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Halloween Special! (VOTE)

  • Jennifer's Body (2009) 102
  • Fear Street (2021) 33
  • 2021-10-07
  • 135 votes
{'title': 'Halloween Special! (VOTE)', 'choices': [{'text': "Jennifer's Body (2009)", 'votes': 102}, {'text': 'Fear Street (2021)', 'votes': 33}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 10, 7, 23, 3, 54, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 135}


When I was fifteen, a couple friends and I decided to go see The Ring in theaters because, hey, it was PG-13 so it couldn't be that scary, right? To this day, I reman inherently terrified of any horror that involves a little girl with hair pulled over her face. Which is great because that's pretty much its own subgenre in Japan (The Ring having been a remake of Japan's Ringu). 

I've loved horror ever since. Every now and then I scour the internet, download another two dozen movies from the last couple years, and watch them all over a few days just to see if I can add anything else to my list of faves. This means I've seen a lot of horror, especially since my only limit is the type of super gratuitous torture porn they ban in several countries. If I'm gonna see people in tremendous pain, there better be a narrative reason, y'know?

But anyway, why are these two particular things on the voting block this year? 

Well basically, all of this is to say I have never seen Jennifer's Body. At the time it came out I was still mad at the world for loving Juno so damn much, and refused to watch anything written by the same woman. (I was also busy judging and misjudging Megan Fox. I'm definitely one of the people who apologized when we all eventually heard her story and came to our senses). Now that it's gone down in history as a sapphic cult classic I am, of course, dying to finally see it. 

As for Fear Street, it pretty much flew right past me as it happened, and then it was over, and then everyone was like "what a great sapphic love story" and I said "wait what?" because I absolutely did not do my duty as a reactor to queer things in this specific instance. I heard good things, and since Jennifer's Body is a classic I thought a little old school vs. new school vote would be fun.

Plus both choices feature wlw, and as a channel that tends to have understandable leanings towards mlm I like to give the ladies a shout out whenever I can. 

If you have no idea what either of these things are, check out the IMDB pages for Jennifer's Body and the first volume of Fear Street to help you decide.

The reaction, both uncut and cut, will land on Halloween in their usual locations. <3



So, I'm a huge baby and don't watch horror. (I was also traumatized by The Ring.) Therefore I won't be watching this video no matter which you do, BUT I hope you have a great time and I'll come lurk in the comments! I voted Fear Street because body horror really messes me up and Jennifer's Body seems like that's what it'll be about.


I’m way too much of a baby to watch anything even close to horror (couldn’t even watch the Hannibal reactions) but I voted for Jennifer’s Body 😆


I had an incident when I was like 3 years old that made me terrified of horror movies. I remember that I couldn't sleep that night and went looking for my parents. When I got to the living room (you could see the TV screen from the door back then), I saw a orange-haired doll with the face all stitched and stapled on and laughing maniacally! It turns out that my parents (who are huge fans of horror) decided to watch one of the Chucky films since I was "asleep". I remember screaming and bolting out of there, my father running after me and even the next door neighbours came to ask if everything was alright! 🤣🤣🤣 Until I was like 14, I refused to watch any horror movie. But when I was with a group of friends and they decided that they wanted to watch The Ring and Scream in our school library (it had a selection of DVDs which we could reserve and watch in the audio visuals room - including several horror films), I fell in love! And, ironically enough, now my favourite horror film is Child's Play 😅 Though...tbh...I mostly laugh when I watch these movies (even in the cinema and then people look at me weirdly😆). It's just that the effects most of the time look so fake or are so exaggerated, that I can't help but laugh. And...if it's really unrealistic what is happening on screen, I start talking about how the killer should have done this or how the director/MUA/producer should have filmed or done that...basically I annoy people and most of the time have to watch by myself LOL though I do this last thing with every movie (specially history based one because I'm a history nerd 🤣) PS: sry for the long comment 😅😅😅


PPS: I voted for Jennifer's Body. And btw...have you watched The Nun from 2018? I love that one!


Oooo then I'd love to hear your opinion on The Witch and Hereditary. Both have VERY realistic feels to them, despite being about 'bigger' things. And the guy who made the Witch went to painstaking lengths to make it as historically accurate as possible, we're talking down to window frame inches.


I haven't seen Jennifer's Body but keep coming across the true crime vlogs about the murder that the movie is based around. I think Jennifer's Body would be perfect.


It looks like Fear Street is losing (understandable, Jennifer’s Body is iconic), but I hope if it does, you still watch the trilogy, even if you don’t react. It’s got one of my favorite WLW pairings on screen in recent memory, and I think there’s a lot to unpack in the way the story is crafted. Overall, it’s just such a fun and beautifully directed watch, with homages to horror through the ages. You can tell that Janiak is a huge fan of the genre &amp; worked hard to get it right.

Katherine Griffith

Probably nobody wants to hear my funny story about that kind of Japanese ghost, but here it is anyway. First, you need to know that I have long black hair and insomnia. One night, very late (or more like early morning), I took a shower and left my hair down to air dry (I didn't want to run the hairdryer and wake anyone up), and I was wearing a light colored long nightgown. All of that is important to the story. I think you may know where this is kind of going. I heard the bathroom door and thought my husband was in there due to the time of night. I hurried into the hall and waited. After hearing the flush, I lowered my and arranged my hair to hang down in front of my face. The bathroom door opened, and my daughter screamed. It was even funnier than if it had been my husband (she's an adult, by the way). Anyway, that's the end of my old lady ramble.


If you had done that to me I would have legit broken down into sobs and ruined the entire prank, lol. I hope your daughter got revenge somehow?