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I am massively pumped for 2021, and for Gaywatch's future in general. This post will fill you in on every single thing I have planned. I'm even naming names where I can. Am I planning on doing a series of queer ship retrospectives? Then you're gonna know exactly which ships I'm revisiting. (And, as patrons, you'll vote on which ships/shows I do first when the time comes.)

Life after Star Trek: The Original Series

I always want to have a 'classic' ship as an ongoing reaction series on the channel. After TOS, these are the series you will vote on for the next classic, long-running reaction:



Starsky & Hutch (seasons 1-3)


Black Sails

While I've seen three out of five of these shows, it's been at least five years since I've watched them. In S&H's case I've only seen it once. I know there were a couple of seasons of Hannibal I only saw once as well. I'm dying to relive them, just like I'm dying to finally see Sense8 and finish Black Sails.

Life after The Untamed

In order to stay current with fandom and flexible with my filming schedule, I will only be reacting to new seasons from series as they happen.

Series I know I will be reacting to in 2021:

The Witcher (season 2)

The Boys (season 3)

Stranger Things (season 4)

Euphoria (season 2)

Series I'll catch up on and then decide if I'll react to the new season:


Wynonna Earp

Roswell NM

Gentleman Jack

The Umbrella Academy

Let's Plays

I've been a gamer since I could hold a controller, and shipping in games is sorely, sorely underrated. Once I figure out my setup, I'll get to share some supremely queer ships and content with you through unedited Let's Play videos.

Resident Evil 6

Uncharted: Lost Legacy

Resident Evil 3

Life is Strange

Cyberpunk 2077

Mass Effect

Dragon Age: Inquisition

Final Fantasy XV

If you haven't seen or played a game on this list, DON'T. While my reaction videos are about me discovering your fave gayness, these Let's Plays are about the reverse. 

Ships Revisited

A look back on ships that had their day in the spotlight, but aren't in the forefront anymore. Pros, cons, and hindsight.





Review Roundups

Many gay things fitting a similar theme are watched, then reviewed in one big video. (These do not have finalized lists yet.)

Historical Sapphic romances

Sapphic romances of color (because the Historical Sapphic list is too damn white)


Series I've Slept On

Underrated Ships

Asian BL series

Fandom Issues

Level-headed discussion of current and/or pervasive issues in queer fandom itself.

The right and wrong ways to ship real people

RPF and conspiracy theories

Fan entitlement and healthy fan/creator boundaries

Queer Ships Are Valid

Asking the Audience:

Videos that rely on asking Youtube something.

Ranking your fave/least fave shipping tropes

Ranking your kinks

What you love/hate about your fandom(s)

Ranking your rarepairs

Try Not To Gay (you send me thirsty female things, I try to remain calm)


Favorite ships of 2020

The biggest ships from the 60s through the 90s - Kirk/Spock, Starsky/Hutch, Jo/Blair, Xena/Gabrielle

Valid Het Ships (aka Het ships that are actually amazing and not crappily written, overrated, or abusive)

Then there are the more spontaneous videos, like movie reactions and sudden queer fandom developments. Plus anything else I come up with, or you ask for, along the way.

All of this is to say that, while it may feel like there's not much going on right now or through the rest of the year except for Untamed and Star Trek, it's because everything is lined up just around the corner.

Until next time. <3



wow - so much excellent stuff! And I guess my age is showing because Starsky &amp; Hutch really jumped out at me. They were the masters of hurt/comfort. But there are also more recent things that are on my 'to watch' list that I need to get to and a few things I haven't investigated. It looks great! I should mention I'm not talking about the original run but it screened on tv here till the early 90s and has been on various other cable and digital networks since then.


So many things! You're going to be very busy. I'm so happy to see Hannibal up there (spoiler - thats my vote) but I look forward to whatever you put out.


i doubt many people mentioned it, but i highly recommend checking out some TeamStarkid + TinCanBros works at one point (spies are forever, firebringer, the very potter series etc) they're funny and there's some great gay relationships in some of them in my opinion :)) a thing i wanted to ask: do you ever plan on sharing full reactions here on patreon? i would understand if its with a timer and we have to sync up the shows for ourselves, but personally it would make me very happy if seeing the full reactions could be a possiblity 😅💖 this might just be something just on my end, but vidyard doesnt seem to wanna work for me, i dont really know it well, does anyone have any tips about it? very excited for the added shows and plans! im so glad to have found your account! 😊

Leonardo Despacito

Holy shit!!!!! I’m so fucking excited!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Leonardo Despacito

Omg real quick if you could do other Star Trek shows I will be so grateful!!!! Also if we could do a livestream watch along with one of the episodes, I think that would be so fantastic!!


Hi. Just curious, what are your ships from the other Star Trek series?

Bethany Long

I really hope you do DAI. The Dragon Age series holds a special place in my heart. It was the first games that I ever played. And its because of them, that I became a proud gamer (my big brother introduced me to them and others much to our mothers dismay, we only had one tv at that time). I really think you'll like it. OH, that'll be so fun!! OK, I better stop before I do something stupid again.