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Well, it's a little late because life has been very much a... thing lately. Lore will come later in the week, I promise! 

For now, enjoy!


Will we ever get to get sexy with Ortega as the puppet or is that too fucked up even for this game 😅

Honestly, I don't know yet. I do know there was a scene like that in the original book, though Sidestep got cold feet and bailed. We'll see how I feel once I get to it.

Will we get to introduce ourselves as our actual MC to Bo?

Yes. Book three (or in book two if you pick a certain mob boss path).

Will Sidestep/Puppet ever get close enough to Mortum to be able to call them by their name or is Mortum averse to that? And if Puppet is close with Mortum at the end of Retribution, do they even know their name?

Nobody knows Mortum's real name in Retribution. But you can get to that position of trust once all the cards are on the table in book three.

Does being called by their name (Julia/Ricardo) come off as more intimate or more formal to Ortega? Since some people find the use of their nickname to mean familiarity while others use their nickname for so many contexts that it’s the use of their actual name that means such.

It comes off as more intimate. Ortega has been their identity/stage name for so long, only their close family calls them by their first name.

Do they actually prefer to go by Ortega? Is Ortega the name they identify with the most or is it a bit of a persona, like Charge is?

They prefer Ortega, but it's mainly from habit. It's been their nickname/stage name since high school and by now it's what they are used to. And yes, there definitely is a persona involved, like with most things they do.

Do they even perceive Ortega and Charge as all that different? And how much?

Not very different. Charge is pretty much the 'hero' upgrade of who they used to be for their old daredevil videos. What gets cut out as Charge are the tiredness, the annoyance, the doubts... anything that's not confident and outgoing.

What’s the dynamic between Herald and Ortega like?

Interesting. Herald had a lot of respect for Ortega, it was probably close to hero worship when he first joined the Rangers. Over time, this faded since he got to see the bad sides of Ortega, and they became human. He's also rather worried, he doesn't think Ortega takes care of themselves and is heading for another crash, but nobody else seems to worry or notice. And Ortega won't listen.

Ortega on the other hand likes Herald a lot, they work well together. They don't exactly respect them, there's not enough friction there for that, and Herald is too soft spoken and considerate to make Ortega sit up and take notice.

If the relationship between Ortega and the villain is sympathetic, will it be possible to convince them to join the dark side? 👀 Or is Ortega unlikely to cross that line?

It's Ortega... let's just say that given the right motivation, that's not impossible. They have few illusions about how things are run here left.

In fact, which of the Rangers is most to least likely to cross that line?

Most to least: Ortega, Chen, Lady Argent, Herald. 

However, what would motivate them to make that switch is very different for each one of them, and I am not going to say what. Romance is not needed.

What’s Locus like in personality? What’s her public reputation?

Locus had a good reputation back when she was part of the Long Beach Heroes, but like most telepaths, she was seen as rather aloof. After they broke apart her reputation tanked, and she got blamed for the breakup. She did not join the Guardians, but instead went solo. She worked mostly with other heroes, training them in telepathic defense and joining them when her powers were needed.

As for her personality, Locus started working as a hero/vigilante in her early teens, though people at the time had no idea. She's always been the quiet and thoughtful one, preferring to stay out of the limelight. She didn't have many friends, and the heroes who worked with her found her rather weird and easily distracted, though not in a bad way. She was just hard getting close to.

What do the Rangers and Dr. Mortum regret the most?

Dr. Mortum regrets trusting certain people, being stabbed in the back is never fun. (No, this is not Sidestep)

Ortega: Not being quick enough to stop Sidestep.

Herald: Not speaking up sooner, maybe then everything would be different.

Lady Argent: Being weak. Losing control.

Steel: Not going against regulations, he should have trusted his gut.

Will there be more opportunities to change our rival in the future?

I plan at least one instance for each book.

Concerning poly relationships, would one with Steel and Julia be possible, with Sidestep in the middle and both attracted only to them of course? Or would Steel feel too uncomfortable with that?

Yes, the tag for the buildup for that is already in book two.

During the scene with Steel and Spoon in the dog park, we can choose to be wary of dogs. Will that be reflected in future interactions with them?

Hmmm... I had no tag for it, but I will add one now. Good idea.

Where do the Rangers draw the line when it comes to redemption and forgiveness?

Oh I am NOT going to tell you that, you'll have to wait and see.

What kind of facial hair styles has Ricardo tried before? If he hasn't tried any, did he just like the thought of the mustache or did he base it off some external factor?

He was mostly clean shaven (or with stubble/scruff) when Sidestep knew him, but I think he's played around with various styles of facial hair/hairstyles over the years. It depends on what's popular at the time.

What do the mob boss crew or Bo/Rosie like to do on their free time?

Nehal likes to party, as does ZaZa. Not in the same places though, he's too old and crusty for her scene, and that annoys him to no end because he's not even thirty yet! Pelayo likes to play pool, he's also a wrestling fan. Voted most likely to be found in a sports bar. Ward has not yet managed to make him like Hockey tho. Ward is also a sports fan, and watches a lot of movies.

There’s a strange shark memory/dream Sidestep can have if they visit the gala alone in Rebirth and wondered if that memory or dream was Sidestep’s or someone else’s? 

Good question. You're not getting an answer.

How did Ortega's and Sidestep's final fight against Void went? Is Void still alive? 

I won't go into detail there, there might be a flashback of that in book three and I don't want to spoil things. Void is thought to be dead.

If Sidestep doesn’t to bother to hide the fact they possibly have lot of money right now and Ortega doesn’t suspect them being the villain, how or from where does Ortega think Sidestep gets the money?

Oh Ortega knows EXACTLY where Sidestep is getting the money (and they are dead wrong). You'll learn about that later, so no spoilers. 

How did Anathema and Sunstream end up as Rangers? 

Sunstream was recruited, she was a corporate hero, but she wanted to do something more with her life, so when she got the offer she took it. Sentinel was the one who recommended her.

Anathema got brought in by Hood, they had no previous hero experience and Hood must have done some serious work behind the scenes to make that go through.

How did Lady Argent enjoy spending her birthdays when she was still living a normal civilian life? 

Presents! Cake! This is my birthday so everyone has to cater to me for once. Not doing the dishes.

The Special Directive Re-gene Sidestep possibly saved in Rebirth, how are they doing? 

Alive. Working.

How old was Marshal Hood when he died? 

In his fifties.

After reading Sidestep's reaction to zoos, wondered how would places like wildlife parks or aquariums make them feel? 

Aquariums are nice. Fish don't register much, and there's something calming about their movements. Wildlife parks are neutral, like the countryside. Not much to pick up there. Zoos are special because the animals are so focused on the people, and hard to shut out.

How did each Ranger (and Dr. Mortum during their villain career) feel during their first day as vigilante, hero, or villain? How did their first mission go? 

Dr. Mortum was nervous as hell, nearly called it off five times and only went through with it because they needed the money. It went well.

Ortega was in their element, this was the life they were made for! It went very well!

Steel didn't think much of it, it was just another job. Less dangerous than the army. He think it went passable, but there were a lot of mistakes made. (He was on the same one as Ortega.)

Herald was nervous, but also excited. It went okay, but he was glad nobody was watching.

Lady Argent was terrified, but did it anyway. It went surprisingly easy.

Before getting to work on nanovores and Sidestep’s villain armor, what had been Dr. Mortum’s favorite project before that? Or their last big project? 

Their holy grail is workable teleportation technology, but so far it has eluded them. That's their big background project that just eats resources. Their last big project is a massive spoiler.

Did Dr. Mortum have any particular thoughts on the Rangers of the past like Sentinel, Sunstream or Anathema? 

Not exactly, heroes are heroes, and as long as they stay out of their way there's not much to be concerned with.

How long had HB been traveling before they got to the apartment 412? Also how aware or conscious they were at the beginning of their journey compared to when Sidestep entered into the apartment? 

A long, long way, and they deteriorated as they went. The person who started that journey was very different from the one that Sidestep encountered.

What do the Rangers and Dr. Mortum would like to tell their younger selves? 

Dr. Mortum: It gets better, and don't trust anyone in academia.

Ortega: Always double-check your equipment.

Steel: Don't make rash decisions, you'll regret them later.

Lady Argent: Move to San Francisco.

Herald: You don't have to, if you don't want to.

What were the Rangers and Dr. Mortum like when they were kids? 

Dr. Mortum was quiet, smart, and very precocious.

Ortega was a little shit always getting into trouble and never sitting still.

Steel was saddled with responsibility he didn't want, and had a secret life on the side.

Lady Argent was a quiet nerd who loved movies and games.

Herald was polite and sensitive, trying his best to be a good kid.

What does each Ranger think if the new villain has a name like Heartbreak, Anathema or Sidestep? Does Dr. Mortum have any thoughts on any of the names? 

Dr. Mortum has no views, it's not uncommon that names gets recycled. Heartbreak is a bit edgy, though.

Lady Argent doesn't care, it's not personal to her.

Herald reacts very strongly to Sidestep, how dare they!

Steel is quietly upset, but since the villain want a reaction, he won't give it.

Ortega is furious about Sidestep, really mad about Anathema and quietly worried about Heartbreak.

Did Dr. Mortum follow the events or news on Nanosurge and Heartbreak at all? Did they have any thoughts on the incidents? 

Of course they did! They were disasters in the city where they lived. Heartbreak was a cause for concern, they did consider evacuating in case things did go out of hand. The nanovores were terrifying and... an opportunity. Sadly, they did not manage to adequately seal their armor in time to dare to take the risk of getting a sample.

Who was HB before they were taken and used as experiment? Did they have any friends or family who looked for them after their disappeared?


If Sidestep admitted lying about losing their powers after meeting rest of the Rangers in Rebirth, what did the Rangers think of that?

Herald was confused, and a little upset. Ortega was slightly bemused, as if they'd fall for that. Steel figured that they just wanted to avoid getting dragged in, and Lady Argent didn't care.

Not sure if it is planned yet, but if it is possible to answer, what kind of relationships Sidestep could have with Sentinel in the past?

I think I will probably put that to a choice for the reader if it comes up.

Music related, but wondered if there are any song recommendations that would fit for any of the Rangers, Puppet, or HG? 

Sidestep: Veteran of the psychic wars -  Blue Öyster Cult 

Puppet: Coma - Guns and Roses. 

Hollow Ground: I want it all - Queen 

Ortega: All Star -  Smash Mouth 

Steel: I don't believe a word - Motorhead 

Lady Argent: Wish - Nine Inch Nails 

Herald: Running down a dream - Tom Petty 

Dr. Mortum: In my world - Anthrax 

Can Sidestep's motivation change in book 3 as well? 

Yes, it can. Lots of things happens after all.

Can Lady Argent shed tears?


I remember you saying after Rebirth came out that you ended it earlier than you originally planned; now that we've seen most of Retribution, could you tell us what that original endpoint was?

Ahahaha I was so naive. Originally I had thought I would end it just after the point where the open alpha for Retribution ends. I did not foresee how much a story grows when you turn it from book to interactive fiction.

What are the Rangers and Dr. Mortum's favorite animal, if they have any?

Huh. Never thought of that, going with my guts here:

Dr. Mortum: Birds.

Ortega: Horses.

Steel: Dogs (duh)

Herald: Cats.

Lady Argent: Rabbits.

Do any of the Rangers or Dr. Mortum like to cook?

Likes it: Ortega, Herald.

Can do it: Lady Argent.

No: Steel, Dr. Mortum.

Would any of the Rangers and Dr. Mortum want to live together with a friend(s) or romantic partner(s)? Or do they prefer to live alone and have a space for themselves?

Dr. Mortum was convinced they preferred to live alone, now they are not sure.

Lady Argent: Doesn't matter what she wants, she lives alone. That's it.

Ortega: Would love to live together, but will probably have more issues with it than they initially thought.

Steel: Is very used to living alone, but it would be nice to love together.

Herald: Live together. Of course.

From the mob boss route there is a quick comment on ZaZa's housing situation that seems to imply he's used to abandoning whatever place he's staying, but how is rest of the crew's housing situation?

Nehal has a tiny flat, is rarely home. ZaZa tends to live out of hotels or cheap one room flats. Pelayo probably has the nicest apartment, several rooms, slightly on the outskirts of Los Diablos. Ward rents a room above a bar, the owner is an old friend.

What kind of business have Dr. Mortum and HG done? Has Dr. Mortum build or invented anything interesting for HG or have HG's job offers been more standard/mundane, like better security or something along those lines? 

Dr. Mortum has built some things for Hollow Ground, nothing major. They haven't met in person (as far as Dr. Mortum knows), but Dr. Mortum owes some favors and doesn't like that very much. 

Did anyone else hear or find out what Vernon said to Ortega before they punched him? Would Chen or Sentinel know since they were also present?

No, Sentinel was talking with Herald on a rooftop, and Steel was elsewhere. There was live television from the event, but it was doubtful the camera picked out the words.

What was Lady Argent thinking if new villain turned her down romantically because they were already "spoken for"? 

Hope their special someone won't be too sad if I beat them up then.

On the mob boss route ZaZa is mentioned to be "tall and lanky", but wondered what height are rest of the mob boss henchmen around? 

Hmmm on the Sidestep scale: ZaZa is tall, Nehal is short, Pelayo and Ward are medium. Bo is medium and Rosie is short.

How did the Nanosurge affect Sidestep’s powers? And how long did it take for Sidestep’s powers to recover? Did their powers manage to fully recover before the Heartbreak incident happened? 

It was like spraining a muscle, almost a minor stroke. Sidestep suffered from headaches and migraines for weeks afterward, slowly fading after a few months. Nosebleeds. Bloodshot eyes. Tremor in their hands. Wonky reflexes. It took three weeks before they were back to working as a hero, probably a month and a half until they were somewhat back to normal. But even after that, everything was more intense. Bright. Painful. Easier to get overwhelmed. 

It could be argued, this was one reason why Heartbreak hit as badly as it did, it might have been different if the Nanosurge had never happened.

From the mob boss route there is a quick comment on ZaZa's housing situation that seems to imply he's used to abandoning whatever place he's staying, but how is rest of the crew's housing situation?

Nehal has a tiny flat, is rarely home. ZaZa tends to live out of hotels or cheap one room flats. Pelayo probably has the nicest apartment, several rooms, slightly on the outskirts of Los Diablos. Ward rents a room above a bar, the owner is an old friend.

For the gala, did sidestep make or buy their bomb? Does it depend on whether you're tech savvy/have contacts or something else?

Sidestep bought the bombs from Dr. Mortum, it is mentioned in the text I think.



I too have been getting my ass kicked by responsibilities and other life things lately. Hope things ease up for you soon, Malin!


That is funny. Veteran of the Psychic Wars is always what these games makes me think of.


thanks for another lovely q&a! c: these always make my day


Loved the answers! The QnA always cheers me up I think is fine to take time with the Patreon stuff if needed, is always worth the wait loved the mob boss crew answers 💚 love them so much Oh man, the visual image of short Sidestep and their crew is now lot funnier in my head. Always feels bit hard to look like the one in charge when you gotta be the one to look up at people Loved the songs for the characters! So fitting! I just love character songs! didn't even think of asking song for Sidestep and thought since Mortum has their own playlist, it would be weird to ask song for them as well, but what a nice surprise it was though to get songs for them as well Hmmmm...the answer is spoilers, huh? 👀 Too spoilery even for spoilery QnA...makes me even more curious. I admit, it made me wonder if my theory is correct. Will be interesting to see whether it's a hit or miss. Bit relieved Mortum didn't have the time to seal their armor in time to try and get the sample...would have been worried about them


Loving all these info tidbits! Hmm, but what's the deal with Mortum and HG? Is the answer here from Mortum's perspective, as they don't remember the meeting? Or is "Mitchell's Guide to Villains entry 145: Dr. Mortum" non-canon, so to say?


Good spot. It is indeed from Dr. Mortum's perspective. There's a reason nobody knows HG's face...


>> Their last big project is a massive spoiler And now I'm imagining Dr. Mortum literally building a giant spoiler, like a car spoiler or a lift dumper for an aircraft! Maybe, for Sky Pirate's imaginary steampunky airship. I'll shut up now :D