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Do you ever feel stressed or unsure about how you write your story? Like, feeling like you’re just making things up and not being sure if it’s any good? (Cause writer feelings have got me down. I was wondering if it ever got to you, especially since so many people think well of your writing + FHR.)

Okay, story time. I published my first story when I was 39. Not the first story I wrote, not by a long shot. For most of my youth I was convinced that what I wrote was boring crap. The first things I showed to people were little short stories and the like for my Skaven army for an online Games Workshop campaign in the late nineties. People liked them, and I got involved in an online Skaven forum (the Underempire) and ran an online campaign there as well, and wrote what amounted to a book about what was happening. I didn't care if it was good, or if anybody liked it, because it was for a bloody table-top game so I could relax and have fun.

Eventually I wrote more fanfic, never in any popular forums, so not really having much of an audience. Just having fun. I first got readers when I started writing post Dragon Age II, since the game didn't get a proper end, I wrote two books finishing it for me. I did this on Deviantart, publishing a chapter at a time and actually got an audience. I learned a lot here, especially how to craft cliffhangers to make people stick around for the next chapter. This led to me meeting Emma, and writing a comic (Breaks) with her. But still, just fun. For myself. Who cares if fanfic is good?

At the same time, I was trying to get some proper writing started in Swedish. Horror. This was different. This was me trying to do actual writing in my native language. I got short stories published, yes, but I never liked them. I still don't, and I'm going to translate them anyway. In retrospect, the problem here was that I was writing for an audience, and I was aware of it every step of the way. And, unlike fanfiction, it was an audience that was not on the same page as me. They were strangers, who would buy the magazine and read it, and for some reason that made a big difference. If my fanfic writing was a fun party with friends of friends who you might not know but like the same music, this was an official party with work. Big difference.

When I started writing Fallen Hero, that was also just for fun. I never thought I'd finish, I didn't do it for publication, I did it because I was bored in a new town, and thus I didn't really do it for anybody but myself. And, moving forward, I have managed to keep hold of that feeling. 

That's not to say I don't feel like crap. I do. A negative comment about something can be a kick in the gut that can spiral if I am already in an anxious mood. Not because I think it sucks, but because I don't want to disappoint people. But I can't make everybody happy. All writers (and artists, and any other form of creator) feel like shit now and then (or often). Our ideas are stale, boring, or they are interpreted in ways we were not prepared for. It sucks. It's horrible. And there is only one way through it:

Be prepared to suck. Be prepared to be boring. Be prepared for bad reviews and people to hate you. That's going to happen. You're going to have to write a hell of a lot before you turn good, and at that point your taste levels will have advanced so much you still think you suck. But do it anyway. Writing for praise is a sucker's game. Writing for yourself sets you up for being eviscerated by your worst critic: Yourself.

So focus on one single thing: Finish. Don't worry if it's good. Don't worry if it's boring. You already knows what's going to happen, of course it would be boring to you. There are two things that can happen with your story. Either it will suck to the end, and by finishing it you will have learned a valuable experience and can move on to your next work. Or there will be a story in there somewhere, and you can bring it out in the editing stage. But you can't start edit until you are finished.

And yeah, I feel sucky a lot of the time too, but I can't let that stop me. And neither should you. 

How long did it take for you to come up with a story structure that you were happy with for Rebirth and Retribution? 

Rebirth was easy, I had already mapped that one out for the book. However, I had to break off earlier than I'd like, so the ending is still not something I am happy with, it is just sort of there. Retribution I did a big reshuffle of the structure around halfway through when my wonderful editor said that the flow didn't work right, especially with the Herald romance. So I moved a lot of things around, and added some more. I am honestly never happy with a structure of a story, but there comes a point where I have to accept that it is what it is. Especially when it comes to interactive fiction, where so many different paths have to exist at once. Perfection doesn't exist.

What’s your process for overcoming road blocks + being unsure about the progression of the story you were writing? At what point do you think something (event, entire premise, story) should be scrapped?

Writing blocks always have a reason. Always. You just might not know what it is. For me, it is often my subconsciousness telling me that there is something wrong with the story. Until I figure it out, I will have a hard time writing it. My first step in resolving it is to skip the part I am having trouble writing, and write another part, jumping ahead. If that is possible, the story is alright, and I need to figure out if I really need that scene or if I can approach it from another direction. However, if I can't think of a future scene to write, the problem is in the story itself, and the reason why I a stalled is because I don't believe in the direction that it's going.

I have scrapped a LOT of stories. Whole books, in fact. Fallen Hero is one book, fused with background and characters from another book, and vibes from a third. All of these three stories lacked something, but when I put them together they became something more. And that's the lesson for scrapped events, stories or premises. Just put them away, don't delete them. It might not just be the time for them yet, or maybe they are missing some component you can't come up with right now. Nothing written is ever in vain. And, trust me, it is better to take the step to abandon a project for the time being rather than having like five projects going. Retire the troublemaker and move on to something else.

One final piece of advice: Sometimes the trouble comes from scenes you think have to be there because it's traditional. Ignore that. Start the story at the cool parts, even if that's close to the end. There is nothing worse than draggy beginnings that could have been summarized in a short flashback if needed.

Will the MC identity be discovered by the rest of the rangers by choice or will it be a scripted event?

It will depend on the players path and choices. It will be possible to go through the entire game and not reveal anything.

Anarchist is one of my favorite paths, so that got me curious about how exactly are ''Anti-establishment'' people like that viewed in the FHR world. Like, what's the political climate like, overall? Are people who speak out against the system seen as kinda punk (if a bit crazy) or is the general population more hostile towards views like that, a la ''red scare'' era?

It depends on where you are, as the local events often flavor how things are seen. In the east, what amounts to the real United States, anarchism is viewed as badly as communism. The political system never recovered from the emergency laws passed post-The Big One, and is very authoritarian. On the west coast, they tend to be seen as decidedly more punk. Since the political climate is so fractured, they have actual influence in many local communities. The companies that runs Los Diablos are not concerned unless they are trying to change the bigger system. But, since voting is money based, there's no real legal way to change things, so they are sitting pretty safe as long as people keep disagreeing on the details of how to change things.

On a similar note, is there anything you can share about the Mayor? Like, what's her politics like, what kind of things has she done for the city, etc.

Mayor Alvarez is viewed as a moderate. Unlike the last Mayor, she is not associated with any particular company, but have a background in local government. In fact, that was part of why she was elected, a neutral party to end the vicious infighting that ended the last Mayor.

I'm SUPER curious about what went down in that Void fight; is this something you plan to show more of in the books? Or, if not, would you consider writing some of those cool snippets on it? I'm SO hyped for this! 

I have very loose plans of making a mini game about that eventually, but if I don't, then I am definitely going to write something!

Can braindead/comatose bodies be used for the Re-Gene process? Was it ever attempted? 

No, though genetic material might be taken from them to mix into the vat.

With same sex Chargestep in a past fling, how did the relationship become the subject of so much media if Ortega and Sidestep took steps to keep it quiet? Just press being press, or was Ortega not as subtle as they thought?

The press is very good at making a hen out of a feather, but most of the time Ortega can just laugh it off if it's made up. It hits differently if there's truth to it.

Can Sidestep use their powers on themselves? (Give themselves false memories, control their own emotions, etc.)

Sadly not, if that was possible Sidestep's life might have been a lot easier.

How often did the farm use dampeners as well as numbers when dealing with telepaths? we know sidestep was able to listen to thoughts when they weren’t supposed to, but did any areas in particular always have those precautions in place? 

They had dampeners near the living areas, but they could not be used during training. Also, Sidestep's powers grew faster and quicker than people realized, so especially at the start there were very few protections.

sorry if something similar has been asked before, but what causes chen to become suspicious if you retrieve the nanovores as yourself in the start of rebirth? does he think he recognises you? or was it more of a retroactive conclusion, after he learns you’re alive?

Chen spotted you, but didn't immediately recognize you. But once he saw you again after Ortega found you, he remembered and put two and two together,

any hints on what sentinel is up to? 


The Shrink that Sidestep is seeing, is she more like a psychiatrist or a therapist? Is our poor Sidestep getting the proper prescription meds that they most likely need?  

Therapist. Medication has not come up yet.

How would Ortega's abilities be affected by rain?

Riskier to use, especially for others. While Ortega is insulated against stray currents, they try to avoid using their powers during rain, at least if they have allies there. It is easy for currents to spread to places that weren't intended.

I'm curious about Ortega's mods. They seem to have a lot of side effects from them. Is this normal for Mods?  Do Steel's mods have side effects?  Is Ortega the first living being to have their mods? Were they ever tested on a regene? 

Side effects are pretty common for bigger mods. Even if you can make something interact successfully with nerves and muscle, it's not going to go smooth. Steel's mods are limb replacements, which is one of the more reliable variants. Even so, wearing them is an effort. He often uses a wheelchair at home to get some relief. The worst parts for him are the points where the base for his prosthesis are, especially for the legs.

Ortega's mods are unique, nobody before or after has had something similar. There has been no Re-Gene subjects.

If animals can be boosted. Are there any modded animals around? 

The Laser Dolphins are modded as well as boosted. Modded dogs are common for guard duty, especially with cameras or scanners. They can also have modded jaws and teeth for biting. Modded birds exist, usually with cameras. 

Is human trafficking common in the FEZ?

Sadly, yes. There's no central registry of who lives there, so in many cases it won't even be discovered.

Is the pay of the Marshal higher then that of a normal Ranger? 

Yes, about five times.

Have regenes ever been used for kill and replace missions?


Are there any horror movies about boosts, mods or regenes out in the FH universe? 

Oh plenty! I have not detailed any though.

How common is it for mods to have to change their diet for their mods? 

It can happen, but most times not.

I want to know more boost cravings. What does Blaze crave? What does the HG trio crave? Does Catastrofiend crave anything? Does Locus crave anything?

Blaze doesn't have cravings specifically, but he shares the Sweetsteps need for calories. Hollow Ground has no cravings. Nocturne smokes, though whether that is because of her boosts or old habits are hard to say. Jake has a weird need for seafood, especially crustaceans, The Catastrofiend craves boost drugs, and Locus is a sugar fiend. 

Can we/Sidestep break someone’s mind with telepathy? How much damage can Sidestep do to someone’s mind? Will Sidestep be able to do this in game?

Sidestep could potentially destroy someone's mind, unless they have very strong defenses. They might get that opportunity in the future.

Can telepathy knock someone unconscious? Could telepathy be used to make people feel extreme pain? Could Sidestep use their powers to convince someone they injured them? Could telepathy permanently erase memories? 

Yes to all of these, and Sidestep has used most of them in the past (and some in the books).

Would Sidestep be more dangerous to a fellow telepath then normal human?

No. Or at least that is what would be true for any telepath. In Sidestep's case, things gets... complicated.

Do regenes grow wisdom teeth? Do they get dental care?

Yes and yes.

If a regene's boost powers evolve, will that be noted in their tattoos? Can regene tattoos be altered? 

No, and no.

Are there ever errors in regene tattoos? What would the Farm do if there was a mistake in a regene's tattoos? 

There are occasionally errors, but once they are made, there's not much to do about it. And over time, the number of errors have been minimized.

Are regene boosts more likely to reach Alpha level then human boosts? What is the most common boost level for special directive regenes? 

I don't think there's much difference. The most common type for SD are Beta level boosts.

Are regene boosts provided with the thing they crave if they have cravings?

Yes, it is needed for them to be efficient.

The HB incident aside, because that's pretty clear to see, would you say the Rangers may have some PTSD about all the horrible stuff they had to be put through along the years? I suppose this would be more about Steel, Ortega, and Sentinel, since they're the ones who've been active long enough to have seen some shit...

Oh yeah. There's a reason for the psych evaluations.  

If HG, Nocturne, and Jake all ended up going their separate ways, what would each of them do? 

Honestly, they would probably still do crime.

How did Argent feel about moving back to Los Diablos? 

Scared. Nostalgic.

Argent didn’t seem too happy with the fact Ortega was going to be present if Sidestep decided to “help” her figure out who possessed her, was that because she was afraid she might lose control during the process? 

She doesn't like people to see her weak, and she has to work with Ortega the next day. And yes, she might also have been nervous that Sidestep would ferret out some secrets, and she would have witnesses.

What advantage would each of the Rangers say they bring to the team?

Ortega: Unpredictability and luck.

Steel: Firepower.

Argent: Fighting skill.

Herald: Flight.

Does Mitchell have any files on people outside the hero/villain circles?

No, he's not interested in norms.

How satisfied would the Rangers and Dr. Mortum consider themselves to be of their lives? What about HG trio?

The HG trio is pretty pleased with themselves, but none of the Rangers are. Dr. Mortum is also pretty alright.

Sidestep can think that their past self would be horrified of the person they are in present day, what do the Rangers and Dr. Mortum think their past selves would think of their present selves?

Ortega would be impressed, Steel disappointed, Argent terrified, Herald proud, Mortum pleased.

The conversation with Ortega and trans Sidestep was very lovely!! Do we get a conversation similar with the other ros?

Yes, not the same, but they will talk about it.

Scaling the ROs, how flexible are they with their morals? 

I think I have already answered that in the past.

Does the Farm attain the DNA needed to make Re-Genes from dead people, or do they need their subjects alive? 

Live subjects are best, but dead ones will do as long as they can be sampled before the DNA starts to break down.

Will we have the options to choose to train our telepathy, instead of waiting for/coming across an event where our stats will get boosted? 

No. At this point, Sidestep is as trained as they can be. If you want the extra powers, you need to seek out dangerous situations where you can push your powers to the limit. But be advised, high numbers might not be so good in the long run.

Can you tell us more about Shimmerglow? 

I honestly haven't detailed much about her. Her powers are what she calls "hard light", she can produce glowing solid constructs of neon light. This includes weapons, shields and armor as well as more esoteric constructs. One of her favorites is a horse she calls Star.

Was Cavalier ever a good person? 

He would say so, and he had some friends who would agree.

What’s the policies around romance with the Rangers? Can members date each other? Can the Marshal date any of the members? Who *can* the Rangers date? 

There are no real official rules on this, but the HR can get involved if things turn messy.

... did Marshal Hood have an open casket funeral? 

Yes, there was a wake with an open casket where people could say their goodbyes.

Can you tell us about the Skinless man? His hopes, his dreams, was the the dude actually good at fighting? Most importantly where did he get the confidence to rock out with his John out?

The Skinless Man was actually a good fighter. He demolished a lot of heroes and vigilantes over the years. And there are some people who gets off on showing off, maybe his see-through skin was a reflection of that. He was active for six years, focusing on stealing money, and after that he disappeared. Rumor has it he bought a yacht and now sails the oceans.

Who was the swordmaster? What was there whole deal.

The Swordmaster was a boost with delusions of Zorro. He was a villain, sure, but apart from stealing money, it seemed like his main motivation was finding heroes and vigilantes to fight. Flashily. Flamboyantly. He was a fan favorite for many, and is currently serving a ten year sentence in Lancaster Prison.

Does Sidestep have the ability to telepathically scramble people's brain? If they do, how does that work? What does it look like when people examine the person who got scrambled?

While the term Scramble is not a scientific term, Sidestep can certainly do it. It would read as a combination between amnesia, a psychotic break, and a minor stroke. 

Given that men who get around are generally perceived more positively than women who do the same, have Ricardo and Julia ever been treated differently either by the press or in their private lives? Like is Ricardo seen more as a charming casanova who can get all the women while Julia as simply "slutty"?

I think we all know this is 100% true. And, as a result, Ricardo has also been a lot more open with his relationships than Julia has. She would have more of an "eternally single" vibe, going on a lot of dates, but not being in as many official relationships.

Can you tell us more about Umbral? 

A loudmouth bully with a flashy mansion, the kind of man who shows off his wealth at every opportunity. Clothes, cars, jewelry, cash... you name it. 

Has Ashfall ever tried communicating by contorting his ash form into images? Like the school of fish from Finding Nemo? 

Ashfall in my head right now is doing the 'pikachu face' because he never thought of that.

What kind of writing styles/signatures does the cast have? 

Ortega: Wide and curvy, Steel; Narrow and neat, Argent: bad, Herald: elegant and cultured.

How would the cast react to a Step that likes them, admires their skills, but doesn’t truly trust or take them seriously + dismiss them out of hand if they want to help Step? (E.g. Offering to pay for therapy, be a willing listener, giving advice, telling them they need help? Just for it all to fall on deaf ears, possibly getting hostile if they press?) 

Honestly, you will probably have to find out in game for most of them. Ortega however, is used to it, and it is annoying, but they get it. Ain't gonna stop them from trying to help.

What would Chen’s life be like if he took the boost drug instead of joining the military? Would he have joined anyway? If so, how different would his life have been?

If he had taken the boost drugs at that early point in life and lived... I'll be honest. He would probably have turned to crime.

Building up on a question above, does the way they get hypersexualized ever make Ortega (either Julia or Ricardo) uncomfortable? I know they like to be charming, but with the way the media tends to treat "sexy" celebrities irl, and the straight up creepy movies people make about Charge in-universe, I can't imagine it always feels exactly flattering...

Ricardo: Is often uncomfortable but never shows it. Jokes about it, leans into it and makes a thing of it. Has a cold shower and a big drink once he's alone.

Julia: Is more comfortable with calling people out on their bullshit, including the media. Has hit people. Has on one occasion paid a villain to do a raid on a particularly obnoxious magazine office.

I recently joined, so I've been reading past lore posts, and I just read the Truths story you posted for the 100 patrons. I was wondering, what question would Sidestep have asked the group if they hadn't been tricked? Or was it that they pretended to get tricked so they wouldn't have to ask a question?

The latter. Asking questions are awkward in more ways than one, especially if you are not sure what would be weird. Social interactions are dangerous.

There's been some interesting convos about Ortega's bi angst but I wonder will Ortega ever ask Sidestep about their sexuality? If they're in a same sex relationship do they assume Sidestep's gay or bi? Do they think they've also had difficulties coming out? Did they ever talk about this stuff from Step's point of view? 

I hope to have some talks about that in book 3.

How many times has sidestep been boosted?

One, when they were created.

Additionally, did the green sky cult achieve their goal in boosting ortega? Feels like them to keep that kind of thing on the hush hush for a decade.

Hahah indeed it does, but nope. They did not get to that point yet.

Is there a higher likelihood of boosted siblings/family members getting similar boosts?

That is one theory, but it has so far not been proven.

Has Ortega ever been at Joes? 

Oh yes.

Could the Nanovores get "sick" if they were to eat something"bad"?

Not so far...

When was the Green Sky first formed?

It is unknown, but they claim that they were around before the Big One.

Had Anathema and the Catastrofiend ever crossed paths before Themmy joined the Rangers?

Not in battle.

Would Herald ask for Step’s autograph?

That would be too embarrassing.

On a separate note, what sort of Step merch/paraphernalia would he willingly spend money on? Would he pay top dollar if there was only one item of its kind in existence? How much would he fork out for the only Step autograph in Sidestep history? 

If Daniel hadn't become a hero, he 100% would have done all of this. However, he thinks of his past self as rather childish, and has tried to push down his fanboyness.

In addition, is this where sidestep's hand stab wound came from, or an unrelated event? 

No, that was a different event, when Sidestep's gun got shot out of their hand.

What was Danny’s favoured fan theory back in the day about how step’s “sidestepping” power worked?   What did he think when he found out the truth?

Daniel thought it was some sort of danger sense, and well, when he learned the truth he didn't think he was far from it.

Are Logarithm and Five Pennies still in jail?

As of Retribution, yes.

Can five pennies' powers work with any five pennies or do they need to use the same pennies?

He always claimed it needed to be those five, but whether that was true is unclear.

When is resolution 32 due to come to an end?


When did West Coast Mysteries and Murders (Marek’s team) film their Void episode?  They mention cellar dungeons and blood.  How did they get away?

This was an abandoned base, they only went there after the Rangers had routed the cultists.It was still plenty creepy though.

What happened exactly when Angie bailed Ortega out (before Ortega found Sidestep again)? Does Angie have a habit of covering for Ortega? Is Steel aware? 

Haven't detailed exactly what it was yet, it might come up in game. But yes, she has a habit of covering for Ortega, and Steel has noticed.

There seems to a be a lot telepathic residue fucking with people’s minds in FHR. It’s interesting to me that Ortega was so haunted by the “ghost” of Sidestep during their 7 lost years. Was that just human grief, or could it be that despite the static, (with the extreme turmoil of the HB incident and since Ortega found Sidestep while their powers were expanding), Sidestep left telepathic residue behind in Ortega’s mind? 

This is an interesting theory.

So uh. Is the technology there in the FHR world for tracking hardware to be installed in something as small as say... Facial piercings? 

Oh yes, if you know the right people good at miniaturizing.

After sidestep's return, has ortega ever seen them when they're not there?


Before the diner had Ortega ever caught a glimpse of actual step but lost them and assumed they’d imagined it?


In Ortega's POV of the Rebirth scene (August lore post), Ortega isn't sure whether Sidestep is real. Is there a shred of truth to their unease? Could they be weary of their own senses because of earlier hallucinations when it's actually their gust instinct warning them off? Is the Sidestep they see wrong in some way, and if yes, what exactly is bothering Ortega there? 

I said what I said in the story, not going to elaborate on that.

When Dr.  Mortum was working on our suit and had the girls in their possession, did they read their mind or did the good doctor take precautions for even telepathic animals?

Oh the Rat King knows some shit, there were no dampeners or numbers employed.

Do the girls recognize Sidestep in the puppet's body? How does the puppet feel to them?

The girls knows it's Sidestep, but more muted. Like seeing someone through thick glass so they can't hear you.

What was Regina and Sidestep's dynamic like? Or will you give us a choice, and if yes, what kind of options are you planning to give, roughly?

I will give you choices, but I'm not sure exactly which ones yet.

What were the Highwayman's powers? Did Sidestep utilise their stolen energy caster to its full abilities or is there something (I'm quoting) "esoteric" about it that they're not aware of?

Highwayman was a boost, with a pretty standard setup. His gun was the most interesting thing about him, and Sidestep knows his gun pretty well.

Bo used to drive for bank robbers, and Lord Francis Ember used to rob banks back in his LD emberstorm days.  Did they ever work together?

Maybe once or twice, they weren't close.

How long has Deadeye worked for HG?  What are her opinions on Nocturne and Jake?

She originally started working for HG's older brother, so a long time. She keeps her opinions to herself.

Can I buy Ortega a Birthday gift for their birthday party :/

Probably. The question is what.

Most of the villains and heroes that we know of all have names that match their powers, characteristics, or how they want to be seen. So... given that Locus is defined as "a particular position or place where something occurs or is situated" - Does any part of this definition hint at Locus' role in the story? Or perhaps, say...the Core?

Not really.

During the memorial park scene, Ortega asks sidestep to see a therapist. Had they already come in contact with doctor Finch, or did they decide on the spot that sidestep needed to see someone? How did they process of them reaching out to psychologists go?

Ortega was already aware of Dr. Finch. They hadn't been seeing her, but had heard good things in the hero community. So when they thought Sidestep needed help, she seemed like the natural choice.

Does Dr. Mortum offer a warranty on our armor incase something were to happen to (say some Rangers get a hold of) it? How would they react if we started to add our own modifications?

No warranty. That would be a bad idea in the villain business. And if you want to add your own modifications, that is entirely on you.

This is going to be a ridiculous leap but: Does Grossberg's Adaptive Resonance Theory have any influence on Ljungstrand's theory of telepathy? How about the more recent General Resonance Theory suggested by Hunt and Schooler? Was Ljungstrand trying to establish the origin of consciousness in his research, much like how philosophers of old tried to locate the soul?

Not exactly, Ljungstrand is convinced there is more to it than that. And yes, Ljungstrand was very interested in the origin of the consciousness.

If it isn't Grossberg, is there another pre-existing theory of consciousness that you've taken as inspiration?

Nope, this is all me.

If a classification was made above Alpha, what would it be named?


What would tia Elena have done if she knew how bad the fights between Ortega and their dad had gotten? Especially since some paths suggest he got physically violent with Julia. Is it possible that he had ever been violent with Elena as well? 

Tia Elena didn't know how bad things had gotten. And the violence was not just to Julia, but she is the one who is more ready to be open about it. In fact, it was probably worse with Ricardo. However, Ortega was no less good at keeping up appearances as a child. Elena suspected that something was wrong, and knew their relationship was not good, but chalked it up to both of them being very headstrong. She was also worried about Ortega taking a lot of risks, and perhaps ending up in bad (or even criminal) company so she understood the need for discipline. 

I know Elena has Snowball, but does she keep that muhfuckin’ thang on her, too? Is she more than capable of putting up a fight?

Elena is not defenseless.

We know Anathema’s pronouns but do they have a canonly fixed gender identity?

I will say what I always say: The only one with a fixed gender identity is Dr. Mortum, who is trans. Everything else is up to headcanon and I embrace people making the characters their own. Things are open to interpretation, even if I don't mention it in the text.

What’s Nocturne’s ethnicity? HG varies, and Jake is Filipino. What about her?

African American.

Will it be a possibility in the future for the ROs to have a secret crush on Step, like Danny’s (not so secret) crush on them?

I have enough variables.

What did Anathema’s mind feel like to Sidestep? What was their mindscape like? (Any stickiness?)

Anathema felt solid and cold, like a comfortably cool rock in the shadows on a hit day. Sidestep could pick up thoughts with effort, but they did not project.

If Step had gotten into contact with Ortega before  they'd run into them at the diner and asked to see/barrow/take the nanovores after reconnecting, what would have happened? Would Ortega have let Step into the area for them to get access to them?

The nanovores? Probably not. Not even for Sidestep. Too many bad memories.

What was the inquiry about which was ruled an accident during the HB lab flashback?

One of the many experiments with the Core.

Disregarding Ortega's immunity to telepathy, would they have survived the Heartbreak incident?

Probably not, but you never know. Ortega has survived a lot.

Was Sidestep conscious (as in no sleeping / fainting / seizures) during the entire Heartbreak incident? Was Ortega?


Adding to that: Were Chen and Themmy?


Has Mortum ever gotten their hands on a Regene AI chip? 


In a past QnA, you said that Chen is attracted to ‘strength of character.’ Can you define that? 👀 What about Sidestep does he see that fits that criteria?? Step is a huge mess. 

Step thinks they are a huge mess, but as you might have realized by now, Sidestep is not an unbiased observer. Chen might see things in them they do not see themselves.

Does Regina have a particular opinion on the Cult of the Green Sky and the Void? asking for a friend

She thinks they are dangerous fanatics.

Is the information that Cavalier found related to the special directive and specifically Regenes?


Are Regene ever given braces?

Yes, if it's needed.

Was the core infected before or after heartbreak? How long was the incubation period?

Before. A couple of years.

This is the Dumbest question, but considering the spin medical technology has taken, how has that impacted dental advancement?

It is also more advanced, but I'm not going to go into great detail. 

What do Blaze and Zephyr think of Locus’s disappearance?? Are they worried about her? What did they think of her post-break up of the LBH? 

They think that she is off infiltrating or solving another of her weird mysteries. It's not the first time she's been off on her own. In fact, that is one of the reasons that the group broke up.

In a Rangers PVE: which team is strongest? In a Rangers PVP: which team would win out of them all? Which individual Ranger would win out of them all?

I seriously have no idea, and not much interest in trying to figure out these things.

Was the heartbreak experiment always doomed to fail? Had they utilized a telepath with a different classification code, or had external environment conditions been different - would they have succeeded without causing, well, heartbreak?

It was not doomed to fail, but the classification had nothing to do with it.

What (precise) difference do you make between telepaths and psi-sensitive people? Who in the story would you categorize as a telepath, and who as psi-sensitive? 

To borrow a comparison: A psi-sensitive would have vision like a dog, but a telepath would be a mantis shrimp. Also, psi-sensitives have existed before and outside of the boost drugs.

Does Mortum live in their lab full time or do they have an apartment/place somewhere else as well? 

They do have a sadly neglected apartment.

How big is the lab? We know it's got a bedroom, bathroom, main lab, kitchenette, infirmary, storage, and a side room or two, but how expansive is it really? And how deep underground is it/does it go? 

It is a lot larger than that, but I won't tell you details. That might knowledge come in very handy in the future.

Building off the Trio as parents question… what would the ROs be like as parents??

I have no idea, I am not good at parent stuff.

And what would Mortum and Ortega be like as older siblings? 

I think you can be the judge of that by reading the book.

What was Chen like?

Not as disciplined as he is now, that's for sure.

Tw suicide We know that Step can try to (unsuccessfully) commit suicide in-game, but how would the Rangers react if they were successful? And Step was on good terms with them? Would they have a special grave made to honour Step the way Blaze gets if he dies?

I won't get into that. You have no idea.

In a previous QnA, you said that Step didn’t fit the preconceptions of a telepath. What were said preconceptions like?

Not as physically adept as they are.

What kind of ‘bedroom secrets’ does Blaze have?

Him fancying men is one of them.

Does Ortega’s static convey telepathic “patterns” to Sidestep, who’s so tuned into their mind? Since apparently Ortega has a brain (what??), and if we consider the static to be a shield of sorts, then can Sidestep feel “ripples” of different kinds through the static when Ortega’s mind is upset, or powerfully focused, etc? 

Yeah, there are differences, and if Sidestep focuses they can sense moods. But, just like listening to static, this is not very pleasant, so it's not something Sidestep commonly does.

Was the heartbreak experiment an attempt to transfer a human mind/consciousness into an artificial body?


How many living survivors of the heartbreak incident are there?  People whose minds were actually touched by heartbreak

Probably a dozen or so left.

Have HB and Regina ever met? Or, if not, were they aware of each other?


This may seem strange, but depending on circumstances, will Step’s telepathy start to feel more ‘tangible’ to them? More like a physical limb perhaps?

Probably not, unless you want to headcanon it.

Does Snowball ever wear any little Christmas sweaters or flannel? The desert gets cold

Nope, that would not be dignified.

So it's a well known fact that Ortega's accidentally the funniest person alive and they straight up ask Sidestep advice on how to deal with them under the guise that it's "about a friend," who sidestep assumes is lady argent. Have they ever pulled this kind of move with anyone else, like asking lady argent on advice About lady argent under the pretence that it's for example about Sidestep? If they have done it with any of the other Rangers, have any of them caught on and either called them out of played along?

Probably, but only Chen called them on it. Honestly I can see Chen turning the tables and doing the exactly same thing.

Say if a government hero (e.g. The Rangers, the Guardians) had retired from active duty… and has been discovered to have had ongoing romantic/sexual relations with a known villain while they were on active duty. 

Only in the tabloids, nothing that seems to be correct.

Are there any repercussions for that, or…? Are they safe because they’re no longer serving as an active hero? 

I mean, that would depend very much on the situation. There might be, especially if there might be suspicions of dereliction of duty.

What’s Joes’ boost? Strengths? Weaknesses? Any fun things he can do?

He can split into several copies of himself. That's why the bar's name is Joes and not Joe's.

Will it ever be possible to get on good terms with Owl? Not being friends or anything, but mutual acceptance and less hostility.

Maybe, who knows?

Does the AI part of Re-Genes in any notable way save for the uploaded intel into their mind? E.g. Affecting mental processes to some extent? Making them a bit more robotic and wearing off in time as they develop? 

Oh yes, they are very glitchy at the start, before they have internalized all the different memories. Prone to outbursts, mismatched emotions and other oddness until the Farm has broken them out of the worst habits.

Would Re-Genes have survived without the AI chip?

Survived maybe, not in a pleasant state though.

What does a Re-Gene language sound like? Is it just all code-words with hidden meanings, or is it also more like an actual language with its own grammar/alphabet/etc?

It's a simple language of gestures and innocent sounds and knocks. There's no grammar, no written form, and it is still constantly evolving.

Was Cavalier ever affiliated with anyone we know / know of? Has Cavalier ever communicated with Vernon, for example?

Yes, Vernon did interview him back when he still lived in the east.

With the rise and study of telepathy and psi sensitivity, has the definition of "brain dead" (as in legally brain dead) in the FHR universe changed at all? (as a widely known understanding or otherwise) 

I do think it has adjusted slightly, but it's mostly similar.

Five Pennies' pennies were at the gala's exhibit, right? Where are they now? Did someone get hold of them in the kerfuffle?

It depends on what happened with the museum.

Did Mortum have any hidden motives for being at the gala in Rebirth?

Not deeper than the fact that they love fancy parties.

Chen's family is Cantonese-speaking, right? Is his family originally from Hong Kong/Macau/Guangdong/Guangxi?

His family is originally from Guangdong.

We know that sidestep picked Lady Argent up from where she does therapy. Must have been a fair walk To the ranger's HQ to go get the nanovores. Roughly how long was Sidestep possessing her before Herald found her?

It was a long walk intentionally, Sidestep wanted to make sure that they had her body under full control before approaching the headquarters. It would have been about two hours or so.

What were Hood and Sentinel's first impressions of Ortega and Chen?

One cocky and one calm, they might be able to work with this.

Are there any rivalries between the various Rangers teams?

Not really, they seldom have to work together. It's more between separate members in that case.

Has Owl ever been to jail? 👀 Does she have a criminal record?

No, and no. That would be sloppy.

How would things have been different if Step had possessed Herald? 

Herald would have a bigger bruise from Argent.

Have any notable villains, heroes, or vigilantes debuted during the course of Rebirth and Retri? (aside from Villain!Step)

Yes, but I have not come up with any.

Has anyone at the farm ever used their own dna to create new regene? If yes, are those regene still around? If yes, has regina been one of those people? 

Yes, yes and no.

Malin. Is stealing the Chargebike written in the stars of Book 3 or 4 for Sidestep?

That sounds sweet.

So could we perhaps take over the FEZ? And if so…. Could we perhaps go further? :thenperish~1: United States domination? (Mister NSA agent: this pertains to fiction, go to bed)

Well, high ambitions can be encouraged in book 4. The FEZ might be on the table...

During Heartbreak, did Ortega actively make a wrong move we're not aware of, or do they only feel responsible because they were the Marshal/responsible for the team? 

The latter, though Ortega thinks the former.

After the heartbreak disaster... did the farm ever try the same experiment again?


Who would win in a chess game between: 

Mortum and Chen 

Ortega and Argent 

Herald and Chen, but Chen has 5 seconds to move and herald has all the time he wants

Chen, Ortega and Chen.

Could weighted shoes help Herald reduce hovering and lower his centre of gravity?


How was Cavalier trained? Beyond his initial military boosting, was he a "normal" soldier (à la Chen) or was he part of any specific programme geared towards experimenting with boosts (double-boosting, pushing power levels, or even the early years of the Special Directive?) 

He was a part of a special program.

Did Cavalier ever serve alongside Regenes? 


How come Cavalier is "rumoured" dead? What happened to him after the Pentagon attack, how did we lose track of him? Where is his body now?

He was defeated in the Pentagon attack, and declared dead. However, there are rumors that he was just captured, so nobody knows for sure.

Did Cavalier manage to do what he wanted in the Pentagon attack?

As a villain, what kind of suit did he don, and if applicable, what kind of mask? Any specific symbols or design choices that could orient the public as to why he switched sides / what he was fighting for?

Oh Cavalier didn’t change his suit, and he never wore a mask. This was all done in his classic red white and blue dress uniform outfit. As to whether he did what he wanted to before being brought down, that's unclear.

You think Catastrofiend would let me take them out for a little lunch? I feel like it probably hasn’t had many platonic, non-murderous luncheons in a while. 

Oh you don't want to do that. Trust me.

How much public info is there on incidents like the Nanosurge or threats like the Void and how they were stopped/dealt with, what went down, so forth?

How much public info is there on secret military operations? Some exist, but is very hard to find.

Vernon had been investigating something before he was forcibly stopped - How close was he (in percentages) to the truth? 

Oh he knows the truth, he just can't use it.

How did Locus take being blamed for the Long Beach Heroes’ break up? What about Blaze? Zephyr? Porphyry? 

She was alright with taking the blame, and she is not really worried about it. In her mind, the accusations weren't actually that wrong. Porphyry felt badly about it though, and didn't want her to blame.

Whose idea was it to pin the blame on her?

Zephyr was the outpspoken one.

Was locus active when sidestep was a vigilante?

They never interacted.

To a telepath, could Sidestep "camouflage" / subterfuge their thoughts so that they don't appear to be a telepath (by filtering or blocking any hints that they're reading the world around them / the telepath in front of them, for example)? And if the other telepath bumps into Sidestep's shields, would those shields feel telepathic to them or could they mistake it for a normal person with very good defenses?


Could Locus have fared better in Heartbreak if she were in Sidestep’s shoes instead?

Oh no. Not at all.

If the Rangers could pick/design their own uniforms what would each of them pick?

I have no idea! Maybe you'll find out.

What would Ortega have done differently during HB to prevent that whole tragedy, if they could turn back time?

Never leave Sidestep's side.

Theoretically, how would the psycho couple (Teddy/Tina) take it if the other wanted to divorce them? Would they react badly?? Or would things be amicable? 

It would most likely be amicable if there wasn't any political differences. Then, it's murder.

Was Anathema's hair also invulnerable? Could they cut their hair or was it stuck the same length from when they became invulnerable?

They could not cut their hair, that was forever their style.


All Blue

Ahh… thanks for the writing advice Malin;; I think I needed to hear this.


Before the diner had Ortega ever caught a glimpse of actual step but lost them and assumed they’d imagined it? Yes. I AM CRUSHED