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The spoiler-filled version of the questions asked.

Does the MC apply different moral standards from humans and Re-Gene's? Kind of like how even a mass murderer MC would never harm a dog, we can see a clear moral distinction between human and dog. I would imagine the MC would feel an even greater moral distinction between their own kind and the humans that oppress them.

It will vary from Sidestep to Sidestep. Some might apply different standards in both directions. Some might value Re-Genes more; some might value humans, having internalized their training into self-hatred.

Where do Re-Gene's get their consciousness? From their vat-grown brain or chip?

A combination. The chip provides training, control, and a starting point, but future memories are stored in the brain as normal.

The AI chips are there in order to assist the regene brain is being developed at the same rate the body is, as far as we're aware. Assuming this is true, if the chip is removed in the present-day, would the person keep their thoughts, personality, and knowledge, or would it be fragmented/revert to its original state?

The person should keep most of their thoughts and personality. Some knowledge might be lost if it was never used and integrated with the wetware.

Since Steel saw the autopsy photos do they know the MC is a Re-Gene or does he believe the photos were faked?

If you talk to him, you might learn. It's in the book. :)

Will we ever return to the Farm? Whether it's as the Villain, being recaptured, or within a flashback?

There will be flashbacks in book three, and the Farm will be a big focus in book four.

A play-through question here: Are there any specific factors that influence whether certain characters help you to escape from the Rangers HQ? (In the circumstance that you are captured and have your identity revealed) 

Yes, there are a lot of them, but you'll have to code-dive to find out!

If Sidestep uses the regenerator, it should remove all scars, right? So there would be nothing to prove they are the real Sidestep?

It is an interesting question. Once the time comes, there will be quite a few things to consider. I suspect some Sidesteps might not want to go through with it.

What boosts/mods do cuckoos typically have? Or are they strictly telepaths/psy sensitive?

It varies. They have powers that are useful for information gathering and infiltration. Some are pure information extractors, some are good at various forms of people manipulation, some are good at stealing things, and some are quiet and discrete assassins. What they have in common is working by infiltrating civilian society.

What does the Farm think of Sidestep's vice? I can't imagine them being happy about Sidestep putting stuff into their bodies. Also for vices like alcohol and cigarettes did Sidestep ever have bad withdrawal when they were recaptured by the Farm?

At that time, withdrawal was the least of their worries. Sidestep's vice is inconsequential to them; it doesn't factor into anything but possible blackmail material.

Are the nine gates specifically tied to Sidestep or do all Re-genes have it? 

Sidestep only.

What kind of relationship did HG have with their siblings? Was HG aware one of their siblings took the boost drug? 

A good one, HG loved their family. And they were aware of boost use.

Do Nocturne, Jake and HG have any thoughts if Rangers reputation is suffering? 

Bit of schadenfreude, it's always fun when the heroes struggle.

In a sense of emotional connection and intimacy, how close are Nocturne and Jake nowadays?

Very close. Jake is caught in both her and HG's orbit and doesn't want to break free. 

If Jake found out about HG's powers, how does he feel about Nocturne now? Has his thoughts toward her changed as well? Or is he still unsure how much she's aware of?

He is not sure of anything anymore; everything has changed. The worst part is that his feelings haven't. It would have been easier if everything was fake.

Is Argent aware you used her to steal a colony of nanovores yet? Kind of funny/ironic when you think about it.

As far as you know, Argent is not aware of exactly what was stolen. She was not aware until at the very end. If she has connected the dots are a different story, it's not impossible.


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