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Mitchell's Guide to Heroes entry 215.

Subject: Lady Argent

Civilian identity: Angela Smith (official documents), Ximena Vega Ruiz (potential alias?).

Birthdate: 24th July 1993

Birthplace: Presumably California going by accent.

Height: 5'3" 160cm

Weight: 132lb/60kg

Classification: Beta level boost. Mainly armor and adaptive weaponry.

Status: Active Ranger, assigned to the Los Diablos team.

Notes: Hard to get a clear answer regarding her civilian identity; there are layers of obfuscation there. Angela Smith is not the whole story. Military involvement seems likely with the quality of the forgeries. Is it a manufactured identity? If so, why? It goes beyond the normal levels of obfuscation, even when it comes to the Rangers. A name popped up with very early sightings of a similar boost, Ximena Vega Ruiz, but she's listed as deceased, a victim of the nanosurge. A little too convenient, that event has been used to disappear people in the past since there is no need for a body.

Threat assessment: She's a beta-level boost but fairly useless at range. Don't get caught up in a hand-to-hand fight. Protective armor is of limited use against her claws. Unclear on the upper limits of her regenerative/armor capabilities, treat as still dangerous even if down, and retreat at speed. Can operate without oxygen, at least during a limited timeframe, so gas is useless. Massive shock/fire/heat seems to be a viable tactic; see enclosed file LALE-03 for footage of the last fight with Lord Ember.

A final warning. Treat Lady Argent with extreme caution. There is something fishy going on here, but I'm not sure what yet. There are numerous disappearances in her past fights, no bodies recovered but assume that she is willing and able to kill. Avoid at all costs.


Transcript of one of the few successful recordings, the subject was Charge, Lady Argent was a pleasant surprise. Recorded within 2 weeks of her joining the Rangers, post-attack on Marshal Steel.


Argent: So this is where you're spending your afternoons. Quaint.

Charge: Go away. I'm off duty and intending to get drunk.

Argent: In a villain bar?

Charge: It's empty now.

Argent: I can see that. At least you left some furniture intact to sit on.

Charge: I didn't ask for company.

Argent: Tough luck.

Charge: If you want a drink, get it yourself.

Argent: I don't. Looks like you're drinking for two already.

Charge: I've got practice.

Argent: Don't you think it's time to shape up now? Your best friend is in the hospital.

Charge: My best friend is dead.

Argent: I were warned you were an asshole, but I didn't think it was this bad. The Marshal will probably lose his arm, you know.

Charge: I can't do anything about that.

Argent: If you're acting like this, you sure as hell can't.

Charge: [indistinct]

Argent: What was that?

Charge: I'm sorry. I think I'm drunk. I shouldn't take it out on you.

Argent: Why not? I don't care about your theatrics; there's nothing you can do to hurt me.

Charge: Heh. Famous last words. You're not invulnerable. Nobody is.

Argent: I'm not. I'm just enough of a bitch to not take your shit.

Charge: Really?

Argent: Do I look like I care what you think? All you are right now is a drunk has-been who would have been kicked off the team if it had more than four members.

Charge: Sentinel is planning on retiring. We'll be down to three soon.

Argent: I can't say I blame him. I've been here two weeks and I'm already thinking of doing the same.

Charge: [indistinct]

Argent: Please don't what?

Charge: Please don't leave. The team needs you.

Argent: That's obvious. And I won't. I don't back down from a challenge.

Charge: I used to say the same. And then [indistinct]

Argent: Look. Charge. I don't want to hear about your tragic past; your tragic present is enough for me.

Charge: Do I look like that much of a mess?

Argent: Yes.

Charge: You could have lied, you know?

Argent: Why? To save your ego?

Charge: When you put it that way...

Argent: You know exactly how much of a mess you are, you don't need me to rub that in, but that doesn't mean I won't if you give me openings like that.

Charge: Fair.

Argent: What I don't get is how you do it.

Charge: How I do what?

Argent: Stay alive. I saw that fight with the Catastrofiend two months back. That's what convinced me to join the team.

Charge: Really?

Argent: Don't aim that smile in my direction.

Charge: So why did that convince you?

Argent: Because the way you fought was absolutely reckless. And yet you pulled it off. Saved the day.

Charge: Sentinel saved the day by bringing the building down. We didn't stop it; it ran away.

Argent: Haven't been seen since. And you fought it hand to hand for two minutes and ten seconds.

Charge: They didn't air that much footage.

Argent: There were security cameras. I've got contacts.

Charge: And you liked the way I fought.

Argent: I did. Thought I might learn a thing or two. Have a bit of fun—someone who might keep up with me.

Charge: Keep up with you? Don't you mean to keep up with me?

Argent: No. You're drunk. I don't drink.

Charge: I meant in a fight.

Argent: You took out a bar of henchmen. You couldn't take me even when you're sober.

Charge: Going to take you up on that.

Argent: Going to have to sober up first.

Charge: Fine. No more drink.

Argent: Just like that?

Charge: Yeah. You think I can't just quit when I want to?

Argent: No.

Charge: You do know I was the one who recommended you for the team, right?

Argent: And I am supposed to be what? Grateful? I know I'm good; I'm a natural choice for a Ranger. A proper hero.

Charge: Oh, you are so full of shit.

Argent: So what? That's not what everybody else thinks.

Charge: Am I supposed to be flattered that you're showing me your real self?

Argent: No. Maybe a little bit afraid.

Charge: I don't do fear.

Argent: Normally, I would call bullshit, but...

Charge: Why pick this team? You were listed for San Francisco; that's where you've been a vigilante.

Argent: You want the truth? I wanted a challenge.

Charge: I call bullshit on that. And I don't think you're afraid of Lord Ember either.

Argent: Maybe it was because of you.

Charge: Don't think so. I think it's Los Diablos.

Argent: One city is as good as another.

Charge: Is it?

Argent: You're better off pretending to be drunk than prying.

Charge: Hey, if you had waited a while showing up, I would have actually been drunk and not just tipsy. You're from here, aren't you?

Argent: How do you figure?

Charge: You looked annoyed when Steel suggested showing you around, but you didn't protest.

Argent: I thought you were too hungover to notice.

Charge: I wish alcohol could shut up my brain. It never works.

Argent: Fine. I am from here. I left for reasons. I came back for other reasons. Don't ask about my family.

Charge: I wasn't about to.

Argent: Liar.

Charge: Takes one to know one. But I won't push. I don't mind a few secrets within the team as long as you get the job done.

Argent: Why don't you try me?

Charge: I plan to. Tomorrow. And thank you. For saving Steel's life. I don't think I said that.

Argent: You didn't.

Charge: So, being bulletproof is a handy power to have.

Argent: It still hurts. It's not something I do for the fun of it.

Charge: Good to know. How sensitive are you to electricity?

Argent: I don't like it, but it won't kill me. Just don't push your luck, and I won't have to use my claws.

Charge: Good. I don't need those Catastrofiend flashbacks. We're going to have to work together, you know? We're both frontline fighters.

Argent: I know. You're used to that, though, aren't you? You had a partner, right? Sidestep.

Charge: I did.

Argent: Ah, this is the baggage.

Charge: Lay off and eat your peanuts, okay? That's private.

Argent: I've lost people too.

Charge: Hazard of the trade. Doesn't get easier.

Argent: Hero of the Nanosurge. The one who stopped them.

Charge: You heard about that? I thought they kept that bit out of the news. Didn't want to compromise their powers.

Argent: Like I said. I've got contacts. And I'm grateful. I wouldn't be here otherwise.

Charge: You were there?

Argent: Not as a hero. Sidestep saved my life.

Charge: Mine too. So close to being eaten. Skin still itches on bad days.

Argent: I know what you mean.

Charge: Are you okay?

Argent: I will be. Just bad memories. Are there more peanuts?

Charge: You sure you don't want a drink with them?

Argent: I don't drink. I like being in control of myself.

Charge: Ugh. I should be thinking the same, shouldn't I?

Argent: Unless you plan to retire again.

Charge: I won't.

Argent: Good. It would be a disappointment if you did before I fought you.

Charge: Don't you mean fought with?

Argent: Technicalities.

Charge: Oh, I think I am going to like you.

Argent: We'll see if you still think that once I wipe the floor with you tomorrow.

Charge: Deal.

Argent: I won't shake your hand.

Charge: Why? It's just a bit of blood.

Argent: I don't like skin contact.

Charge: You really are a trip down memory lane, aren't you?

Argent: Good or bad?

Charge: Good. Mostly.

Argent: I guess I have to work harder then. Tomorrow in the gym?

Charge: I'll be there.

Argent: Good. Don't be hungover; you need all the help you can get.



Awesome. Cry of joy


I honestly love the back and forth between Ortega and Argent. Apparently my type is sarcastic assholes. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


A lot of feels and interesting tidbits in this one *_*


Amazing! Loved it. <3