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Episode 27: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/2gXc9d6L3kGLw1L4dG4jGb?

Episode 28: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/nhEQNUuKMENaxvziTBXNcM?

#1 fan of Scorpion orchestrating his toxic top's downfall who's with me

Also that's the most romantic devotion I've ever seen expressed while sat down flat on your ass in the middle of a forest



Hyped! And Ah Xu Leaning on Ke Xings shouLder? devastatingLy romantic (my L is caps-Locked somehow, don't ask how it happened)


😂 that's hilarious! I'm really tempted to ask how anyways


Time to go see our dumb boys try to fight an Immortal before the other gets the opportunity ~~ 😆


"Did Ye Baiyi always have that streak of grey?" That is a very good question... 🤔


And yes, he did say, "Ah Xu, you're so good at grinding."


I want scorpion's hair thingy, the silver one with the big carnelian on top and what looks like jade butterflies on the side. /covetousness' rant


Mom in the kitchen yelling at dad cause dad is sitting there drinking and not helping while he cooks the whole meal and son is just messing shite up. Family. 😁


All the Gay domestic bliss in theese two episodes make me so freaking happy~~ 🥰🥰💖 I love seeing them so happy and care free, teasing each other and their son 💖(and ofcourse it has to end 😭)


Notice how Ah Xu's arm miraculously got better just in time to eat dinner... 🙄😁

Jess Y

You should react the version 1 of this scheme. It's too romantic that it didn't make it to the show


Everything after this filler episode ep 28 is a roller coaster.


Oh Btw, I remember somebody telling me that the reason WKX wore the dark purple robe in ep 27 when he went to try and stop Ye Bai Yi is because if he got killed the robe would be used to cover his body. It is based on a poem that says something about soldiers going to war wearing cloaks in case they die and nobody buries them 🤔 (and it that's true then that makes it so sad 😭 cos KeXing didn't get to bury his parents bodies and he could have a fear of same happening to him)


i feel so stupid cuz i forgot this supposed to be posted every Saturday but Sunday in my timezone so yesterday i was confuse to why you haven't post the recent reactions and about to ask everybody in case i missed an announcement lol. anyways, we're so close to end of the series. i'm so curious how you would react to ep 29 up to 37 cuz it would be an exhausting roller coaster of emotions 🥲 hope to see you in WoH twt and discover gems in the fandom (fanarts, threadfic, theories, etc). also i'm looking forward to the reactions for concerts and explanation videos! 😆 thank you and i hope you're always in a good shape + happy 😊


Oh, our darling boys, both so ready to sacrifice themselves for each other. (And the similarities between Dad!Kexing and A-Xiang who was OK with Uncle Shen killing her as long as he didn't reveal to her cinnamon roll that she was a wicked Ghost. I read SOMEWHERE on the Great Interwebz that the reason Wen Kexing put on those lovely purple outer robes before going out to intercept Ye Baiyi was because of some historical figure (a general or high official) who went out to meet his enemy, knowing that he was going to be killed - and he wore robes so that they would have something to cover his body with afterwards, so he wouldn't just be lying there indecorously. Just to really drive home how very aware he was that he was going to his death. Oh, and the deleted cut A-Xu leans his head on KeXing's shoulder when they're waiting for Ye Baiyi to finish them off... <3 https://minmoyu.tumblr.com/post/647965197416431617/the-original-take-ep-27-zhou-zishu-laid-on-wen


just in case you or anyone here interest, here's Word of Honor twitter topic (WARNING: heavy spoilers alert): https://twitter.com/i/topics/1413559701610975233?s=09


"This is the last good thing they're gonna get innit?" I love how we all just know. 🥲

Lisa Kleine

YBY and the question of: would you have done any different in his situation? Yes, thank you, let our gay murder dads live. They have a son to raise and the duty to look at each other with fondness and laugh together in pure silliness, with all the pouting and threatening with cleavers and domestic bliss this entails. BUT, our perfect gay family bubble has burst now. The rest of the world with all of its plots and problems is intruding. Also, Han Ying, ZZS told you in ep... 11(?) to keep your head down, not get involved with the glazed armor and to live... was that so difficult?! Stubborn. Did you see the devastation in your Lord Zhou's face? And the one in his soulmates? Let's see what happens next... On another note, Scorpion is well on his way to figure things out for himself. Starting to see the hooks of manipulation and the edges of the masks. Poor baby is still so much in love, though. *sigh* We are entering the last arcs of the series and it's going to be noticeable that they had to wrap this series up fast soon, because of budget reasons, I believe. Looking forward to find out how you think they handled that. 😁 ❤


I still think it's hilarious that they thought they could erase the sexual tension between Scorpion and Zhao Jing by giving Zhao Jing's actor a fake moustache


Ye Baiyi as Scorpion's new daddy... Just a shower thought... 😌

Anonym WLW

I’m right there with you on the Twink Liberation Front. Love how he slowly discovers what a shithead his “dad” actually is. Zzs in the first scene of 27 is just the epitome of the “You don’t have all the facts! — Which are? — I love him!” meme. I mean, he did make some valid points on if choices truly are as simple as they seem when you’re in a hard situation and stuff but. He also is just very much in love. And then we have some more nice family times on both the Wenzhou and Caoxiang sides. Notice how much more playful wkx gets after the reveal, with that underlying current of “What if he finds out and hates me?” gone… and zzs’ miraculously healed arm once all the preparations are finished and the meal begins… Han Ying is still desperate to save zzs and I appreciate it, truly, but boy he told you not to do stupid shit like that! And you did it anyways! Still love you and don’t want you to die but. Dude! You can do better, I know you can! The plot has come knocking and I’m afraid it won’t be kept outside. Fair warning that the lack of proper budget does get noticeable in this last run. I’d say 31 and 32 get the worst of it. If at any time you find yourself wondering if you missed something: You probably didn’t. They had to rush things and weren’t able to film some scenes, so the end result feels choppy at times. Just stick with it, most confusions will clear themselves up after a while.


When Sleazy!Daddy!Zhao Jing is "reconciling" with Scorpion Twink, he pulls him down next to himself and then he puts his hand... between them? Or on Scorpion's knee? It's hard to tell, but it still looks iffy as heck. Also, KeXing seeing Han Ying's Undying Devotion to his man and probably considering if he should be lethally jealous - and then apparently coming down on the "Ok, can't blame a guy for being 100% devoted to My Mans Who Is The Best Mans - at least not as long as he's willing and eager to lay down his life to save my A-Xu". It feels like Han Ying gets KeXing's stamp of approval, you know? As long as he remembers his place which is AFTER KeXing on the list of People A-Xu Cares About. ;)


If you search for it, there's more than a few Scorpio/Ye Baiyi fics on Archive of Our Own, you know... ;)

Jennifer Liu

27 - I read some comments that the director/scriptwriter intended for this bathing scene to symbolize that there are no more secrets between our fav couple. I extrapolated for my own headcanon from that that the first bathing scene was to tell the audience ZZS worked out WKX's secret. Also: Loved your ending comments about honouring queerness.


Kexing babe, I think we all knew that A Xu was going to accept you.  You did not have to worry " Green guy" lol I laughed so much at this thinking about how dramatic that guy is, the way he speaks, his outfit, his makeup and how he just got reduced to green guy 😂😂

Zheng Lin

Axu is so cute and adorable in episode 27😍Axu: I can't stand up, can't you help me to stand up? 🤭🤭


Did you get the Double Entendre? There's another conversation taking place entirely here: ZZS: I'm so badly hurt, can't you give me a hand? WKX: Aren't you a capable man? Get yourself up? ZZS: I can't. *WKX struggles, pulling on him.* ZZS: Can't you even get me up? If you think we're simply reading too much into it, just wait. The writer repeats the whole thing later on, just to make sure we heard correctly! I love this show!!


YES!! I've been waiting on you to get to this part. Disrespectful? You nailed it! China gets credit for not editing this out,( but how is peeing on a memorial tablet somehow more acceptiable than being gay?) Anyhoo, it was so satisfying to see Scorpion catching Jing wipping it out and losing his damn drunkass mind, and all the "trophies" from past betrayals. TragicComic Ghost was so right. Onward, there's so much more to see. Another great job. Thank you!


I've been so excited to see you react to the famous "Ni bu pei!" scene! You should watch the alternate take on the scene where Ah-Xu literally lays his head on Wen Kexing's shoulder and the gay chemistry is off the charts. Also there are very cute and fun behind the scenes clips from this ep and specifically that scene. "Ni bu pei!" basically became a set in-joke; that line gets said multiple times in the series, by WKX, by Shen Shen, and another time by ZZS. The plot, indeed, has returned with a vengeance now. I really wish the show had been able to shoot the further nine episodes it was supposed to have rather than having to cram all this plot into these last eight eps. But I'm so glad we got so many eps of loving domesticity. They spend several months in the Four Seasons Manor, and it's such a lovely arc.


Hey! Vidyard doesn't work for me today (i haven't try yesterday but i never have any problem with the link before). I try on 2 computer, nothing and the other lonk who work before doesn't work now. Is it the same thing for you? The "Ni bu pei" episode! O----O


YESSSSSS I was looking forward to watching these 2 episodes all week!! p 27 is unforgettable. Like they really just showed that to me on screen... The faith and devotion, the sacrifice, the love! Holy MOLY are they in love! And I'm so happy to see ZZS' playful side again! He was so gloomy and stoic when he was still leader of the Window of Heaven, now look at him 🥺 just look how his arm sling magically disappears at dinner when all the work is done! WKX actually loves this man. Sighs. Poor Chengling didi has to witness his parents' shenanigans lol. So much dog food. There's also an unaired scene of ep 27 that I would love for you to react to. It's essentially the same scene with YBY that was aired but it definitely has a different... flavour to it? It was said that the two actors GJ and ZZH fought hard to keep this scene in because they thought they acted well in it, but Ma Jie the producer decided to change it quite late in filming. I can see why she chose to refilm it though. If only they could mix the two together, that would just make the beginning of ep 27 even more 👌 There's also the scene with WKX dropping the ground medicine onto ZZS' head. I feel like that's a knife hidden in sugar. It looks playful at first until you realise ZZS' vision is so bad, he doesn't even see WKX move his arm further up... 😭 but I'm also reminded of the interview where the actor ZZH said that he'd actually pinched GJ really hard in the scene, so his yelp was real. ZZH didn't know how hard he pinched him until later when someone told him the reaction was real. He wakes up at night and laughs when he thinks about it LOL! AND YES I LOVE THE SCORPION SUB PLOT! It's getting so good! And ep 28 was the point where I got so freaking disgusted by Zhao Jing, I really couldn't stand seeing him anymore... But well done to the actor who played him, that whole drunken freak out in the tablet room must have been fun to act out /s Let's pour one out for Han Ying and his fat crush on the ZZS. He's really going to risk it all for his lord huh. 😅


Just watched the ep. 27 reaction and I just love them so much ♥ I love the fact that they're not the heroes of the story, both of them did things that put them in the villain category. But that's why they understand each other so much! They're soulmates ♥ Also, I hope you'll watch behind the scenes of this episode! There's another take of the scene with YBY (ZZH and GJ liked the take but the production team decided to film it one more time :D), also the NI BU PEI! is like meme at this point! They had so much fun while filming


So in episode 27, Scorpion's line about being a gambler is something he took from the conversation he had with Beauty Ghost. It was when they were in the prison cell and Scorpion offered her freedom. That was episode 23 I believe.


It seems like Patreon ate my comment so I'll just comment again ;_; Patreon be merciful and let this one stay. The Yin Yang Book isn't really a mystery to us, it's just been a long while since Uncle Long explained it! It's the same book in the Armory that his disabled son wanted and through Uncle Long's story about Rong Xuan's true fate, was established as Not Good. To save another life with the forbidden technique in the book means taking a life and giving it to someone else, and it's probably the reason Wen Kexing abandoned that avenue of possible cure for A-Xu because he knows A-Xu wouldn't want to live by taking someone else's life? Also, Rong Xuan went mad not from the poison, but from how he was saved from it, so... There's also that. Han Ying says ZZS's father was killed by the FORMER Prince Jin, not the current one, btw.


My brain hadn't pieced together most of these details yet so thank you for (re)posting this <333


Fun trivia! Han Ying's actor was in the Untamed. He played Wen Xu, the guy that attacked Cloud Recesses and broke Lan Wangji's leg.

Anonym WLW

I’m (slowly) rewatching the Untamed right now and recently got to that episode and was like - Han Ying? What are you doing here?


These episodes are like peak Wen "malewife" Kexing and Zhou "delicate victorian wife" Zishu. It's like gay covered gay.

Jennifer D

This fragile/delicate wife act cracks me up, every single time..... "oh, I can't put up the decorations because I'm hurt", "Cheng-ling, guess you'll have to kill the chicken because my injury prevents it"..... Then he proceeds to sneak snacks with his 'bad' arm and completely drop the act once dinner is ready. Love it.


I need a t shirt that says 'Scorpion Twink Liberation Squad' or something similar