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Health: I've got an appointment with a doctor set up! The actual date isn't until mid-March, but they get daily cancelations so we get to call every day and hope the timing right until then. After a GP visit I'll be referred to a specialist, which comes with its own appointment etc etc. I'm financially anxious about the specialist because I have the bad luck of living in America without insurance, but we won't know the situation until a specialist presents it to us so I'm doing my best not to worry until I actually have something to worry about.

I found a cough suppressant that actually helps + got a wedge pillow at the suggestion of a lovely patron. Sleep is still rough, but it's no longer totally pathetic.  

Reactions: Now that the backlog episodes are up and published, I can record more! I'll definitely tackle either Merlin or TGCF since they're both right at the end of their respective seasons (ideally both, but we'll see). I'm going to take these one step at a time--record a couple episodes, post those episode, film some more, post those, etc etc. That way there shouldn't be much of a gap between content drops. I'm also going to crack open SVSS Vol. 3 this week! I'm gonna hold that livestream on either Wednesday or Friday at the usual time (3pm EST). A post will go up on Youtube when I decide which day it'll be.

Thank you <333



Take care of yourself and I hope the treatment and appointments won't cost you much 😔 I'll look forward for your updates :)


I have been "missing in action" for a good long while, but I just wanted to mention atypical pneumonia - i.e. Chlamydia pneumoniae - which can present as a never ending respiratory infection with lots of coughing but not the high fevers or "serious" illness signs you get from a regular pneumonia. Takes weeks to incubate, can stay around for weeks or months and there's only one or two types of antibiotics which are effective against it. It takes a throat swab or a blood test to diagnose and it can be a bit tricky. Unlike asthma coughs, it CAN come complete with clogged nose/sinus issues, fatigue, sore throat etc. If any of this rings a bell, I'd ask the doc for a test while I'm there if it's possible - unless you've recovered by then, because fortunately it DOES tend to clear up by itself unless you get complications. We just had a round of it at home, and we thought it was just a "bad cough" but it never really cleared up in Jr. until he got tested and voila! Six days of pills later and he was almost back to normal. Another adult in the household first tested negative, but her cough never stopped so she got tested again - and THEN she'd been infected. Either way I wish you the best with both your insomnia and your coughing! <3


I'm glad you found some relief with the wedge pillow. I hope the doctor can get you pointed in the right direction so you can get fully better.
