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I've finished filming! This was...an experience. Currently in the process of rendering/uploading episodes whenever I can, and you'll be notified whenever a new one gets posted. <3

Also, new cohost alert!!!

Episode One: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/gg7JrKcVzwSnjAU6DXXij1?

Episode Two: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/hfXwGidSPyMyVWcEyJ8Xx1?

Episode Three: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/7dx3SnzjM2rvXHL4cbyZrf?

Episode Four: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/bq1AwvATXvJc5AoVv7W4AW? 

Episode Five: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/pZihsV4jCBieBBZdt1bg1z?

Episode Six: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/5GQer25BZhxJDidPNY666h?

Episode Seven: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/L3bJrwyXAjF9onvET9kXT4?

Episode Eight: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/2mjY9pJ9azZbN5DzXzq37c?

Episode Nine: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/EP2MzoAKBa6x26VvKMVM9k?

Series complete!

Outstanding. Incredible. Almost literally flawless. The most I could recommend something that has little to no queerness. One of my new favorite things. Holy cow.



I'm excited to find out what it is!


Ooooooo~ how exciting 😄


Oooh! I'm excited!


Can't wait!

Jennifer D

Ooooh looking forward to this *rubs hands*


Waiting with bated breath. &lt;3

Mel C.

I think i know what it is 👀

Demi Schoonenberg

Literally just finished the last episode of this and I'm still recovering from watching the last four episodes in a row. Can't wait to see your reaction!

Mel C.


Jess D

OMG yes!!! I just finished watching it for the second time and I was looking on YouTube for reactions. I'm so excited!


I had a feeling it would be this one. I've been hearing this name left and right lately, so... guess this means we're watching Squid Game together xD




you would like Alice in Borderland too!


!!!! I’m so glad this is the show! It’s fantastic!!!


That's been on my list for ages! Been meaning to watch it on my own since there's no gay, but I have just the cohost for it now lol

O Fowler

AWESOME!! I'll be honest with you, generally Kdramas have better writing than C dramas because less censorship plot restrictions. Some still suck, but yanno. HOWEVER, if you're looking for a cool K Drama with queer vibes (they can and do make BL, but tends to be streaming only) you might like Devil Judge. Here's a short clip if you are interested. The show as a whole is INSANE. but in a good way. https://youtu.be/03j29kpFpws


I got recced Devil Judge over on Tumblr, and it's very high on the list of After Dark projects because...I mean....HELLO. &lt;3

Angel Burns

I have been meaning to watch this! Happy I get to watch it along with you!

Jess D

I actually hadn't heard anyone saying there was a sapphic relationship on the show, but the moment you said it, I knew which two characters they meant, so there is something there, don't know if I would call it cannon.


I thought that might be the case, but wasn't sure when I filmed ep. 1 so I went at it like the series would make it to Youtube. Now I think I'll put the first episode up on the channel and pin a comment with a link to Patreon once they're all posted here.


YESSSS I LOVE THIS SHOW AND WILL HAVE AN EXCUSE TO REWATCH IT! There is at least one possible w|w pairing hinted at that's true but this show is so good gay doesn't matter for once because this show has my HUSBAND (the only time I stan a policeman, just wait he's very hot and smart is sexy mon frere. I think some of the more overreaching shippers would also point out another gay pairing but i won't give it away because i wonder if you'll pick up on it.


OOOOO I can't believe a series features both of our husbands, I'll keep an eye out for yours absolutely.


I’m so excited 😆

Don't Water my Cactus

I literally just finished watching it today, and now I get to watch it again, because binge watching made it too short 😅

Lilah Kane

PS. Eyeliner be damned. Just a random catchphrase. 😉

Anonym WLW

(I haven’t watched the series yet but once I have I’ll definitely come back and watch your reactions)


Idk if it came across the cultural divide, but Sangwoo's 'party' was him trying to commit suicide via carbon monoxide poisoning via the briquette he was burning in the bathroom.


it's a good show, but I find Alice in Borderland more intersting.


I couldn't watch this on my own, I turned it off when main protagonist was getting beat up in the bathroom. However I can watch it with you watching it as a sort of filter, because the feels are so intense it drives me under my desk but if I watch with someone I can stand it, it's a little like ART watching media with Murderbot, if you've read those books, so thank you for being my Murderbot.

Jennifer D

Hey, now I have a great reason to rewatch this! Thank you Brittany : ) I also had the EXACT same reaction when Gong Yoo appeared on the screen, my poor husband had to sit through ten minutes of me explaining why he is Amazing and Fabulous. Love that he comes out of the woodwork for less than five minutes of screentime on this episode, and suddenly everyone is like who is this psychotic salesman and how can I also get slapped by him? Lol. Other fun fact: that eerily cheery children's music that plays during the first scene and other scores on this show are composed by Jung Jae-Il, who also composed the soundtrack for Parasite.

Jess D

Will there be more? I really want there to be more. I loved the first two.


Yup! It just takes a bit to get them rendered and uploaded. Hopefully I can get a couple more uploaded tonight. &lt;3

Jess D

I feel bad that it looks like you watched episode 6 late at night after a 3 episode binge, because episode 6 is emotionally devastating. Although I think I did that myself, because the show is just too binge worthy, you can't help stay up late at night to watch it, and no one knew episode 6 was going to be so emotionally heavy. Can't wait to see your reaction. I cried a lot, even on the rewatch.


It's uploading to Vidyard as we speak...and yeah it steamrolled me exactly as hard as you'd think it would. Prob haven't fallen apart on camera like this since Yanli. My favorite episode, absolutely.


Okay so idk if anyone answered it yet or if you found out later but in ep 5 when Sangwoo told Ali to call him 'sangwoo' in the subtitles when the word is actually "hyung" a respectful term for when males call another older male, kind of like big brother. And it's a sign of closeness in a friendship. This interaction is really interesting cuz you don't just call some random dude you met 'big brother' but Sangwoo was okay with it. (It's what Sangwoo also calls Gihun btw and they've known each other since childhood) Also, Ali started out calling everyone 'sir' but the actual word translates to something like 'boss' I think? Anyone correct me if I'm wrong cuz I'm not fluent in Korean but I have consumed a lot of Korean media that I've become familiar with some words. Anyways, seeing as you've finished ep6 already, it's kind of tragic how Ali's last words were 'Sangwoo hyung'.

wangxian's bunny

this is completely random but i think i know what web comic you were talking abt especially when you said never trust someone with the name Sang-woo haha. Anyways I love your reactions!!


[Ep 4 Reaction] I hurried up and watched the whole show, just so that I could follow you. Your reactions feed a certain need for a sense of discovery. As it all unfolds for you, you're so articulate and intense in your responses, that your viewers get an added level of 'What's she gonna say when she sees this?' Discovering is like learning. It's often overlooked, but I'm finding that that's why I love Youtube so much, in spite of the BS copyright stuff. They do give you a chance to discover exciting information and enjoyable people like you. You look perfectly awesome and presentable without make-up. I love how you just shrug off the pressure and let it go. I'll be glad when I graduate to that and let go of the everything-has-to-look-perfect bullcrap. I'm enjoying your reactions, as usual. Note how the music raises the emotional grip during the most socially unacceptable scenes of massacre, especially in the first game. But that's what made it kinda fun and fascinating, the way that we "accept" what is intolerable otherwise. I'm in a kind of 'How does my brain do that?' mode. Really enjoying this. Thank you.


Ugh Omni you've made my day fhjlfjkl thank you. As many things as there are to hate about Youtube, it's still the best place for me to be by far and enables anybody who's a nobody to make things and build an audience to spread information/entertainment. There are a bunch of people I never would have found without Youtube that have changed my life, and of course there'd be no place for Gaywatch without it. And just to make sure I'm communicating properly: I still have foundation and mascara on in these videos, I've only left off the eyeliner and eyebrow color. Didn't want you thinking my skin actually looks like that when it doesn't, I have a ton of redness and the purple under my eyes is not to be underestimated, lol. Just being on camera with no eyeliner was a big step for me, but hopefully one day all I'll have to do for After Dark is throw on some CC cream and turn on the camera. That would be LOVELY.


I loved that moment of doubt when you saw the Owl because I had that same moment when I watched this the first time and so far from all the people I've seen react to this, you're the only one that had that "oh, wait a fucking second??"

Jess D

I really thought that I wouldn't cry watching your episode 6 reaction, because I had already watched the show twice, I thought I had built up a defense in that I knew what was coming, and I was here to see how you reacted, not to be emotional myself. But then Kang Sae-byeok shook Ji-yeong and demanded she actually try to play instead of giving up, and I was suddenly sobbing all over again. Such a good episode.


Episode 8... and 9 frankly, I know it's not up yet but I have watched it and I can't wait to watch your reaction because on one hand, it's a great show, great script production, performances etc. And On the other hand, I know you've watched the show B but out of respect to anyone whose watching with you and is spoilerfree I'll be vauge, I think at the last minute the show made some... disappointing choices. Just my opinion and YMMV.


Also very much looking forward to your reaction to episode 31 and 32 of WoH

Marissa Cornett

So far, Episode 6 broke me down.

Lilah Kane

The script writer for this show is bloody brilliant. You should watch the Easter eggs and what you missed videos after the finale. Your mind will be blown.


THE HAND, RIGHT??? And while you go through so much, you kind of forget about it? And then when the "From you gganbu" hits your brain just fucking whirs back to life and you're just internally screaming. Also, I was very curious about your opinion on the ending since it's the one thing I think a lot of people are split on; either they cheer Gihun on to go end the game or they go "get on that goddamn plane right now!" XD I think the decision Gihun makes is totally in character, but I also see where the people who disagree with it come from I guess? You probably already found out, but I remember you saying you'd go look up everything Saebyeok's actress was in, but there's nothing else (yet) since this was her first role! And holy shit, what a performance.


Oh I'm definitely on team Go End The Game. It's almost like a superhero decision--his daughter will understand when she's older that he had to go get justice for thousands of lives and potentially save thousands more. I did see this was her first role, she's been a model until now. I want her in EVERYTHING, I find her compelling as fuck.


YUSSS Keep the after-dark vibes! I aint in my makeup either when watching with ya. When my hubby looks over my shoulder at me watching your vids, I explain it's like watching something I love with a bestie; you're on the couch with me, just in laptop form. Continue to take care of yourself, too! &lt;3

Jennifer Liu

I'm not someone who watches terrifying shit like this on my own so I just wanted to let you know I thoroughly enjoyed watching this "with" you. There is a lot of cultural commentary about capitalism being talked about but this, I feel, is absolutely crucial context: https://twitter.com/hermit_hwarang/status/1446848977056456705?t=ELtHUcbs3roexsY1naPI4w&amp;s=19

wangxian's bunny

the after-dark set up really hits different. I can't wait for what's in store if ever there is a next installment for this series because it's just so damn good!! It really lives up to the hype.

Angie G

OMG, your reaction to seeing Gong Yoo in episode 1 makes me wish I could see your Goblin reaction.


I think it may just be me. Episode 9 working for everyone?