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In which, we talk about Brian's T-Shirt Business and Nick's job where he had to tell hotel guests to stop having sex.



Yash Kapoor

Glad to see your entrepreneurship and business senses continued on with BriTANick.


I like how much more meaningful the thumbnail is after we've watched the video. Rather than making you want to click, it makes you go "I get that reference" afterward.

Coal Musterm

Guys, sell those shirts. We'll buy them.

KC Maw

It's nice to hear that these 2 were once humans.

Dane Davenport

Subscribing to the new $50k a month Chammy Fomperman tier


I would buy the heck out of that boomerang shirt

Myra Bronstein

You guys are brilliant and hilarious.


ME: Why the heck are these guys doing a Patreon? BRIAN'S ROOMMATE: *exists* ME: Oh. Yeah, okay. *bumps up his tier*


please bring Chammy Fomperman shirts to Atlanta 🙏


Probably 50% of actors' reps are simultaneously bellboys, you just had the honesty to admit it

Brian Coari

It did make me laugh at the end.

Gregory Storkan

My childhood "I'm going to be innovative and sell anything but lemonade" venture was, at various stages, rocks, "boardgames" with very strong air quotes, origami, and bugs that I had made in one of those plastic toy ovens. So your ornate gold painting has me beat at least. There even exists a newspaper photo of my sister and I angrily fixing our "bugs for sale" sign that some drive-by journalist agreed was too ridiculous to pass up. My mom has had it pushpinned to her corkboard for 30 years.

Sam Pinnelas

Once as a kid, I had a lemonade and cookie stand that no one approached for four hours, until a guy walked up and said his daughter was also doing a lemonade stand, so he bought our wooden frame and table. The only thing we sold at our stand was the stand itself, so we went home with gallons of lemonade and dozens of cookies. Thus I vowed never to go into business as a career


Nothing on earth will ever be funnier than “Montessori = Diet Socialism”. THAT needs to be a t-shirt!