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Romeo and Juliet are quaking







I'm not sure if I believe Hannibal is totally 'corrupting' Will. The creepy conversion pretty clearly showed that Will wanted to kill Mushroom Guy, and that he didn't feel guilty for killing Hobbs, he feels guilty because it felt good to kill him. Hannibals goal, in my opinion, is to just get Will to admit to himself that he likes killing some people. However, he's doing it by gaslighting and manipulating Will, so that's not great. Also, the Mushroom people are some of the squickyest murders.


I absolutely adore that last conversation between Hannibal and Will. As an ex-religious queer, I feel deeply seen by all the soft blasphemy in this show. Like, representing God as utterly ambivalent and casually cruel feels true to me in a way none of the "loving father" rhetoric ever did. Also, while I may not be religious anymore, religious symbolism and imagery still slaps my entire bod, so seeing it used to promote queerness and to represent dark themes is just *chef's kiss*


**BIG PICTURE SPOILERS FOR THE SHOW** Oh absolutely, totally agree that Will felt the first pulse of how good it feels to kill someone. That *entirely* terrifies him and he spends basically the rest of the show trying to deny it. I call it a corruption arc because he was still ultimately a good person, he didn't want to enjoy killing or hurt anyone or become a serial killing cannibal with his husband. It takes an entire series of Hannibal's influence in order to fully corrupt Will where he otherwise could have been saved from the brink if things had played (very) differently. Semi side note: I entirely forgot that Hobbs lowkey kicks off Will's entire arc by saying "See?" as Abigail bleeds out in 1x01. Even then a serial killer wanted Will to understand the beauty in someone dying. Damn Bryan Fuller knowing exactly what he was doing.


God Hannibal is my absolute favorite series... just watched all your The Untamed reactions so now i'm watching your Hannibal ones. This show is absolutely beautiful. The connection between Will and Hannibal... oof--gotta thank Hugh and Mads for that. I just love the entire journey they go through in this show...