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This month's winner is Ewa Bomba with her perfectly timed entry: THE OLD GUARD!!

I literally talked to The Wife a couple days ago about how only the Youtube edit of my Old Guard reaction exists, that it happened so early in the channel I was a total fool and deleted the uncut version. So hey, it got submitted once last month for the sweepstakes, wouldn't it be great if one day it won? 


I haven't had a chance to watch this in aaaaaaaaaages, and the sequel is being filmed as we speak! I can't wait to revisit this with y'all jdsldskl;dfklfdjdklff 🥰

Side Note to the Yin Yang people: How are we feeling? Is it funny that the entry taking up almost half the slots somehow lost for the second month in a row, or just frustrating? I think this is hilarious, but if you guys just want me to see the thing already I can do my best to work it into this month's schedule. So...great running gag, or lowkey irritating? Let me know. <3



Really excited for a full Old Guard reaction! As a persistent YYM:DoE voter I'm personally happy to let it ride and see how it comes out in future draws - it's the luck of the draw lol. Of course, if you did happen to watch it I'd be super stoked, but I don't need you to have to be shuffling stuff around in an already busy schedule!

Shands Amba

So Yin Yang is basically Sense8 for the movie choice? Both things i voted for like crazy both came in second, lmao I am excited as heck either way though, as I love TOG and I love YYMDoE. But whenever you have time is okay, don't shift things around so much that you stress yourself out to get it done.