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So, it's that time of the month again, please submit any questions for the QnA here!



Does Los Diablos have a zoo, and if so what do different animals like lions,bears, monkeys etc “feel” like to sidestep?

Mady May

Question about the ending where it’s revealed to the Rangers who Sidestep really is- I know how they take it varies depending on the relationship, but I’m very intrigued on how potential conflicts between them and Sidestep will go from now on. Any tidbits you can share?


Any chance we can get the Rat King and its controlled associates to meet Lady Argent’s sharks?


So...why would the Special Directive even care about getting Psychopathor in Rebirth, anyway? Isn’t taking down Psychopathor Rangers’ business?


I apologize if something of this vein has already been asked previously (I am still a fairly new supporter!) But is/was there any particular villain that is considered in the public eye to be the "worst"? A sort of legacy/arch villain archetype at least according to in game popular perception regardless of whether or not they might be the most powerful/dangerous etc in practice?


Sorry if this has been answered before, but how human are regenes? Are they just vat-grown superhumans or do they have metal parts strewn about them?


Sorry if this has been asked before! but, it's been pointed out that electricity/lightning is a dangerous ability that can be imprecise - so, has Ortega ever accidentally electrocuted or hurt themselves while using their powers? or would their mods keep that from happening somehow? and how would Ortega face up against someone else with electricity as an ability? could they get hurt by it, or would they... absorb the energy somehow? how would they deal with a situation where their powers might actually be a hindrance than a help (like a hostage situation?)


During the Heartbreak incident Sidestep can potentially give Heartbreak a parting gift(or a few depending on the choices) how did this affect things? Was there any effect other than a last hurrah for Sidestep? Are the rangers aware of this if it occurred? There thoughts?


Since it was after the Nanosurge Sidestep's powers started to ebb and flow, is this to mean that any Beta telepath could have pulled off a similar stunt if they were willing and able to suffer the backlash? Did Sidestep's willingness to interact with minds they didn't know a factor in events?


Looking for clarification on power classification. Are boosts classified by the power itself or is the user's ability also factored? Like could Jake go from Beta brushing Alpha to full on Alpha or would he always be a beta, just really skilled with his power?


1. ) Does the MC apply different moral standards from humans and Re-Gene's? Kind of like how even a mass murderer MC would never harm a dog, we can see a clear moral distinction between human and dog. I would imagine the MC would feel an even greater moral distinction between their own kind and the humans that oppress them 2. ) Where do Re-Gene's get their consciousness? From their vat grown brain or chip? 3. ) Does the MC experience a different form of consciousness from other Re-Gene's due to their telepathy? 4. ) Since Steel saw the autopsy photos do they know the MC is a Re-Gene or does he believe the photos were were faked? 5.) Will we ever return to the farm? Whether it's as the Villain, being recaptured, or within a flashback?


A play-through question here: Are there any specific factors that influence whether certain characters help you to escape from the Rangers HQ? (In the circumstance that you are captured and have your identity revealed)


It's not directly relevant to the game, but I'm curious: do you like and currently read/watch superhero stuff, like Marvel or DC comics and movies? Anything you particularly love and recommend?


What is your favorite part about writing Sidestep? Along with that, is there a specific kind of sidestep you like to write?


What happened to Locus?


Another question: will I be possible for say, ortega, to find out the mc is trans without telling them?


Also: What did the rangers think of sidesteps reluctance to show their face prior to heartbreak?


What boosts/mods do cuckoos typically have? Or are they strictly telepaths/psy sensitive?


Ortega has issues with their father, but how did Julia’s experience with him differ from Ricardo’s? I imagine old Mr. García would have different expectations for his son vs. his daughter.


Speaking of old Mr. García, what was he like? And what was his relationship with Elena like?


Aside from Vitruvian, is there anyone else Mortum has worked with/for?


Was Mortum lonely before meeting Sidestep/Puppet?


Is there an estimated release date for book 2?


I noticed that Heartbreak shares the same gender as your puppet but the same eye color as Sidestep. Will we be learning more about the possible connection?


Sorry, one more question! And sorry if this has been answered in the past, but- did Ortega know they were immune to telepathy before meeting Sidestep? or is that something they found out after meeting Sidestep?


What does the farm think of Sidestep's vice? I can't imagine them being happy about Sidestep putting stuff into their bodies. Also for vices like alcohol and cigarettes did Sidestep ever have bad withdrawal when they were recaptured by the farm?


I've got two questions: 1) You mentioned that Ortega isn't close to their father, but does he know about the relationship with MC? And if not, how would they react to it? 2) What would happen if a boosted individual takes the drug again? Is there more risk involved?


Are the nine gates specifically tied to Sidestep or do all Re-genes have it? What kind of relationship did HG have with their siblings? Was HG aware one of their siblings took the boost drug? How does it affect HG when they use their powers? Also, does it vary how much they are affected when they use their powers? What shapes peoples mindscapes to look certain way? When it comes to former ally past and old friend past, how different Ortega's behavior or thoughts toward Sidestep were? Were they any different? Was Ortega aware in former ally relationship that Sidestep kept them at arm's length? If yes, how did Ortega feel about it? Do Nocturne, Jake and HG have any thoughts if Rangers reputation is suffering? In a sense of emotional connection and intimacy, how close are Nocturne and Jake nowadays? If Jake found out about HG’s powers, how does he feel about Nocturne now? Has his thoughts toward her changed as well? Or is he still unsure how much she's aware of? How did Ortega find out about Marshal Hood’s death? Who was Catastrofiend before they became villain? Were they modded or boosted first? So what do villains like Psychopathor and Catastrofiend like to do when not busy being villains and just enjoying their free time? Who do each Ranger consider to have been their worst enemy to fight against? What kind of feelings or thoughts each of them possibly had after such event? Since Mortum was probably forced to throw a punch or two during their villain career, what kind of fighting style did Mortum have? Did they rely lot on their tech? What kind of armor did they have? Was it just as well made as Sidestep’s villain armor or even better? Besides possibly Sidestep, who has been Lady Argent's favorite enemy to fight against before that? Or favorite fight she's been in? If Lady Argent only had the claws but no silver body to armor her, how different would her fighting style been? I remember mention that Mortum's playlist is more or less their origin story so wondered does the Mortumstep puppet playlist also have some kind of storyline?


Will Black Sidesteps be able to choose braids as one of the new hairstyles in book 2?


Is Argent aware you used her to steal a colony of nanovores yet? Kind of funny/ironic when you think about it