screen, wondering what she would see. What kind of name could this marvel of technology have?


New user detected. Welcome to…The World.”


Well, that was anticlimactic. What kind of name was [The World]?


“Yeah, probably not the best one, but that is how the big man named it.” [Skye] smirked as she took back her phone, “In this network we all use are small boats in a wide ocean of data, the cities are islands within the sea of information. If you need access to a website or social network, you just…write the address, and your digital boat goes there. The network works from a top-to-bottom type. The deeper you go, the more data you have access to and the more juicy the things you can find are.”


….So anyone could go and fish this information? That sounded counterproductive for security concerns. If so, in what depth would be information about her be?


“Now, not just anyone can go that deep, you need the correct Core Power to even see the network for what it is. And even so, there are defenses in place made by the Saintsworths…Or so they say.” [Skye] shrugged at that, “I only use it so I wouldn’t know, my guess is that Vulcanus has a underwater stronghold somewhere. But some old-timers like Billy don’t like it and don’t use it; he should be able to interact with it as he is a Tinker, and they all seem to be able to dive into it one way or another.”


“But the [Liet-]....I mean,” Alexa corrected herself thanks to a ping from Main Core, “The [Saintsworths] CEO, Alexanders. He wasn’t a Core User before.”


“So they say, the videos of him taking the test or scanner are set up. No way he created this thing at twelve without being a Core User.” [Skye] said with a shrug. “I am with the people that believe he awoke his Core at five or something, the monster. No way a normal human would achieve what he did without a developed Core.”


….But he awoke a [Core] at the same time as Alexa?


“How old is he right now?” Alexa asked with some curiosity. If he made such a monster of a wide global network just to collect personal data…surely that meant that he was old. Even if Alexa wasn’t sure how old he was by his looks, she wasn’t that good at measuring external age by visual cues just yet.


“He is like….21 or so? I think he was around 22 at worst. Either way he is quite young and good looking. If you ignore he is the owner of one of the worst evil companies this world has ever seen.” [Skye] said showing a picture of the [Lieutenant] dressed in what looked to be formal clothing with a [Bored] face.


“Is he a [Villain]?” Alexa asked, the denomination [Evil] followed by [Company] implied that he was probably an entity like [Vulcanus] or [The Scorcher] after all.


“Worse…he is a CEO of a capitalist company…” [Skye] said seriously, “He is at the head of the Hydra, so even if he isn’t aware. He is still responsible for some crazy shit, like, there are theories that the Saintsworths experiment with the Core Users they take in; some say they are secretly a race of dragons wanting to take over the world or something.”


….She had some incomplete blueprints for the [Lietenant] thanks to their fight, but she hadn’t seen any DNA evidence of him not being [Human].


“....and this information is needed because…?” Alexa asked, realizing that she didn’t benefit much from this, besides the prospect of finding some information about her own [Creation]. But [Skye] didn’t have a way to know about this.


“Because….I don’t know, but it is fun to see the face you make when you find new things.” [Skye] shrugged while saying that, “Besides I need you to need to undersand why it is important that you spend some of your salary in a phone so I can tag you? Becoming an influencer is a good way to get extra money for cute stuff. I only post photos from high places, but there are enough Flyers that they don’t impact as well as before, I need to take photos pretending that I am above buildings to get some likes.”


…Couldn’t she just fly there then? What was the problem?


“But you!” [Skye] pointed at her, “You have this ridiculously cute face that it pisses me off. I mean, look at this!”


[Skye] showed the same picture she had taken before, now with some [Comments] of people asking her to [Tag] the [Cute Girl] she was with. Some were making some weird comments with some fruits and drops of water only.


“See? I already got 5k likes and so many reshares that my account will be monetized by tomorrow morning!” [Skye] grumbled while bitting her fist, was she hungry? “So yeah, we need to get you a phone and do a vlog or something, cute girls from the highs…no wait…flying cute girls? Or perhaps…”


“Mango Lovers?” Alexa said from the side.


“Mango? Why Mango? I know you have this weird kink with mango…no wait… it could work, yeah. No one is using Mango as a theme besides this weird witch and paladin Larper girlfriend duo, they like to use moon thematic for their photos.” [Skye] grinned as she showed a picture of a black-haired woman dressed in [Robes] sitting atop a [Broom], at the back Alexa could see an armored blonde [Woman] almost two meter tall. She was dressed in what seemed to be [Metal Armor].


Alexa could appreciate the dedication for protection.


“Yeah, so far, only them seem to have a theme with Mangos, and they only post pictures of the other girl eating mango, and it seems to be a hit, so we could do it too. We only need to focus more on you eating them raw since they do fancy dishes with mango. Perhaps you peeling a Mango atop a skyscraper?” [Skye] continued her machinations as they walked.


Before she could finish that line of thought, Alexa brought her back from her quick mumbling, “We have arrived.”


They had arrived at their destination, a [Bar].


“Oh, let’s go then. We need to get you pretty for the peasants. We could even get one of them to buy you a phone with the promise of you adding him to A-frens.” [Skye] said showing a picture of herself in yet another [App]. “Yes, that is Axololt frens. Alexanders may be an Evil CEO, but he is childish as they get…who even thought giving that man power was a good idea?”


Cameron S. Moore

Skye is a bad influence on Alexa! She should be kept far away! Bad minion, bad!


Nice nod to Elaine