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Episode 29: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/RoY62URd4x82JjqZgHiceM?

Episode 30: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/w4YFNdJDuCGT7AS8i53yY2?


(Also please forgive the raw titles/no thumbnails, I've been steamrolled by the surprise series.)

((Also the surprise series drops in a couple hours woooo.))



Time to buckle up and jump into this train to pain town~ Yay~~


Here we goooo~ I'm ready to feel the pain


Miles Wei being a S n a c c

Lea (JujuBug)

Here we gooooooo *sobs on the side*


Also how did I only recently notice that the actor who played Han Ying played Wen Xu in The Untamed


Wei Ning is the best little cinnamonroll 🥰 such sweet boy~

Mel C.

When I first saw Wen Kexing's mom I thought she looked very familiar. Then I remembered! She's a member of South Korean girl group "Nature," that's where i knew her from. She goes by Aurora but her real name is Wang Mengyu. She's only 23! You are absolutely right, she's a bad bitch, I love her ❤

Marissa Cornett

FYI, they were not DOG BBQ. They were lamb. lol

Don't Water my Cactus

This conversation with Prince Jin, and other flashbacks make sense after reading 'Lord Seventh (Qi ye)', adding more context to the tragedy behind Zhou Zishu's story. I liked Da Wu and Prince Qi before, but now I absolutely adore them 😍😍😍


The timing of the reveal was very bad. Weining found out that she was from the ghost valley while his sect is being attacked by " the ghost valley", at least that is what he thought. I imagine the shock, the fear and guilt that he might have brought a spy into his home. I've always wanted my girl to talk to him about her background before he finds out through someone else. Hiding it from him is not possible when Kexing's face is on the first page of the brochure She is from the ghost valley but she is not a bad person..She has good heart and he knows that.  I love them both so much ❤

Lisa Kleine

Gu Miao Miao (Kexing's mom) is a bad bi*** and is absolutely the parent from which WKX got his vindictiveness from. That's my HC and you can't convince me otherwise :D

Jennifer D

Oh boy, SO many of us also felt equally uncomfortable with Prince Jin dressing up Ah-Xu like a toy doll in his Window of Heaven outfit for many, many reasons.... got some really icky vibes coming off the relationship between Jin and Ah-Xu that actually feels a little parallel with Zhao Jing and Scorpion (remember that Ah-Xu was only 16 when Jin convinced him to come work for him). Even the formal, fitted, constricted style of the assasin outfit is so clearly different from the clothing that Ah-Xu chooses to wear when he is free (loose-fitting, flowing, comfortable). These details tell us so much about the characters and who they are and their relationships..... the costume designers deserve a huge shout-out! There are some GORGEOUS concept art drawings here if you ever want to check them out: https://canary3d-obsessed.tumblr.com/post/656794135371661312


It's probably been said before, but Prince Qi and Da Wu (who are a couple but only get tiny nods to that in this) have their own story and it actually takes place before the Faraway Wanderers novel! You get some of ZZS's backstory as the leader of Window of Heaven in that, and some more politics as Prince Jin's role is pretty big in that novel as well.

O Fowler

This show also has a thing about age and/or power differential relationships? Like Zhao Jing and Scorpion is skeevy, like that sweet murder twink was groomed from childhood. But it also feels like Prince Jin dude did the same with young/hot/powerful/ idealistic/trusting Zhou Zishu. In that ep 29 flashback, he's such a True Believer. It HUURTS ME.

Lisa Kleine

I love the "moral purity" banner hanging over that whole conversation between Prince Jin and A-Xu. For one: the fu**ing irony of Prince Jin having that in his throne room. For second: the even heavier implications about their past and the ambitions they shared and now drawing the different sides (literally) on the theme of moral purity. *shivers! A+ visual story telling. ❤ Also, A-Xu being captured and forced to surrender by like 20 Spears is such a powerful visual. You really get the idea that they are terrified of him and his skills (as they should be, he was their leader, after all.) Also, also: I always have to laugh when Prince Jin calls for the guards and they're 300m away, running up stairs. I mean, dudes! That's slacking on the job. If A-Xu wanted to kill him, he would have been dead ten times over in the time it took you to get into the room. They should know better, they're royal guards. It just amuses me greatly every time :DDD


And the hair - that hair... It's really cool, though - in the beginning of the series, you marvel at the transformation from cold-and-perfect-as-a-jade Leader ZZS to snarky vagabond and then beautiful and SMILING and JOKING Ah-Xu - he kind of takes off layer after layer and relaxes into this fun and relaxed guy you'd love to hang out with. And then comes episode 30, where *snap* he's suddenly back to square one, pushed back into the ice-cold and slick character/role he gladly left behind, and the contrast is so JARRING and serves as a strong reminder of how far he's come and how much he's grown and developed since then. <3


Oh I *absolutely* caught the similar vibes between Zhao Jing/Scorpion and Jin/A Xu, which further leads me to believe if Scorpion could find a halfway decent top he would be much less murder-y


Exactly! I totally laughed at that when I first watched it, adds a bit of comedy in the middle of such an intense episode.


I haven’t read the novels (yet) but from what i heard Prince Jin’s character in the drama is very different from his novel counterpart, Helian Yi


Everyone already brought up great analytical points about these episodes, so my only thoughts to share are: ZZS sexy ☺️☺️


"The gays... the gays have.. lost it... in various forms" -Brittany WoH#29 (aka a literal summary of this entire series)


ep 31 to ep 37 are all climax after climax after climax!

O Fowler

I love how Chengling also just kind of accepts his new gay uncles? Like, Lord Seventh/Beiyuan and Wu Xi being dedicated husbands (they have their own danmei novel) and Chengling be like, cool.


People think A Xu and Kexing adopted Chengling but actually Chengling adopts every gay couple he sees. The only woman in that boy's found family tree is Xiang.


bits of trivia I don't remember anyone else posting... which doesn't mean they didn't. just that my memory is growing more sieve like. Gu Miao Miao and Gu Xiang Lao Wen gave his daughter/sister his mother's surname and I think A' Xiang is a fine spiritual granddaughter to the Great Miao Miao. The actor who plays Peng Ju is also one of the directors. You'll see him wandering around in shorts and a t-shirt during some of the BTS stuff. How Rong Xuan died. So first someone (Zhao Jing) poisoned Gao Chong's sword for the five on one fight, I personally wonder if he didn't poison all the swords but his own, cause in one of the flashbacks we see Rong Xuan fighting Gao Chong with one hand behind his back which implies how much better than all of them Rong Xuan was, And triple corpse poison won't drive you crazy, per Ye Baiyi, it only turns you into the living dead (doesn't sound all that much better) what drove Rong Xuan nuts was the life for a life solution that his wife came up with from the yin/yang book, which looked to me like the Chinese invented the heart transplant way earlier than anyone realized. However, since the whole series of events was initiated by Zhao Jing I give him the kill with an unintentional assist by Mrs Rong. Episode 29 Ok the... A'Xu: "are you attacking the people outside?" Chenging: ..."yes"... A'Xu: "good boy!" conversation had me in stitches. And Chengling knowing what was up with Zhou Zishu surrendering just from the look on his face. The boy is very observant of his two gay dads. I adore Uncle Master Fan of the Hufflepuff clan. Zhou Zishu walking out in his party robes and scaring the crap out of Peng Ju is one of my favorite things, even with half or a third of his martial arts, the founder of Window of Heaven is someone around with whom, thou shalt not fuck and it's written all over Peng Ju's face. Episode 30 I love when Wei Ning wipes A'Xiang's tears away. Chengling may be the best boy but Wei Ning is hot on his heels. And of course its the foodies who can smell the bbq. And I know what you mean about seeing ZZS in his Window of Heaven get up, but beautiful emotionally unavailable men in tailored clothes are my kryptonite. There is so much going on in that scene where he and Prince Jin have their wine it can be hard to parse. I know because I've been trying to and it's just not working, the only conclusion I come to is that Jiu Xiao's death was no accident (Honestly, the first time we hear about how Jiu Xiao was given bad intel about ZZS's saftey I was pretty sure it was a set up, but Prince Jin whining about how sad ZZS was after Jiu Xiao's death sounds to me like sour grapes, someone was hoping to get the affection and attention that ZZS showered on his Shidi and when he didn't he got pissy) Can't wait to see your reactions to all the upcoming episodes


A Xu this whole episode, "Bitch, I was THE assassin. I can do what I want." And all the sass.

Jessica Ley

Ep 31 is next! My fave episode and my fave WKX look. Very very excited.

Anonym WLW

🎵Kexing’s mom has got it going on…🎵 (I’ll be back for a proper comment once I’ve watched 30 but that needed to be said)

Anonym WLW

Even though it hurts seeing zzs back in his window of heaven persona after gradually getting to know the man behind the mask for like 30 episodes, I have to say that I very much enjoy him scaring his former subordinates shitless. Like, one (apparently unarmed) man takes a step forward and the ~40 people surrounding him with their swords out back away? That’s power right there. And the way they used so many spears to restrain and capture him? I’m not even entirely convinced that he was trapped in that moment, since we’ve seen him easily escape similar situations before… Gu Miaomiao is a badass and I’ll say it every time it comes up. Not sure if this has been covered by other comments already, but just in case: During Prince Jin‘s and zzs‘ conversation about the People that are no longer here, zzs says „You poisoned Prince Qi,“ implying the Prince Jin had that person killed. The one they’re talking about is the same Prince Qi that is now with wkx and Chengling. He is also known as Jing Beiyuan, and the person the novel Qi Ye (which I’ve seen other people talk about on here already) is named for.


a little cultural thing that international viewers may not have got: when ZZS poured the wine out in a straight line on the table before him, he's not doing it to piss off Prince Jin or to throw the wine in Prince Jin's face or something like that, he is symbolically sharing the wine with his fallen friends and comrades. Loved your reaction as always!


Ah wuxi and beiyuan have arrived! They're my parents and I love them dearly. They have so little screen time and still I've sold my soul to them its unfair. Honestly I really liked the fast pace they've got going on in these episodes. I know it's because they had to Wrap. This. Up but it felt (for me) very naturally done since the last couple of episodes where so calm and domestic. Now we're at war and shots are fired from everywhere. The more I rewatch ep 30-36 I appreciate them more and more. And I honestly can't wait for next week. I'm white knuckling until I get to see the revelation that is episode 32.


Hey Brittany, no spoilers but just a heads up for ep32 — if you are watching the YouTube version, there is a translation error that is important to note, as it affects how one views the eps after that. When Dawu passes Ah Xu a red medicine box, he says the medicine can keep a seriously injured person alive for 5 days, NOT half-cure him, as erroneously translated. Major difference in terms of outcome and consequence. Enjoy the ride!


thank you! I was wondering where people were getting five days.


"And of course its the foodies who can smell the bbq.’🤣🤣🤣


I have yet to read The Seventh Lord nor have I finished The Faraway Wanders. I'm curious though about the pre-qual.


I loved the look on your face when you started to figure out Sect Leader Mo. Also remember what CWN told A'Xiang about his sect leader being best friends and practically soul mates with Sect Leader Cao whom he convinced to hand over the Glazed Armor to him. Sect Leader Mo and ZJ just up and confirmed that they've been working together from the beginning. Also, keep in mind how A'Xu remarked about Sect Leader Mo keeping being a 'fox' keeping a 'rabbit'. It's an awakening that although the clan might be Huffle Puff, Sect Leader Mo isn't.


Finally caught up!! And everyone else here has said all the important stuff but I just wanna say....You might want to go on a live after the next two episodes... Because boy are they gonna be FUN. I know you probably have a lot on your plate right now but just in case. Esp since some things in these two episodes can be a bit confusing too (depending on whether you watch on YouTube or Netflix)


I agree. Youtube is better option to watch, cause Netflix have some mistakes that really confuse ppl ( esp with ep 32 ).