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Have a movie you'd like me to see? Comment the title below, and next week I will randomly select a winner to watch in early July for After Dark!*

(Right now this is a way to show some love for films since Gaywatch is so series heavy, but I imagine we'll branch out to 'first episode' submissions eventually.)


-One title per person.

-Tier 4 patrons will have their title entered twice.

-Duplicate titles are fine.

-I'll react to it even if I've seen it before.

-I will only turn down a winner if I've seen it before and did not enjoy it, because that saves everyone's time and feelings.

-Canon, subtext only, queer characters with no love interest, anything goes.

-Total runtime must be 2 1/2 hours or less, but can come in any form. (So those short series with like 10 episodes that amount to an hour and a half of content, like Blueming or Tinted With You, are perfectly acceptable.)

-This is a brand new thing, so rules are subject to change as we work out any kinks.

-Submissions close on July 1st, when I will draw and announce the winner.


*After Dark is a lowkey, low lighting, low makeup, completely uncut type of reaction I do at my own pace for series that otherwise wouldn't be a good fit for Youtube. After Dark series start as Patron exclusive for all tiers, and then open up to the public a few weeks after the series is finished and posted.


Sieglan Hall

Lol. Even though it's on Here! for I assume it's matter of fact treatment of Trans ppl, Departures on Tubi. Other than that, Wedding Banquet.

Erin Hartley

The Yin-Yang Master: Dream of Eternity