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In future viewings, this bathing scene will be one of those things I go absolutely stone silent for. 

Have we compared and contrasted this to the first time Wuxian walked in on him bathing? Because I will. I very much will. Totally. Yes. I'll put it on my list of post-series Untamed content to make, right next to the cave scene analysis.





Thank God I get to see this right after the last reaction, it would have broken my heart waiting two days to see you get to anything happy again.


I am so relieved that I could watch this one right away! Such a good reaction omfg. It's so nice to end an episode laughing again


This episode always feels like coming up from too long underwater and being able to breathe again.


No shame for crying! I cry all the time for shows! I'm such an easy crier, and I'm a sympathetic crier. So, I think some people have already suggested to you, to re watch the first two episodes. You don't have to react to them of course, but re watching them after the flashback just makes the first two episodes so much much more.


I'll admit it, I put off watching ep 31 till 32 and 33 were here to watch as well. So now I can press on with all three and come out the other side.

Bethany R

You're right about this ep running the emotional gamut, and they do a great job with it. I definitely feel you on the conflicted thoughts of "LWJ whip scars, OOF" and "LWJ hot"


So many things to say. Ok. First. Cheng didn't miss, he was trying to take Wanji out too. Or at least threaten him as well, that's why Wuxian ripped his hand out of Wanjis grip. Now, you think the show was gay before? It's gonna get way more gay. This is the gayest 'sensored' show ever. I have no idea how they got away with it. I'm looking forward to watching more with you, it gets a bit lighter now. Not as emotional for a while.

Jess D

Many weeks back (potentially months at this point) I saw that you were consistently posting 2 eps a week, and after joining patreon, I now know you film them together. I saw that you were doing and even episode, and then an odd episode, and I praised the gods of fortune that you would be watching episodes 32 and 33 back to back. I don't even know how you would have managed if you watched Jiang Yanli die, only to wait an entire week, to watch her die again at the beginning of the next episode. I'm so glad the tragedy was lumped together, and you got to end on a happy note. There is so much happiness, and so much amazing gay content from here on out. We did the tragedy, now comes the happy ending, for 17 episodes straight. Husbands road tripping together! What more can you ask for? (okay there is still some dark stuff, but overall, happy couple figuring their shit out!)

Jess D

I actually disagree. I think he closed his eyes and missed. But Wei Wuxian, seeing that the cliff was unstable, and Lan Wangji might fall too, threw himself out of Lan Zhan's grip in order to save Lan Zhan. I really believe that Jiang Cheng felt he had to take revenge, but just couldn't actually do it, and that's why he missed. I don't feel he had malicious intent toward Lan Wangji at this point.


Ok FIRST of all, congratulations!!! You've graduated from this 30-episode-roller-coaster-like flashback of the Untamed, which gives a lot of satisfying but also painful context to what was happening in the very first two episodes. Some people complained that the first few episodes were confusing, but if you keep watching and the revelation you have at this moment is so much satisfying. And yes, they f king introduced Rulan at the very beginning of this show. Besides the "lack in maternal education" thing, they actually hinted multiple times that he was the child of Yanli. For example, he called Jiang Cheng "uncle", and did you notice to whom the sword that Rulan is using now used to belong?


And forgot to mention that our cutest husky Fairy is gonna be around for a few episodes. Cute dog and overwhelming gayness are the well-deserved reward for persevering through the torturing flashback! Please enjoy :)

Gweniver Call

Sweet bestest boi is called Lan Sizhui. Even though I find Jin Ling a total brat (though he has his reasons, I guess - and also there are other reasons which I'll get into once you've watched further) his hair and robes are ON POINT. I just love the gold beads threaded through his hair - because Jin means 'gold' and that's his clan name - the costuming and set design in the show are off the charts. ETA the point you made about Lan Wangji's robes is interesting - because in the first episode he WAS wearing the all-white for mourning! In fact, Wei Wuxian remarks on it, not getting what he's seeing: "Oh, Lan Zhan, always dressed in white like [for] a funeral!" But in the first episode LWJ did not know his Wei Ying was back yet - now that he does, he can temper that stark white: just a little, tho. (Lan Zhan can have a little color, as a treat). Man, the costuming in this show is next level.


Congrats on completing the flashback journey! I always cry every time I watch The Untamed. Even now, when all the difficult stuff is over, there are still more tears to shed. But they are not always tears of despair or heartbreak. Some tears are bittersweet, some are heartwarming, some are of joy, and some tears are for Lan Zhan and Wei Ying. Another thing I always find it difficult is to differentiate between JC of the novel and JC of this drama. Drama toned down a lot of difficult edges of JC's character and made it more sympathetic. Not that I am complaining. I try to remember this always, because novel JC is not very likable (at least to me). Another creative choice I really liked in the drama is that they made Wei Ying less oblivious towards LZ's feelings. You can see that there was some sort of awareness, an undercurrent between them till now and will continue to grow going forward. More than a choice, it is better to say that there was no alternative because of the censorship. In the novel we get a closure in the end because they confess to each other. In the drama there cannot be any closure, hence the drama WY and LZ are more aware and conscious of their feelings and is shown in many different subtle and not-so-subtle ways.


Wei Wuxian actually did break the Tiger Seal (the people were only scrambling after half a piece). It's power is used when both halves are combined. (it doesn't look like a pair of tigers either but that's a whole different thing.) But for the present timeline, the tiger seal is gone because he destroyed it during that battle.