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In case you missed it, I posted a 2021 Agenda a few months ago. It was mostly a to-do list of reactions, special videos, and general ambitions for the year. So far I feel like I'm dragging my heels and rocketing through it all at once. The camera is on the way, I just finished filming the BL series recs video, I can start Let's Plays once I figure out this one piece of tech, voting on the next reaction series starts in TWO weeks (just to name a few things). So many developments are right on the horizon but it feels like not much is in the rearview? It's getting harder and harder to reign in my excitement and pace myself, which is a great sign. But I still have to keep my anxiety/depression/ADD/neglect in mind, and I feel as happy and pumped as I do almost-overwhelmed. (My other concern is more of a scheduling conflict: how do I keep a good pace with my internet shenanigans without ignoring my writing? I'm grappling with time management for the first time since college, though, and a big part of the issue is simply being out of practice.)

And then camera situation got 10x more complicated than it needed to be. Long story short, I had to get a different camera and am currently trying to sell the other one in order to pay for it. But the good news is I'll wind up with an even more fantastic camera than  originally planned? It all works out in the end, even if the end (new camera to show off for you) is delayed a couple/few weeks.

My first livestream actually happened! Getting to know everyone a bit better through chatting and your amazing questions made the 2 1/2 hours positively fly by. It felt like our cycle of give-and-take came to life in a fresh, tangible way I never even imagined. Your joy fed my joy fed your joy in a glorious feedback loop--my ultimate goal at the heart of all the shipping, fandom, and queerness. I think if I can hold onto how that cycle feels for everyone, make those moments happen as often as I can, then we'll be well on our way to creating the community I've been dreaming about since I was a teenager.

Plus, it was dangerously fun. As in: even though I wouldn't have made a good actress I've always been a performance oriented theater kid at heart trying to find the right outlet, and I think streaming is the perfect combination of entertaining a crowd (extroversion) while technically being by yourself (introversion). I haven't had that itch scratched in the better part of a decade, and now that I know how great streaming is I can definitely say that there's more coming in the future (and sooner than I thought).

This update is kinda scattered and everywhere at once, which fits with the theme, but I hope it comes off as intended--frantic in a good way. Honest in a happy way. Forward-moving in a healthy way.

Gonna a manifest a couple things real quick: Next time I update, we'll have a brand new reaction series on the horizon, the camera your support enabled me to purchase will be on display, and with a little luck I'll have started my very first Let's Play. So say we all.

Until next time and with all my love,


P.S. - I can't even type 'general' into a blog title without hearing 'HERE COMES THE GENERAAAAL' echo in my head. It's purely Lin Manuel-Miranda's fault and he should be held accountable.



Bethany R

So glad you loved the livestream—I caught the end and it was a ton of fun. Excited for what’s coming next too eeeeee


Thanks for the update :) The stream was a lot of fun even though I had to go to bed early, haha. Will look out for the next one. I'm really looking forward to any kind of Let's Play, because I really enjoy watching games being played especially by someone as funny and witty as yourself, haha. Hope the new camera arrives soon and writing is going smoothly \o/ All the best from me!

Katherine Griffith

I hope that let's play is DMMD! I know it's coming out this month, with the demo out already on Steam. I know the steam edition will be edited so the CG's won't be as graphic.