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How early would you like your early access?

  • A few days 30
  • 1 week 5
  • 2 weeks 0
  • 3 weeks 0
  • 2020-11-27
  • 35 votes
{'title': 'How early would you like your early access?', 'choices': [{'text': 'A few days', 'votes': 30}, {'text': '1 week', 'votes': 5}, {'text': '2 weeks', 'votes': 0}, {'text': '3 weeks', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 11, 27, 5, 53, 58, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 35}


I film videos a week before they're posted on Youtube--meaning by Friday of any given week I've already got next week's videos uploaded and scheduled for release. I do it this way to ease my anxiety with plenty of extra time, and to give myself a buffer in case life happens. But I recently realized that this can come with an added bonus for Patrons:

Starting next week, you will get to see most* new videos before anyone else. Reactions for The Untamed will be posted right here on Saturdays, 4-6 days ahead of schedule. Other videos, like fandom issues or top ten lists, can get to you even sooner before they go live, which brings me to today's poll.

*The exception is for new releases, like the upcoming reaction to Happiest Season. It's heavily in the channel's interest to post reactions to new releases as soon as possible, so I can't offered guaranteed early access to those videos. At least not at this time.

Poll: How far in advance would you prefer to see videos before they go live on Youtube? 

(This question lets me provide the kind of early access you feel is of value. If you feel like 'early access' isn't terribly meaningful if everyone else gets the same thing in a few days, feel free to vote for a longer period of time.)



I'm happy with just a day or two early. You're already doing a lot.

Bethany R

A day or two early is great by me, you already have a busy schedule and honestly I would pay money even to have them out a few hours early with how fast I click on the videos posted on Youtube 😂

Liliana Alves

I’m totally fine with a few days :)


a few days is great if the videos are ready. that way it shouldn't impact much on your schedule

Katherine Griffith

What ever works for you. Don't do anything that will make you have more anxiety or stress. Love you.

Leonardo Despacito

What they all said! A few days earlier as long as it doesn’t overwhelm you mama.


Can I say at least one on Saturday or Sunday? I hope that wouldn't mess up your schedule, but you arrive right now on work days and I work at home and have no resistance to temptation.


Agreed - a few days early is more than enough of a bonus (tbh I'm excited to get them whether or not they're early lol). Whatever will cause the least amount of conflict with your current filming schedule. 😊