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They keep buying or giving each other blatantly queer-coded items. Iconic, honestly.


QUEER WHIPLASH | The Untamed Ep. 39



Yeah, Song Lan is definitely a puppet with returned consciousness now, the same as Wen Ning. The make-up department just forgot to draw some lines on his neck and put pale nude lipstick on him in that last scene, is what I think, lol. So we now have this badass undead cultivator with two swords, roaming the world with what's left of the soul of his dead partner, what a f*cking concept.


yes, what xue yang did is truly horrible but he also loved xiao xingchen so so much. and xxc loved him just as much. why else would he go to such lengths to ask wei wuxian for help to bring him back? xxc is the only person that has ever truly cared about xy and I genuinely do not believe that in all of their 3 years of domestic coffin town bliss he hasn’t figured out who xy is? like come on... they’d met countless times before that, of course xxc must’ve eventually figured it out... I could write essays on why xue yang is a) yes, a horrible person but also b) just a boy who doesn’t know how to deal with his emotions and has never in his life experienced genuine kindness nor has anyone ever taught him wrong from right. how is he supposed to know how to behave correctly? after xxc died, he didn’t actually want to turn xxc into a puppet, at this point he was just saying things to keep himself somewhat sane (ironic, huh?). did you see the absolute shock and disbelief on his face after xxc killed himself? this poor boy just had to watch the love of his life die... and then he tried to bring xxc back just like wei wuxian brought back wen ning but he failed so he sought out wei wuxian to help him. and then when xue yang realised that he couldn’t bring him back, he was so helpless and scared, because the only person that ever truly cared about him and showed him genuine kindness was gone. also I don’t think xue yang feels pain and I also don’t think he can really cry so basically every time he’s laughing like a maniac he’s actually crying. that’s just how he copes with situations. all in all, xue yang has done horrible things and he did deserve to die but he’s also the best boy and I will stand by that until my very last breath, thanks for coming to my ted talk :) [also, I don’t know if you noticed but back when song lan lost his eyes bc of xue yang and wei wuxian and wen qing helped him? xiao xingchen actually gave his own eyes to song lan, that’s why he’s wearing the piece of fabric covering his eyes. pretty fucked up but also pretty romantic]


We gettin' to the good shit now! The new few episodes are some of my favorite of the show. I am... trying my hardest not to give any spoilers lmao so all I will say is: no, by the end of ep39, we do not have a name for the person they suspect of all these shenanigans. Re: the just finished Yi City Arc... I'd forgotten how good these episodes are. It's hard not to feel bad for everyone involved. But hey, at least we have fanfiction! And hoo golly do we have plenty of fanfiction hahaha

Gweniver Call

Xue Yang is the homeless street kid who DIDN'T get saved by a kindly Clan leader and that's all I'm gonna say about the subject.


No. You did not miss any name. It hit me hard when Lan Zhan said 'Fortunately...'. He knows what it feels like when your soulmate is dead. He knows how it feels to yearn for him. But, fortunately Wei Ying came back to him, fortunately they are together....unlike the other pair of soulmates. Also, I am not sure if you remembered or not, the bunny lantern is very dear to them. Remember the lantern festival in their youth, when Wei Ying drew bunnies in the lantern for Lan Zhan and they took the wow together to stand for justice and live the life with no regrets? I also wanted to see you were able to connect one more dot. But its fine, you will know it anyway in the later episodes. I didn't notice it too. I was so caught up in all the Lan Zhan feels.

Gweniver Call

In those ten years or so after Xiao Xingchen died, Xue Yang gave his spiritual consciousness to Xiao Xingchen's body every day so that he wouldn't decompose. In this essay I will


I think you did miss some information on this ep, but the name of the 'He' they were talking about it was not one of those things LOL However, no problem, you are going to have futher explanation on everything later, piece by piece (as everything on this show) so you can build the puzzle LOL


PS.: I do not agree and do not think it's explanable what Xue Yang did. But that is really a debatable topic inside the fandom and there is no way everybody is going to agree on that, so I'd advise you to build your own opinion on that based on what information you have. In my case, I really don't think Xue Yang's past, life an "feelings" can save his face for me.

Sarah Rowland

I think they, XiChen specifically, didn't say any name directly but spoke about him using context clues such as the Langling Jing sect and preparing for the discussion conference. Because he doesn't want to admit that his baby behind it.


Oh yes I was hoping to see her connecting one more dot! But she will get it eventually!

Anna Lena Ciplajevs

Poor Wangji also, those were his gay role models :C i think he saw a very big parallel to himself and wei wuxian. I bet his "fortunately-.." was: "Fortunately, i havent lost you permanently" or "Fortunately youve come back" or "fortunately there was enouch of your soul left to return" But we know he isnt a man of many words

Anna Lena Ciplajevs

You didnt miss a name, Xichen was being very mysterious. Also "I discussed with him every single night" Sounds gay.


Oh... This comment was a punch to my soul. Yes, you are absolutely right.


For sure, that sounds like a "y'all I spent every single night with him" statement.