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I had multiple power outages in the morning. There was a power outage when I was saving the project Sweaty Meltdown... It was the only save I had, no back-up. I have contacted the creators of the tool I used to make the game but the file is corrupted and I have no hope for it. I have been working on it since July 2023 and I've never made a different save file... It means that all the changes from Stinky Validation have been erased. The fight system, the skill system, script improvements and the game itself. (I still have all the graphics and the playable version on itchio.)

I'm pissed off and unmotivated to restart the whole thing. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do but you're informed. More news Wednesday.


joe joe

This is sad news, and I'm very sorry this happened. Whatever you decide, know that your whole community supports you no matter what. I hope things work out.


Sorry for what happened. You know I am one of the eager ones here always asking for news or updates, but as anyone here I care more for your mental health and simply your motivation. This is a step back but you will come on-top of it. I know it. Ty for the news. Take your time.