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Feel free to ask about anything, story, process, lore etc.

Also, a short update. I have been very busy this month wrapping up the remains of my work here in Sweden, in April I will be doing the same in France, so I will be traveling for most of the month. This will either lead to lots of writing or none... hotel room vibes vary.

It is kind of sweet, though. Fallen hero: Rebirth was started when I was stationed elsewhere when my workplace moved, and I was sat in a nearly empty borrowed work apartment in the evenings. Looks like Revelations will start the same way.

I am nearly finished wrapping up the story threads for the first chapters, and since I am torn between a few possible scenes to start with, I will probably put this to a vote soon. The Retribution fallout will be fun to deal with!

I am also still working on the Rebirth update, but with the chaos at work, I haven't really found the peace to fix bugs and extend things, so it is still a work in progress.



Hope things will settle down soon for you and you can get some rest! Questions: - When you try to dethread Chen while you are exhausted, you collapse. If you brought the Rat King with you, the scene says "[...] He's surrounded by a ghostly halo of worried rats". Was Chen able to feel the Rat King when that happened? - What kind of tea(s) does Chen drink? It was mentioned when you go over to his apartment he offers you something like jasmine tea. - Not sure if you answered this and no need to since it might be spoiler-y, but will we get a chance to befriend Ace? Thank you and take care!

Tweedle Dee

Hello, I wanted to say thank you so much for being so engaging and giving so much of your time to us as you construct this world. I can't praise you enough, but I'll still try lol. My questions for you are on the processes that you go through with writing. How do you set yourself up for success? And how do you recognize that your writing something you can utilize and something that strayed from the original thought? I'm curious to know what you think/do with your writing when suddenly your 2000 words deep into something that should probably be put on the side? Hopefully that's not an unfair question to ask, I somethimes attempt to write but often think I'd rather read on how other people structure lol.


Hi! As an aroace I naturally gravitate to stories of difficult friendships, camaraderie forged in fire, and blood brotherhood almost above anything else. Now FH has the "difficult" part down to a T, and that's already such an amazingly rare thing in IF that I really can't thank you enough. It's my lifeblood. But after reading the Void series I can't help but wonder if it will ever be possible for Sidestep's current reluctant acceptance of friendship to mature into a more mutual, proactive commitment? "We're in this for life", "I would follow you to hell and back", or even a simple but honest declaration of "I want to help you"?


Weirdly enough, I'm super interested in the character you named Verdant (plant growth and healing powers are the two powers I'd choose if I got super powers): Is there a 'known' black market trade (besides the military-sponsored one) in trafficking boosts with super-specific abilities that people with enough power or money might want to take advantage of on an individual scale? (Is that what happened to the telepaths?)


Just finished my fifth playthrough and i gotta give u props on how detailed and rich the story is.The more times i immerse myself in the universe, the more questions i get. In the best way possible. So many questions for the series future. 1. In book 1, after villian debut. Ortega mentions about wanting to work with other heroes. Unfortunately, they dont make the squad( some get picked up by the army). Will we be able to hear from them again? 2. I get found out as the bad guy.While hospitalized, Lady Argent takes my eye. Will i be able to get revenge on her? 3. Will we ever get our puppet to use the armor in the future? 4. Will there be a situation where the puppet get "memory wiped" to avoid suspension? Or to make Morton angry at the MC( im evil that way>:) Sorry some questions sound personal but overall, i hope you the best success no matter what happens. Will continue to support you now having found your patreon. 5. Is the puppet boosted?


Congratulations on the release of Retribution, and I hope you have a good time in France! Starting the next book the same way you started Rebirth is pretty cool. -I desperately want a sidestep hoodie! Is producing merch something you might consider in the future? -Do you have any tips on FINISHING a project? The last 10% always seems to take forever... -Would Ace's precognition allow them to see if a person would survive a dose of the hero drug? Could sidestep ever be desperate enough to take a second dose willingly? -What's on Ortega's birthday wish list?


First and foremost, I hope you are feeling better! I really have enjoyed your games, and being active in the forums it was a lot of fun to see people's theories. Here's a few questions I have... - I was reading through some of the prior threads, and was confused, why is Sidestep sometimes referred to as HG's younger siblings? I noticed questions tend to have that assumption, is that confirmed or head-Canon? - Can Step actually... Become Ace? Like, ditch their original body entirely? I have 2 Steps who would want to do so due to wanting a real chance at a 'fresh start.' If so, is a requirement of that the loss of their telepathy? - I assume this one is spoilers, but can a Step who made HG think they are dangerous still gain their trust against a common enemy? Anyway, I really enjoy the story and look forwards to what you have to say!


Hello! I was wondering why Ortega calls Sidestep to the hospital after the accident!


If you decide to pursue the Herald romance route while also romancing Ortega, Herald makes several mentions of not wanting to be 'that guy'. What guy?? What is he talking about?


How's the gaming industry in FH? Do consoles such as Game boy or Nintendo 64 exist, or more advanced? How popular is it? Is Dr Mortum named themself after Caput Mortuum or is it something else?

Stellar Skadi

Will trans Sidesteps be able to pursue bottom surgery in future books?

Stellar Skadi

Second question: In a particular path of Retribution, we can see the Rat King piloting our armour on their own and doing a pretty damn good job of it. In the future books, is something that can be explored further, and if so, will we have to have seen it in Retribution to pursue it further?


I think he meant not wanting to be the guy who comes uninvited into an established relationship and breaks it up/not wanting to be a homewrecker.


Is anything retained after a regene gets reset/wiped? Like muscle memory/reflexes or anything like that? Do scars go 'through' regene tattoos as well, or do they get broken up by the tattoos? Or is it that the scarring has to be pretty extreme to show on the tattoos as well? Do you have an idea of if there will be a scene/scenes of a genderquestioning Sidestep experimenting with presentation/etc before doing anything more 'official' like coming out/medically transitioning/etc? Or will that be more headcanon/fanfic territory? In the same vein, will a genderquestioning Sidestep be able to discuss it with other characters (or discuss it more, with Mortum)?


Will it be possible to romance Argent without revealing our villain identity in the future? Also, whats the difference between the 'amiable' and 'respectful' relationships with Argent in how she thinks about/treats the MC? And in the trans reveal with a highly suspicious Ortega, what were they planning on doing/saying if the MC had actually confessed to being the villain?


Did Sidestep learn how to play instruments at the farm?


Why are cuckoos created with tattoos that span most of their bodies? I know they don't have them everywhere to facilitate inflitration but they still cover a lot of the body and in a place as hot as Los Diablos they might have been considered to cause more suspicion. What inspired you to create Ortega? Maybe an old question but I think Ortega is the best representation of latin american culture I've seen and I love it.


For a Sidestep who is friendly/helping out with the Rangers, what sorts of things are they helping out with? I've always wondered what that would entail. What kinds of books does Ortega have on their shelf? Any particular genres or subjects?


If Chen had somehow discovered the truth about Sidestep before HB would he have been as sympathetic as he is in the present, or would he have felt vindicated in his suspicion and jump to the worst conclusion?

Stellar Skadi

Does Sidestep know that their nightmares can 'leak' and effect others?


Could we get a new link to the Discord? I think the old one has expired. Also, is Step getting to see their old mug in Ortega's apartment coming for people who didn't do the Ortega Apartment Hangout but *are* on the no leg rights innocent staying in Ortega's apartment pathing?