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Mitchell's Guide to Villains entry 173.

Subject: No villain identity.

Civilian identity: Boris Pavlenko. 

Birthdate: 14th August 1987

Birthplace: Seattle, USA.

Height: 5'10" 178cm

Weight: 143lb/65kg

Classification: Type E Mod. Sensory and interface enhancements, focused on driving and connection to vehicles.

Status: Mercenary. 

Notes: Ex-wife: Myra Pavlenko. Daughter: Jessica, aged 6.


Transcript of tapes obtained during the Tina Broucek surveillance (See entry 28: Psychopathor). 


[Landfall, a newly built bar/restaurant at the Los Diablos seaside. Note: Look into the owner; something's off. Present: Tina Broucek, director of the Los Diablos Aquarium, and Boris Pavlenko having dinner.]

Boris: Look, I don't know how to put this.

Tina: You don't have to be nervous. I wouldn't invite you to a restaurant to have you killed. At least not a good one.

Boris: [nervous laughter] Yeah...

Tina: And I do realize that you need to think of your future.

Boris: You know I do.

Tina: That's what I just said.

Boris: And your husband...

Tina: If I knew something, you would too. Because the moment I do, I will need your help. Or rather...

Boris: I'm not... Look. I will help you get Kurt out once you find out where they're holding him, but it will be as a driver. Nothing else. I don't do that shit anymore.

Tina: She divorced you anyway.

Boris: That's a low blow. And you know I didn't quit because of her.

Tina: Actually, I didn't. I always thought she was putting pressure on you.

Boris: No, she just thought I was a shitty dad. I can't say she was wrong.

Tina: So what's the problem then?

Boris: Maybe I just wanted to stop. I couldn't keep doing what I did. It's better this way. Cars are nice. Cars are relaxing. People don't shoot at you quite as often.

Tina: And you can't shoot back.

Boris: I don't miss that bit. 

Tina: It wasn't your fault. Collateral damage happens.

Boris: Doesn't mean I want to remember. I'm through. I don't even think about those days anymore; I like who I am now.

Tina: Really?

Boris: Well, more, anyway.

Tina: And here I thought you were even more driven than I am.

Boris: Yours is a bigger cause.

Tina: True. You know I'm going to try to talk you into joining when the time comes.

Boris: Yeah. Don't think things will have changed, but you never know.

Tina: Things change all the time. You've got a daughter. Eventually, she'll want to go to college.

Boris: Many years in the future.

Tina: So you're planning to stick to being a driver for hire and pretend you're nobody special?

Boris: I am nobody special. I like it.

Tina: Bullshit. Nobody likes being broke. Are you doing this to punish yourself? Let your enhancements go to waste?

Boris: Upkeep is expensive. I couldn't afford to keep them all running. Hell, I don't need them all. I'm through.

Tina: It's just such a waste of time and talent.

Boris: At least I'm here having dinner with you, unlike Kurt.

Tina: You're lucky it's a nice restaurant.

Boris: I know. I'm sorry. I hope you find him soon.

Tina: I will. It's the government; someone will leak eventually.

Boris: If I hear anything, you'll be the first to know.

Tina: Thank you. 

Boris: I've been meaning to ask you, did you ever find out anything about that liaison I asked you about?

Tina: The one who's been hanging out at Joes? Not much. Not local anyway. Got a possible hit with a contact in San Francisco; we'll see if anything comes up. Are you still thinking about signing on?

Boris: It would be steady work, with good pay, and all I have to do is drive and be the occasional backup. Still haven't met their mysterious employer, but it sounds like they're coming to town soon.

Tina: I don't like it. Something smells weird.

Boris: You don't like that I go to work for someone that's not your husband.

Tina: Damn right. But I won't stop you. 

Boris: What are you worried about? If it's a new villain, chances are the gig will be short.

Tina: And if it's not a new one?

Boris: Then why keep the name sec... oh. Yeah. If they're afraid it would be recognized.

Tina: We'll see. It's probably nothing. Just don't let your guard down. You don't want to be caught in the wrong war.

Boris: No more war. That's why I'm doing this. If it gets too intense, I'm out.

Tina: If it's someone I need to know is back in town, you will tell me.

Boris: Of course. I still owe you.

Tina: You do. But I won't be petty about it.

Boris: Thank you. And thank you for keeping Myra on. It's a stone off my back.

Tina: She's a good worker. I see no reason to fire her. 

Boris: You could have threatened to. To get to me.

Tina: You think I would do that?

Boris: In a heartbeat. If you thought it would make me change my mind.

Tina: Would it?

Boris: Let's hope we never find out. I'd much rather like you than hate you.

Tina: And we both know what happens to people you hate. I've been meaning to ask you, though...

Boris: Why I didn't just move my family back to Seattle? Or why I didn't?

Tina: Them. I know why you didn't. 

Boris: Myra wouldn't move. And I told you. I just drive a car these days.

Tina: Sure. I watch the news.

Boris: You know as well as I do they're not always telling the truth. You just see what you want to see.

Tina: Instead of seeing what you want me to see.

Boris: I'm telling the truth. 

Tina: I don't care. You're the only one that does. Play your little games. Be a nobody. When the time comes, I will still be counting on you.

Boris: That's unwise.

Tina: Really? The LDPD might be the one to blame here.

Boris: For once, they're not responsible. If that was the case, I'd know. I think this might be military. And before you ask, my contacts know nothing.

Tina: Shit. That would explain why I'm getting nothing.

Boris: Give it time. Someone will talk. Or maybe Kurt will escape on his own. It wouldn't be the first time.

Tina: That's true. I wish he'd do it soon. I miss him.

Boris: I know, Tina. I know.



Boris! <3


Bo being a dad 🥺