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Well, Pride month is here, and so is Breaks volume 2. If you fancy reading my comics writing, here is where you can order it from the publisher, though it should appear at a bookstore near you. Hopefully.


So what happens in this volume? Well, for one the problems don't stop when you've decided that kissing might be a good idea. Cortland's buried secrets are coming crawling back, and trying to keep the relationship secret is not exactly making things easier. I think you should all appreciate our restraint that we kept the will-they-won't-they to one volume, no dragging things out here.

Oh, also our publisher is being hip with the kids! Here are all the tropes. I chuckled at least.

There's some reviews already:



In other news, my ttrpg thingy for RuneQuest: Glorantha is coming along splendidly and looking gorgeous. I thought I'd be off the hook with someone else doing the layout, but there's still proofreading, checking things, a lot going back and forth. But the finish line is approaching. It is a good thing to have when I don't have the brain for creative writing or coding. Different parts of the mind being engaged. Balanced diet and all that, and hopefully establishing future income that doesn't rely solely on my work. We'll see if it pays off, sometimes you need to take a chance, and so much of the source material was already stuff I had written for the ttrpg campaign I am gamemastering. Would be a shame not to use it.


In Fallen Hero related news, I have written a midpoint thing that needed to be written for me to figure out how to write the things beforehand. Just like the post-crash hospital Ortega scene was one of the first ones I wrote for Retribution, sometimes you need to get the brainworms out so you know the vibe you are going for. It has led to me being able to compress the narrative somewhat and have it be less sprawling than I feared. Some changes in things already written will be needed, but I knew that already.

It's been interesting working on the structure, I didn't do that from the start at Retribution, which is why it was written so quickly at the start, but had to spend SO LONG in the edit stage to fix things. Hopefully this approach will work better this time, the start being slower in coming, but the final editing needing less massive additions and rewrites. We'll see.

Thank you once again for your support, this is always a busy time of the year!