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Enough of y'all sounded off when I asked if anyone would be interested in seeing the shortlist early that...well here we are to look at the shortlist early, lol. 

Long series and short series are being lumped together for now, since season two of The Witcher happens at the end of the year and we ALL know my ass will be there, waiting for a certain apology. Plus I have Untamed things to get to in 2022 that are best reserved for Fridays.

Here's the list Youtube will vote on later in the month:

-Couple of Mirrors


-Black Sails


-The Owl House

-Harley Quinn (2019)

-Killer and Healer

*In case you're new here: I give Youtube a list of around six series to choose from, they decide the top three, and then patrons make the final decision. This way you guys get a clear priority while I also get to hear from the majority of my subscriber base. (Patrons are, of course, able to take part in the Youtube vote too if they'd like.)

*If you're wondering about Heaven's Official Blessing, I'm holding out for the live action.

*If you're wondering about anything Untamed related (donghua, audio drama, etc), those will be reacted to regardless of voting, they're just not happening until the new year (along with the official English translation of MDZS).

*I have a surprise for y'all this Saturday! If you've been paying attention to a certain new Netflix series on the rise, you might guess what it is...


Lois Geal

So excited for this, sweetie!


I can already tell you that people will vote Guardian 😂 i’m excited !!


Guaaaaaardian! <3

Heather Hollenbeck

Guardian omg 😍 just a few days ago I was wondering if you would ever react to guardian 😄😄

Lisa Kleine

Well, everything sounds wonderful :D let's see what wins. (Guardian ❤😍, though ;DDD)


GUARDIAN <3 I guess I know what's getting my vote. The chances of getting a Heaven Official's Blessing live action show are iffy right now, unfortunately. But there's season 2 of the donghua coming.


What exactly is going on? I've heard a lot and haven't understood most of it

Mel C.

Ok, i'm conflicted because i love both Couple of Mirrors and the Harley Quinn animated show. What to do😔


I'm torn. Sense8 is everything to me but then... Guardian


I want Sense8 sooo bad but guardian is also fun


Guardian! I haven't seen it yet so I could watch it with you :D Waiting for HOB live action might be a long one though :( There's also a lot of donghua based on Priest novels right now (The Defective, Drowning Sorrows in Raging Fire, there was a trailer for Mo Du some time ago). And, of course, I'm hoping for you to watch the concerts, they're like part of the story ♥

Lilah Kane

I am probably among the few but I am conflicted about Black Sails and Killer and healer. Black Sails IS a masterpiece and with Killer and Healer underrated underdogs. KAH is on par almost with WOH but more serious. I can't decide from either one. Guardian is good, but these steal the show for me. 😉

Katherine Griffith

So, I don't want you to take this as any kind of pressure or to be stressed out even a little. Any idea when you might do the Dramatical Murders playthrough? Just a ballpart answer or even saying that you're not sure would be fine. I'm happy to wait as long as you need me to wait.


That is going to be the *very* first game I play when the Twitch channel happens! I had originally planned for Twitch to become a thing right around now, but when I realized I can't do Youtube, Twitch, and write a book all at the same time I decided to prioritize writing before Twitch got going. I'm hoping to get the first draft done by February and then start Twitch as soon as possible after that, like early March. (I've been dying to both start Twitch and play DMMD for yeeeeears now, at this point I'll have to throw some kind of party when it finally happens. <3)


Guardian, Guardian, Guardian! BUT!! I'm worried about hyping it, which it totally deserves - it was a powerhouse of gay attraction before we had The Untamed, just because of the actors' chemistry - but I'd hate to mislead you into thinking it sustained that throughout the whole series. If you only reacted to half the series, I would still pay top dollar to watch you. It's still worth it, but you might get frustrated. Be warned that it dips in quality, in my humble opinion. But I wouldn't have missed it for the world. The show lost its budget, but the actors remained top notch. It introduced me to Zhu Yilong, who is incredible in the more recent, The Rebel. DO react if you still want to, just don't be upset if the story unravels or deflates. People are still in love with it for a very good reason. Once you see the love between these men, you can't unsee it, nor do you want to.

Zheng Lin

You can reaction "Ultimate Note" ,The Adventure Brother love Story of Wu Xie and Xiao Ge 😍🥰


Yeah, unfortunately Guardian really suffered with their main sponsor going under even before shooting properly started & original main lead(s) abandoning ship and had no Wolong Nuts to save it 😭 Zhu Yilong and Bai Yu basically carried the show. It's still the first danmei live action adaptation that got really big, before The Untamed, and if/when you watch ZYL & BY together you'll be able to see why. They had to change A LOT for the live action, bc the original novel centers around religion/gods/reincarnation and that's a no-no.

Eve Swayze

Omg I love killer and healer!


I'd love either Guardian or Killer and Healer, I haven't seen either one of those so I could watch along with you! I'm very much on a cdrama kick at the moment, but Black Sails also sounds intriguing!

Demi Schoonenberg

Black Sails will forever be underrated and that’s a shame, since it’s really one of my favorite shows! It has a lot of queer ships, so that’s great. It may not be the main focus, but the plot, action and characters are amazing. I haven’t seen Killer and Healer yet, though it would be really fun to watch the show with you! Guardian was a major letdown for me personally, though the two main leads were amazing. I only kept watching for them and their relationship tbh. And Couple of Mirrors sounds and looks great as well… I really don’t know what I will vote yet!


Killer and healer is very interesting and has a more “realistic “ background compared to the other cdramas u watched. No super-powers or cultivators. It might be a good change of taste for you.


s-squid game this saturday? 👁👄👁


I badly hope we get to see more recognition for Guardian! Of course, majority rules, but I am clinging onto hope regardless! It's one of those lower-budget, iconic shows I feel like you can not skip. The amount of endless love I have for this series is insane. (If I had any time or editing skills I would've made so many MVs on it by now :/) It was my first, even before The Untamed. Which is saying a lot lol. Anyway: my guess for the Saturday snit bit might be Squid Game. Which would be awesome! On ep 7 right now. It's a lot, but very deep and realistic in terms of human nature. My best wishes for you, your feline fellows and Tamaris <3 (Edit: To anyone who has seen Guardian: I wonder, do you think the song Astronomy - Conan Gray, fits well? I would say it does)


I agree. In a sense, Guardian walked so that The Untamed could run and Word of Honor could fly. :) Sorry, I don't know the song Astronomy, so I cannot advise, but I'll keep my ears open.

Erin Hartley

I'm with you there. Especially Killer and Healer was really really good! I loved Mao Zijun in other dramas I've watched him in, but he's excellent in this one!

Erin Hartley

My vote definitely goes to Killer and Healer!


Guardian has my interest too, i've heard very gay things but I've heard the ending is different than the book and is a downer, but that just means i should watch the series then read the book to heal, am i right? Maybe it won't be as bad, I've certainly had some sad ass endings but still come out loving a show, so you know


Wow, I went to check out Killer and Healer and it looks interesting. But that opening theme, it gives me real Guardian vibes. That may not be a bad thing.


Rooting for Black Sails, only ever 'seen' it through Tumblr. GIMME QUEER PIRATES


Sense8 is amazing!!! Such an interesting premise and so much representation!!!

Andreea C.

I'm rooting so hard for Guardian tbh. I just started watching and reading it and it's honestly one of my faves so far (pretty much obsessed from the start). Definitely up there with TU and WOH! The writing kills me! The actors and their chemistry kill me! The plot kills me! Yeah... I hope it's this one lol! Can't wait to see! 😇

Emma K Popp (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-30 05:34:47 I'm rooting so much for Sense8, it almost got the win last time and I would love to see your reactions to & thoughts on it!
2021-10-19 16:02:06 I'm rooting so much for Sense8, it almost got the win last time and I would love to see your reactions to & thoughts on it!

I'm rooting so much for Sense8, it almost got the win last time and I would love to see your reactions to & thoughts on it!