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Good news: I finally got the number for the GP I was referred to! They're sliding scale and close by, so I get to call tomorrow and set up an appointment. Fingers crossed I only have to wait a week or so for the actual appointment.

Bad news: It is nearly impossible for me to sleep during nighttime hours, even with a humidifier, because it's too cold and dry at the same time. The cycle involves laying down to sleep, coughing incessantly, sitting up, lungs calm down, lie down, cough incessantly, etc etc.

I've also got some sinus blockage at the moment, so when your nose is blocked from sinus issues and your mouth can't take in air because of sleep apnea, how do you breathe in your sleep? You don't! So fun. 

Therefore, my energy level at any given time is still wildly unpredictable. Gonna do my best to get the MDZS and TGCF reactions edited and out to you guys when I can, but I'm not gonna worry about filming more until those reactions are out. One thing at a time, unfortunately. I am committed to keeping a trickle of content flowing your way because I am as invested in you as you are in me, it's just gonna be slow. On the bright side, though, we all know what happens after a period where I can't do much. (I come back and do everything.) 

Get me to a doctor, get me a cpap machine, and all of this changes. I'll add an Edit to this post when I find out my appointment date. <3

Thank you, as always, for your love and patience. <333


Epic Walrus

Take care of yourself first and foremost 🖤🖤🖤


Take all the time you need. We'll be here, no worries. Get you a⃥ ⃥m⃥a⃥n⃥ those good meds. Seconding the idea of a warm mist vaporizer. Not instead of the drugs and CPAP - this needs medication for sure - but as a supplement. We use them with rescue cats and kittens that often come in with respiratory infections.

Olivia Owens

As long as you're healthy and happy so are we! <3 <3 <3

Lisa Wilson

Health first!!!


Take care of yourself first


Your health ALWAYS comes first. So no hurry, take care of yourself and we will still be here when you feel better :)