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Sorry I am late with this month's lore post, wrapping things up at work (quits at the end of may) has left me utterly exhausted and I have come down with something. Will kick my brain back in gear as soon as possible.



Take care, Malin.


Hey, you deserve a little break. Rest up and feel better!

All Blue

Take your time, and get a lot of rest!


You basically just had a major book/game release not too long ago and you’ve got real life obligations, make sure you rest, we can wait.

Salomé Kandráčová

Take all the time you need to get better and feel up to writing! Your health and enjoyment of writing is most important! We can wait, your games are worth waiting for!


Totally agree. We don't want you to run yourself ragged, we will happily wait for you to feel better.


I hope you focus on your own health first before crunching out a lore post. It's much more important that you feel better than that the lore post comes a little earlier, at least in my opinion. Well wishes!